For further information about Matsällskapet Guestrooms, see the homepage of Matsällskapet at
When you arrive at the guesthouse (see instructions below), take the elevator to the fifth floor and go out on the courtyard. Look for the entrance to Himlabacken 4B to your right. Here is the reception during office hours Monday-Friday. If you arrive outside office hours, your key will be in a key locker outside the reception which is opened by a code that you got in your confirmation letter.
See Matsällskapet Guestrooms: Directions for directions on how to get to Matsällskapet Guestrooms from Arlanda airport and Nordita.
Nordita is situated in three buildings on the AlbaNova campus. The Nordita East building, Roslagstullsbacken 23, is a small yellow building, just to the right of the entrance to the white main building of AlbaNova, and the Nordita West building, Roslagstullsbacken 17, and Nordita South building, Roslagstullsbacken 11, are to the left. If you have received no further instructions you should go to the Nordita East building, press the door bell and ask for Anastasios Mentesidis or Elizabeth Yang.
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