My education in physics, both undergraduate and graduate, was at Åbo Akademi and I received my PhD in 1995 under the supervision of Prof. Juhani Kurkijärvi. The topic of my PhD dissertation was theoretical and numerical studies of superfluid 3He. After postdoctoral research at Northwestern University and at Karlsruhe University of Technology, I have been working at Chalmers, first at the department of physics and form 2003 at the department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2). Since January 2024 I am the Director of Nordita.
Main topics of my research is condensed matter theory with focus on mesoscopic superconductivity and quantum transport theory in strongly correlated electron systems. This involves development of efficient numerical studies of charge and energy transport in spatially inhomogeneous systems based on non-equilibrium many-body theory.
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