Solar Sunspot Cycle
The sunspot number varies in an 11 year cycle
Caused by the Sun's magnetic field
During sunspot maximum flares are frequent
Relevance: temporary shutdown of satellites, etc
Questions: why 11 years?
Explanation: some kind of a dynamo
Dynamo: like in a bicycle, but self-excited
...without causing a short circuit
Swedish air space closed: 4 Nov 2015
Interview with new SWPC director
In-flight radiation exposure
Radiation Exposure: ...being nuked?
Solar Flares and Air Travel
YouTube of 7 Aug 1972 outburst
Facts about ...
HAO educational
NASA: solar physics
All About the Sun's Light
Why important?
Solar dynamo
more by Andres Munoz-Jaramillo
and by J Werne
Accretion Discs
connected with formation of stars and galaxies
as a gas cloud cools, it shrinks, but spins up
just like a pirouette dancer
discs also in binary stars with mass overflow
FAQ: Where do supermassive black holes come from?
NASA accretion discs
Active Galaxies
Educational link
Galactic Magnetism
Observed via synchrotron radiation
microgauss field strengths
Problem: galaxies are so huge and the field so regular!
Also: galaxies have magnetic fields early on (at large redshifts)