2563, By-field: avi (11M), mpg (5.2M), (inviscid; ok until t=17)
2563, By-field: avi (10M), (inviscid; until t=15)
Brandenburg, A., & Dintrans, B.: 2006, ``Nonaxisymmetric stability in the shearing sheet approximation,'' Astron. Astrophys. 450, 437-444 (astro-ph/0111313, PDF)
1283, uz-field: AVI (203M), mpeg (88M)
2563, uz-field: AVI (7.1M), mpeg (2.8M)
2563, Bz-field: AVI (10M), mpeg (3.9M)
5123, By-field: AVI (4.2M), mpeg (1.8M)
5123, ωz-field: AVI (7.1M), mpeg (3.5M)
5123, lnρ-field: AVI (10M), mpeg (4.3M)
643, Bz-field: AVI (261M), mpeg (102M)
643, Bz-field: AVI (62M), mpeg (24M)
Brandenburg, A., Dintrans, B., & Haugen, N. E. L.: 2004, ``Shearing and embedding box simulations of the magnetorotational instability,'' in MHD Couette flows: experiments and models, ed. R. Rosner, G. Rüdiger, & A. Bonanno, AIP Conf. Proc. 733, pp. 122-136 (astro-ph/0412363, ADS, PDF)
Tobi Heinemann: |u|, |b|, with nx = ny/4 = nz = 64, Lx = Ly/4 = Lz = 1, Ω = cs = 1, B_ext = 0, 0, 0.0130401, ν = η = 1e-3.