The role of the Yoshizawa effect in the Archontis dynamo
The Archontis dynamo has no helicity, but it generates a magnetic
field that has cross helicity. Flows with cross helicity can generate
large-scale magnetic field via the Yoshizawa effect if there is also
mean vorticity in the flow.
Visualization of magnetic field Bz:
mpg (42M)
In the example above, the box is 4 times bigger than one flow cell,
so the domain size is (8π)3, the amplitude of the driving
is 10-3, and ν=η=5×10-3.
The resolution is 323 meshpoints.
Sur, S., & Brandenburg, A.: 2009, ``The role of the Yoshizawa effect in the Archontis dynamo,'' Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. (submitted)
(arXiv:0902.2394, HTML)
$Date: 2009-06-14 15:06:11 $, $Author: brandenb $, $Revision: 1.4 $