Nordita, the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, is an international research institute located at the AlbaNova University Centre in Stockholm, hosted by KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Stockholm University.
The scientific staff includes:
Apart from research done by the scientific staff, the institute's activities include Nordita scientific programs, which are extended workshops of one to two months focusing on a specific area of research, an international visitor program, and workshops, conferences, and schools arranged by Nordita alone or in cooperation with other institutes.
Nordita has a governing Board, appointed jointly by the President/Vice-chancellor of the host universities KTH and Stockholm University, with one representative and one alternate member from each of the five Nordic countries, nominated by the respective research councils. The Chairman of the Board is nominated by the Joint Committee of the Nordic Natural Science Research Councils, NOS-N. The tasks of the Board include long-range planning, approving the annual budget, and deciding appointments of scientific staff following an agreed-on procedure with the host universities.
The Nordita board nominates a Director who is appointed by the President/Vice-chancellor of KTH and Stockholm University. The director provides scientific leadership and is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the institute. The Nordita board appoints a Deputy Director to work with the Director.
In addition to the Nordic governing board, the Nordic physics community provides direct input into Nordita's scientific activities through four Research Committees, appointed by the board, each of which has five Nordic physicists. The committees are Astrophysics and Astrobiology, Condensed Matter and Biological Physics, High-Energy Physics and Gravitation and Cosmology. The tasks of the Research Committees include evaluating post-doctoral fellowship applications, and providing expert advice to the director and the board in their respective areas.
Nordita also has a Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of prominent scientists from the international physics community. Since its formation in 2007, the SAC has visited Nordita a number of times , in August 2007 and 2008, in May 2011, and in September 2013, and met with academic and administrative staff along with members of the Nordita Board. At these meetings, the SAC has reviewed and commented on a wide range of issues concerning Nordita in Stockholm and provided valuable input into Nordita's research strategy and future plans. Committee members are also being consulted between meetings via e-mail.
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