See photos from Nordita


Nordita is situated in the Albano/AlbaNova University Center campus, as are the two theory groups (CoPS and TKM) in the physics department of Stockholm university (SU), and the theoretical physics department of KTH Royal Institute of Iechnology. Also at AlbaNova is the cross-institutional Oskar Klein Centre (OKC). Since these units share the same interests, we have decided to co-organize seminars, conferences and other scientific events in theoretical physics.

Here is a list of the regularly scheduled seminars and meetings in theoretical physics that are organized by one or more of the theory groups at Albano/AlbaNova.


Nordic Virtual Condensed Matter Seminar

Usual time: biweekly on Mondays at 13:15-14:15, over zoom.

Johannes Hofmann (Göteborgs universitet)
Sergej Moroz (Karlstads universitet)

Soft Seminar

Usual time: weekly on Mondays at 15:45-16:45, usual place: the Mega seminar room, 6228.

Dhrubaditya Mitra (Nordita)
John Wettlaufer (Nordita)
Ralf Eichhorn (Nordita)
Christobal Arratia (Nordita)


The OKC Beyond the Standard Model Working Group Seminar

Seminar of the OKC Beyond the Standard Model Working Group.

Usual time: Tuesdays at 10.00-11.00, usual place: the KTH Physics meeting room, A4:1003 (AlbaNova main building, 4th floor).
Chad Finley (OKC/Fysikum, SU)

The OKC Colloquium

This is strongly phenomenology/cosmology-oriented, but occasionally theorists speak. OKC is the Oskar Klein Center, a collaboration between several research groups in physics and astronomy at Stockholm University and KTH.

Usual time: bi-weekly on Tuesdays at 13.15-14.30, usual place: the FA32 seminar room (AlbaNova main building, 3rd floor).

Edvard Mörtsell (OKC/Fysikum, SU)
Kambiz Fathi (Astronomy, SU)
Klas Hultqvist (Fysikum, SU)

HEP Group Seminar

Usual time: weekly on Tuesdays at 14.00-15.00, usual place: the Mega seminar room, 6228.
Aleksandr Chatrchyan (Nordita)
Johannes Lahnsteiner (Nordita)

Virtual Nordic Dynamo Seminar

Usual time: weekly on Tuesdays 15:00-16:00.

Axel Brandenburg (Nordita)

TQM Group Meeting

Usual time: weekly on Tuesdays at 16:00-17:00, usual place: the Mega seminar room, 6228.

Joris Schaltegger


Wilczek Quantum Center (Virtual) Seminar

In order to keep a dynamic atmosphere and aid scientific exchange, the Wilczek Quantum Center (at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) regularly organizes meetings of various types, including a biweekly webinar series through zoom, so that all their associate members around the globe can stay in touch.

Usual time: roughly bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 08:00 or 08:00 (Stockholm time), over zoom.

Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch

HEP Group Meeting

Usual time: weekly on Wednesdays at 11:00-12:30, usual place: the Mega seminar room, 6228.

Alexander Krikun (Nordita)
Ronnie Rodgers (Nordita)

The OKC Cosmology and Gravity Working Group Seminar

Seminar of the OKC Cosmology and Gravity Working Group.

Usual time: biweekly on Wednesdays at 13.15-14.15, usual place: CoPS/OKC seminar room A5:1041 (AlbaNova main building, 5th floor).
Garrelt Mellema (OKC/Astronomy, SU)
Edvard Mörtsell (OKC/Fysikum, SU)

Nordita Astrophysics Seminar

They are being held on Wednesdays, 13:30-14:30, usual place: Mega seminar room, 6228.

As a rule, all papers submitted by group members to the arXiv are to be presented here. Sometimes there are two talks of 30 minutes instead. This seminar slot is also used for guests and visitors of the group. Several times a year, this slot is also used for joint seminars with the Solar Physics Institute and the group of Göran Scharmer.

Nikhil Sarin (Nordita)

News and Views

Informal talks and discussions intended to help bachelor students in physics to broaden their views.

Usual time: bi- or triweekly on Wednesdays at 15:00-16:00, usual place: the Mega seminar room, 6228.

Supriya Krishnamurti (Fysikum, SU)
Aliki Litsa (Fysikum, SU)


Francesco Coghi (Nordita)


The OKC Extreme Objects Working Group Seminar

Seminar of the OKC Extreme Objects Working Group.

Usual time: Thursdays at 13.00-14.00, usual place: the KTH Physics meeting room, A5:1003 (AlbaNova main building, 5th floor).
Andre Schneider (OKC/Astronomy, SU)
Christoffer Lundman (OKC/Astronomy, SU)

Complex Systems and Biological Physics Seminar

Theoretical biophysics, complex systems and statistical mechanics seminar; sometimes experimental work is presented. Usual time: weekly on Thursdays 13.00-15.00, usual place: Café Planck, AlbaNova Main Building, room C4:3059.

Erik Aurell (Computational Biology, KTH)
Igor Pikowski (Condensed Matter and Quantum Optics, Fysikum)

The OKC Theory Working Group Seminar

Seminar of the OKC Theory Working Group.

Usual time: Thursdays at 13.15-14.15, usual place: CoPS/OKC seminar room A5:1041 (AlbaNova main building, 5th floor).
Bo Sundborg (OKC/Fysikum, SU)

The AlbaNova/Nordita Colloquium

The AlbaNova/Nordita colloquia are intended for students and staff members in all research fields at AlbaNova - physics, astronomy and biotechnology.

Usual time: Thursdays at 15.15-16.15, usual place: the Oskar Klein Auditorium, FR5 (AlbaNova main building, 4th floor). Coffee and tea is served at 15.00 outside the auditorium.

Erik Aurell (Computational Biology, KTH)
Egor Babaev (Theoretical Physics, KTH)
Svante Jonsell (Fysikum, SU)
Stephan Rosswog (Astronomy, SU)
Konstantin Zarembo (Nordita)


Joint Condensed Matter Seminar

This is a joint SU/KTH/Nordita seminar series.

Usual time: Fridays at 14.15-15.15, usual place: the Mega seminar room, 6228.

Claudia Artiaco (Physics, KTH)
Miguel Martinez Miquel (Physics, KTH)
Lukas Rødland (Fysikum, SU)


Organized by and for junior researchers at OKC and Nordita.

Usual time: weekly on Fridays at 16:00-17:00, usual place: the Mega seminar room, 6228.

Nikki Arendse (Fysikum, SU)
Nadia Flodgren (Fysikum, SU)
Gui Franzmann (Nordita)

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