Checklist for Fysik i Kungsan

NOTE: Everything must me marked "Nordita" in some way, to avoid things getting "borrowed" or lost.

NOTE: As much as possible should be packed in moving cartons. Pack loosely! The packing at the end of the event will be in panic, so there must be enough cartons for an inefficient packing. Mark cartons "Nordita" in big letters!

NOTE: Keep these things in a backpack (not the big packing boxes) for easy retrieval, before arrival of trycks in the morning, and also after everything else has been packed at end of event:
+ Broad tape (transparent or silver)
+ Broad pen for marking stuff
+ Paper
+ Scissors
+ Awe ("syl")
+ Glue spray
+ Plastic band (for aligning posters)

NOTE: All stuff must be delivered to goods reception on Thursday, not Friday, or might not fit in trucks.

Common, for building the tent

  • Power cables (many)
    + Packing tape (for securing cables)
  • Laptops (2-3)
    + Chargers
    + VGA adapters
    + VGA cables
    + Wire locks for laptops
    + Keyboard and mouse (2 each)
  • All necessary software or media must be installed on the computers in advance!
  • LCD monitors (one for each computer), or:
  • Video projectors (if needed, instead of monitors)
    + Projector screen (if silver screen not used or sufficient)
  • Posters (those not delivered by the event organizers)
    + Awl ("syl")
    + Polyester cord for hanging posters (2 rolls or more; don't rely on organizer's supply!)
    + Plastic band as guide for hanging
  • Tablecloths (for each kind of table)
    + Safety pins
  • A2 blackboard
    + Chalk
    + Cloth
  • Children's black/whiteboard
    + Chalk/pens
    + Wiper
  • Scissors (2 or more; marked "Nordita" since people will come and borrow)
  • Tapes:
    + Ordinary adhesive
    + Transparent packing tape
    + Silver packing tape
    + Glue
    + Staple gun
    + Staples
  • Glue spray
  • A4 paper or Nordita writing pads
  • Poster paper
    + Whiteboard pens (for emergency posters; one should be extra broad)
  • Various useful tools (hammer, screwdriver, wrench, knife, hexkey)
  • Spännband
  • Band-aid
  • Wastepaper basket
    + Big black plastic bags
  • Broom and shovel
  • Nordita handouts
    + Pens
    + Reflex bands
    + Keybands
    + Brochures
    + Other hand-outs, as needed
    + Boxes or bowls for presenting each kind of hand-outs
  • Nordita roll-up
  • Candy (if needed)
    + Bowls
  • Camera
    + Charger

For each experiment

    + Silver screen
    + Projectors (2 identical)
    + VGA splitter
    + 3D glasses
    + Polarizers (2)
    + Laptop with VGA splitter driver and 3D movies installed
    + Double pendulums mounted on support
    + Weights
    + Soap water (in 5 liter tanks: 10 l Nordita recipe + 2 l Kallikå)
    + Bowls, shallow (several; one with ø 35 cm)
    + Wire frames (several)
    + Wire and flat pliers
    + Plateau angles
    + Detergent, syrup and glycerol bottles (possibly empty; possibly mounted on board with explanations)
    + Water for washing (empty 10 liter tank)
    + Bucket for water
    + Bucket for soap water for large models
    + Sponge
    + Paper towels (3 x 4-pack of rolls or more)
    + Holder for paper towel rolls to be put on or beside the table
    + Straws (many) and tape
    + Handout copies of soap water recipe
    + Low stools (2 or more)
    + Pins for poster boards
    + Zometool box
    + Paper strips for fractal dragons
    + Romanescu fractal vegetable
  • Other experimental equipment, as needed

For the staff in the tent

  • Drinking water bottles
    + Plastic or paper mugs
  • Name tags from last year (just to be sure)
  • Paper with information about coffee under the stage, with code to tear off

Provided by the Event Organizers

  • Any newly printed A2 posters
    + Cord
  • Name tags
  • T-shirts

Pre-Ordered Furniture

  • Darkened tent
  • Lights in tent
  • 2 Table M132 masonit, 120x60 cm (one for handouts, one for 3D video; add more for any extra outdoor experiment)
  • 1 Table M170 plastic, 180x80 cm (for bubble experiment)
  • 2 Round coffee table M202, H 70cm Ø 70 cm (for laptop demonstrations)
  • 6 Foldable chairs M500 (or more)
  • 0 Bar chair M600 (turned out not to be so useful)
  • 3 Posterscreen (AlbaNova) (2 for bubbles, 1 for double pendulum or other need)

To be bought in advance

  • 2 l detergent (Yes, no colour)
  • 5 dl glycerol/glycerin
  • 2 dl sugar
  • Straws for bubble experiment
  • (Possibly) 7.5 l soft water
  • Drinking water bottles (many)
  • Candy, if any
  • Nordita hand-outs (pens, key bands, reflexes)
  • Romanescu fractal vegetable

To be printed in advance

  • Fractal paper strips
  • A5 brochure with all posters (Swedish + English)
  • Separate hand-out for bubbles?
  • Any new signs or posters
  • Name tags

This page was printed on 2025-02-28 from