Note that the information below may not be completely up to date. The following web sites have more information:
To sign up at Försäkringskassan, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, if you are employed at SU or KTH, you have to stay in Sweden for more than one year, have a Swedish Personal Identity Number, and pay taxes.
If you are a Nordita Fellow, there is a general rule that you should have sufficient insurance coverage from your home country.
Stockholm University and KTH have an insurance called the Swedish State Group Insurance and Personal Insurance. The collective SU/KTH insurance package via the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Service Agency ("Kammarkollegiet") is valid ONLY in case of remunerations from the person's own personal insurance are NOT available. Thus the SU/TH package may only be used sparingly for persons lacking insurance of their own. The insurance covers: Reasonable costs for emergency medical care or dental care when the insured, during the policy term, suffers illness or has an accident.
See separate page on insurance for scholarship holders.
If you are employed, you are insured when you either make a travel order, or when you book your travel via the SU or KTH travel agencies.
If you are a Nordita Fellow, you will have a Medical Insurance Card, that you bring when you are traveling (not privately) and if you go to a dentist. Nordita pays this insurance for you.
[To be updated]
This page was printed on 2025-02-28 from