Whenever you are away from Nordita, please enter dates and destination on the Who is Where page, for the convenience of all. This applies both to vacations and travels to conferences etc.
In principle, the rules for vacation listed below for administrative staff apply also to researchers, but to accommodate for different working styles alternative rules for "teachers" (professors, guest professors and PhD-students) have been adapted at Stockholm University and KTH.
This is the so-called "flat method" for vacations: the total days of vacation should for teachers be during non-scheduled time. In that case the teacher does not have to apply for vacation according to the form method. At Nordita, check with the Director and your supervisor. Teachers who want to place the vacation according to the flat method, should every year, by May 15th at the latest, apply for this to the Director of Nordita.
An employee is allowed to vacation for every year he/she is employed.
Days of vacation:
According to the vacation outlet, you will receive a vacation pay of 0.44% of the current salary.
If an employee has been employed part of the year, the vacation will be reduced so that it will correspond to the time the employee has been employed.
An employee who is allowed to more than 20 paid days of vacation for a certain year, may save one of more to a coming year, if you register your vacation according to the form method. However, no-one is allowed to save more than 35 days. You cannot take the saved days before you have taken out your vacation days for the current year.
You apply for vacation in Primula, logging in with your SU username and password. Go to "My page", then "Vacation application".
[To be updated]
The vacation is to be reported on the site Egenrapportering (unfortunately it is only in Swedish so far) and log in with your KTH username and password. Go to "Mina ärenden" and then to "Ledigheter" in the left-hand side menu. Enter the dates in the section "Registrering ärenden": choose "Semester" in the drop-down list in the column "Avvikelser", and the same in the column "Typ". "Fr.o.m." means start date of your vacation, and "t.o.m" means end date. Then press the button "Spara". In the section "Ärenderapportering" you should now see a line with your vacation data. To remove the line, check the box in front of the line, then press "Ta bort". To confirm your application, check the line and press "Sänd".
When you wish to save some vacation days, go to the same site but to "Önskar spara semester".
This page was printed on 2025-02-28 from old.nordita.org/handbook/routines/vacation