Create a New Agenda Account

  • Open a browser and go to
  • Follow the link login in the top right hand corner of the page:

  • To start creating a new Agenda account, click on the link here under the login form:

  • Fill in the form with personal data. You only need to supply data in fileds marked with a red star. It is essential that you fill in a valid email address, since you later need to respond to a mail sent to that address. At the bottom of the form you need to choose a login name and password that you will use to access the Agenda system. Finally press [Confirm]:

  • You will be prompted for a new username if your choice is already taken, also if you have missed to fill in any of the mandatory fields. If everything was OK, you should get the following heartwarming message:

  • Now open you mail program and check the inbox belonging to the mail address you entered in the registration form. Look for a mail with subject "Confirmation request" coming from a user "Agenda Mailer". Open that mail, and click on the link. If your mail program doesn't support following links, just copy the linked web address from the mail, switch to your browser and paste the web address into the address field of the browser, then press [Enter].

  • You should now see the following confirmation in your browser:

Check that Your Agenda Account Actually Works

  • Click again on the login link in the top right hand corner of any Agenda page.

  • You are now back to the login form. Fill in the username and password of your newly created account and then press [Login].

  • You can see that you were successfully logged in by checking that your name is written in the top right hand corner of every Agenda page you visit:

  • To leave the Agenda, just click on the logout link in the top right hand corner of any Agenda page.

This page was printed on 2025-02-28 from