If you have problems or questions or a more day-to-day nature, you should ask the Nordita Administrative and Computing Staff. If you are a Nordita fellow or postdoc you can also discuss practical matters regarding the scientific activities at Nordita with your Fellows' Faculty Contact. If you are interested in following or contributing to discussions about Nordita policies or the way we do things at the institute, you should talk to your contact on the Nordita board.

Fellow's Faculty Contact

On arrival to Nordita, each fellow and postdoc is assigned a contact person among the senior faculty. It is important that fellows have close cooperation with some staff member(s) and attend colloquia and the regular activities in their field (seminars, lunches, etc.).

Staff Representatives on the Board

The Nordita board consists of one chairperson and representatives from the five Nordic countries. At board meetings, the Nordita staff is represented by:

  • the director
  • the deputy director
  • the chief administrator

as well as

  • one observer for professors and assistant professors
  • one observer for fellows and postdocs
  • one observer for PhD students

The senior faculty, the Nordita fellows and postdocs, and the PhD students each elect an observer, whose task is to call meetings within each group, and to bring the wishes of the senior faculty, fellows/postdocs and PhD students to the attention of all of the Nordita staff, and vice versa. The observers attends the board meetings on behalf of the senior faculty, the fellows/postdocs, and the PhD students.

Professors' Observer

Konstantin Zarembo

Room: 132:007

Phone extension: 8718


Postdocs' Observer

Alexandra Veledina

Room: 122:009


PhD Students' Observer

Erik Widén

Room: 132:016


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