Please ask your correspondents to use addresses for mail or parcels sent to Nordita as detailed in our contact information page.
Especially the address for parcels sent to you (via the Swedish mail) is tricky: the address must not start with your name, but must start with "AlbaNova University Center". If one writes a name at the beginning, the package will be sent to some distant delivery depot from which it will take a surprising amount of bureaucracy to extract.
Our daily mail is sorted and distributed once daily by staff from Internal Service. Our mailboxes are in the corridor of the Nordita building. If you should receive mail of a general "Institute" character, or any type of invoice, please put them into the Administration mailbox (Anne Jifält's mailbox).
All parcels to AlbaNova are delivered to the goods reception on the first floor of the Main building. If the parcel is properly marked and identifiable, the recipient is contacted by Internal Service over the phone. You have to pick up your parcel yourself. The phone extension of the goods reception is 8430.
Use only envelopes with the Nordita logo and bar codes for our account with the post office. You can get envelopes from Anne's office, or from boxes under the mailboxes in the corridor.
If you use an envelope without a bar code you have to put on a stamp yourself.
Internal mail to KTH or Stockholm university should be placed in brown folders labelled "Cirkulationspåse". Write the addressee on the front of the folder.
Outgoing mail is to be left in boxes on Floor 5 of the Main building, in the corridor behind the Reception. Note that there are special boxes for all the different kinds of mail. This includes bar-code mail, first and second class mail, and internal mail to KTH as well as Stockholm University.
When Sky Pack or other types of high-priority mail is used, make sure the sender's name has been clearly indicated. This will facilitate the invoice procedure a great deal.
Ask the AlbaNova reception for instructions.
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