The Nordita Seminar

In order to give a broader view of physics, and to improve the contacts between Nordita physicists working in different fields, a Nordita Seminar is arranged on some Tuesdays at 11.00 during the semesters. All Nordita physicists are expected to attend and participate in the discussions!

Other Seminars Organized by Nordita

Together with the theoretical physics groups at KTH and Stockholm University (who are all in the AlbaNova Main Building next to Nordita), Nordita organizes a number of seminar series and journal clubs. See the complete list of seminars, colloquia, journal clubs and other meetings of interest to Nordita scientists.

The AlbaNova/Nordita Colloquium

The AlbaNova/Nordita Physics Colloquium usually takes place on Thursdays at 15.15 in the Oskar Klein auditorium (FR4), with coffee served outside the auditorium from 15.00. Invited speakers present interesting topics from all branches of physics on a level such that graduate students should be able to follow.

Faculty Meetings

Faculty meetings are held once a month, usually on the last Thursday of the month at lunchtime. Participants are the senior staff, the director and head of administration, and the contact persons for fellows/postdocs and for PhD students. Minutes of the Faculty meetings are posted in the Resources section of the intranet.

Staff Meetings

Staff meetings may be called by the Director whenever there are important issues to be discussed with everyone working at Nordita. These meetings are very rare, since most regular information, like presentation of newcomers, is usually done informally at the Monday cake.

Monday Cake

Coffee and cake is served on Mondays at 15:00 in the coffee room in the Nordita Astro Building. Each week a different member of staff brings something scrumptious to munch on.

Movie Night

On most Wednesdays or Thursdays around 19:00 a democratically selected movie is shown in the Nordita Movie Theatre (a.k.a. the Nordita Main Seminar Room, the only Nordic seminar room with 5.1 sourround sound). Some moviegoers order pizza or other takeaway food before the movie starts.

Friday Post-Seminar

On most Fridays around 19:00 the most undaunted among Norditians go out to eat, which usually means going to some pizza place, since no-one can agree on anything better. Popular places in recent years have been restaurants Dagobert and Forno Romano.

After dinner the happy few who are still up for it will go to a bar, preferably one with a good selection of Belgian beers, with the intent of solving all remaining problems in theoretical physics. This is usually quite successful, but since no-one remembers to write down the answers, the whole process must be repeated the following week. Popular post-seminar bars have been The Doors, Man in the Moon and The Flying Horse.

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