Telephone Numbers

Call the police in an emergency situation (or ambulance, fire department etc)

The emergency number for KTH (including the AlbaNova campus) is
+46 8 790 7700
During working hours this goes to the KTH security staff, after hours to a KTH security guard on patrol on the KTH and AlbaNova campus areas.

Why should you call the KTH security number, when Nordita administratively belongs to Stockholm University?

The AlbaNova campus, where Nordita is situated, is run jointly by KTH and Stockholm University. The AlbaNova administration has chosen to contract KTH for some services, like security, and Stockholm University for others, like the network and wireless infrastructure.

If you discover an ongoing crime

  1. First always call the police at 112.
  2. Then call the KTH emergency number 790 7700 to report what is happening and ask for further advice.
  3. For your own safety, do not try to detain burglars on your own.

If you discover theft or serious damage

  1. Call the KTH emergency number 790 7700 for advice
  2. Report the theft to the police, either call the police non-emergency number 114 14 or online at You will be given a "K-number" for your case. Use this number in all future communication with the police or KTH.
  3. Inform KTH that you have made a police report: send an email to, describe briefly what has happened, and give the K-number from the police, your name and contact information.

General questions regarding security at KTH (including AlbaNova campus)

  • Head of security at KTH Roine Hammar, phone +46 8 790 8861,e-mail:

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