Rays - Research Academy for Young Scientists, is a non-profit organization that organizes summer research schools for second-year high-school students that want to pursue a career in science. The 2014 school, where the young scientists spent four weeks of their summer vacations, was held in beautiful Strängnäs, south-west of Stockholm.
The programme consisted of training sessions in scientific methodology, inspirational talks by invited researchers, visits to research insititutes and corporate R&D departments, and work on the student's own research project under the supervision of researchers from Stockholm University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Karolinska Institute. One of this year's supervisors was Nordita assistant professor Dhrubaditya Mitra, with support from postdoc Bidya Binay Karak. Students spent the final week writing their reports, which then were presented at a public seminar at the Stockholm Technical Museum on 12 July 2014.
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