Issue 1, 2014

See photos from Nordita


Recent Departures of Nordita Staff

Assistant Professor Stephen Powell left Nordita in October to take up a tenured faculty position at the University of Nottingham, UK.

Nordita Fellow Dmitri Bykov left at the end of September for a postdoctoral position at the Albert Einstein Institute in Potsdam, Germany.

Nordita Fellow Oliver Gressel left a the end of August for a five-year research position at the Niels Bohr International Academy in Copenhagen, where he plans to work on the physics of accretion disks and galactic magnetic fields.

Nordita Fellow Dmytro Volin left in October for a faculty position at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland.

Nordita Fellow Donovan Young left at the end of September to take up a junior faculty position at Queen Mary University London, UK.

PhD Student Jörn Warnecke defended his PhD thesis "Combining Models of Coronal Mass Ejections and Solar Dynamos" at Stockholm University on May 31 and is now a post-doctoral fellow at the Sun and Heliosphere department of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Katlenburg-Lindau near Göttingen, Germany.

Long-term visitors Ebru and Ahmet Devlen return to the University of Ege, Turkey, after having spent 12 months at Nordita collaborating with members of the astrophysics group. During her stay, Ebru Devlen found that the so-called Roberts-IV flow exhibits large-scale dynamo action based on the negative magnetic diffusivity effect. Such an effect was predicted for various other flows, but it is now the first time that such an effect has been conclusively verified using the test-field method (see Nordita preprint 2012-100). Ahmet Devlen has been working the analysis of stellar activity cycles.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank these scientists for their time at Nordita and for their contribution to the vitality of the institute. They have our best wishes for their future careers.

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