NORDITA   NEWS   1996 / 3                       June 1, 1996

Fellows for the coming year will be:
Denmark: M. Elk (S), J. Hjorth (A), C.F. Kristjansen (P),
Finland: M.J. Alava (S), J. Ignatius (P), L. Jetsu (A), U. Magnea (P), O. Tirkkonen (P), M. Vaenttinen (P),
Norway: K.T. Hansen (S), M. Hjorth-Jensen (N), H.H. Soleng* (A),
Sweden: P. Froejdh (S), L. Loennblad (P).
*On leave of absence until 31.8.96.

Letters after names indicate primary areas of interest: A, astrophysics; N, nuclear physics; P, particle physics, and S, condensed matter physics.


To conclude the presentation of Nordic projects funded by Nordita's board, we give here a description of the project on ``computational materials and surface physics''. Other projects were described in previous issues of Nordita News.

Computational Materials and Surface Physics.

Condensed matter and materials research are strong and large areas of physics and applied-physics activities in Norden. They also include a visible and internationally acknowledged component in theoretical and computational studies. This project, for the time period 1.1 - 31.12.1996 supported by NORDITA, with a possible prolongation till end of 1998, provides an opportunity to forge the links within the areas and with NORDITA.

Modelling of physical and chemical phenomena related to materials and their processing is a rapidly advancing area of research. It builds on the atomic- scale, quantum description of condensed matter, uses the most sophisticated computational techniques, and touches upon the manipulation, characterisation and applications of novel materials.

Surface physics has witnessed major advances in recent years. Such new experimental techniques as scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic force microscopy have dramatically increased the direct microscopical information on surface processes. Atomistic modelling of surface physics and chemistry has reached a remarkable level of accuracy and is now including dynamical and nonequilibrium phenomena to an increasing extent.

There is a strong coupling between the areas and to experimental activities both in Norden and elsewhere. In addition, there is substantial industrial interest in the work.

Three groups, at Lyngby, Helsinki, and Goeteborg, have established links and contacts, both mutually and with other groups in Norden and abroad, and a visible place in the international community. The Nordic Network strengthens these ties, with joint research projects, resource sharing, a joint visitor program, joint symposium/meeting activities (the first one at NORDITA May 20-21), and training of graduate students and postdocs.

The project is led by Jens Norskov, DTU, Karsten W. Jacobsen, DTU, Risto Nieminen, HUT, and Bengt Lundqvist, GU/CUT (email, who is also a Nordic Corresponding Fellow.


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Items for Nordita News
If you have any information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to include in Nordita News, please send it to Nordita, att.: Jette Nielsen, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen OE, Denmark or by e-mail: Nordita News appears on the first day of even numbered months, and material should be sent at least 3 weeks before the publication date.


A new electronic bulletin board for physics meetings has just been set up as part of the TIPTOP service. For further details consult the home page of the Internet Pilot to Physics



This list only includes new items. For a more complete list of conferences etc., please see the calender on the last page.

24-27 August 1996 at Krogerup Hoejskole, Humlebaek, Denmark.
Informal workshop on nonlinear physics in the Nordic countries. The workshop will discuss recent advances in the physics of Nonlinear Systems; including quantum chaos, coherent structures, spatiotemporal chaos, turbulence, time-series analysis, interfaces and criticality, and biological physics.

The workshop will bring together Nordic scientists that work on all aspects of nonlinear systems. In particular we encourage young scientists and students to participate. We invite students from the Nordic area to present short talks and posters.

Lecturers: E. Aurell; B. Birnir; S. Kaufman*; J. Giaver*; J. Feder*; C. Peterson; M. Saffman*; G. Zocchi; N. Baas; A. Cenys; M. Kruskal*; A. Hansen; B. Kaulakys; N. Provatas; S. Svanberg*; Y.-C. Zhang; P. Bak; S. Ciliberto; H. Fogedby; T. Jonsson; A. Kupiainen*; R. Riklund; J. Timonen. (*To be confirmed).

Krogerup is very nicely located in Humlebaek just north of Copenhagen, with 1 hour train to the main train station. It gives optimal possibilities for informal contacts. Arrival will be from late Saturday afternoon the 24th of august, and departure either Tuesday night or Wednesday morning.

Cost for participation and full lodging at Krogerup is 1700 DKK. Please notice that there are funds available to cover travel and stay at Krogerup. Students and young scientists are encouraged to apply.

For participation, please apply by using the registration form obtainable from internet on$^{\sim}$sum\_sch/ and send it to Ellen Pedersen, Nordita, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen OE, Denmark. Fax: +45 31 38 91 57 e-mail:

Solvalla, Finland, 31 August - 6 September 1996.
A Nordic Summer School in High Energy Physics Phenomenology will be held at Solvalla sports education center 30 km west of Helsinki, Finland. The aim is to bring together about 50 European graduate students for lectures and discussions on topical issues at the interface of experiment and theory in high energy physics.

Lectures will be held by V. Braun (QCD in High Energy Scattering), F. v. Feilitzsch (Neutrino Physics), C. Jarlskog (B Physics and CP Violation), L. McLerran (Collisions with Nuclei) and P. Zerwas (Higgs and Susy Physics). The lectures will be supplemented by seminars as well as by informal problem and discussion sessions (led by H. B. Nielsen).

More information about the school can be obtained from its home page or from one of the organizers: V. Braun, P. Hoyer and M. Vänttinen (Nordita) and W. Buchmüller (Desy).


J. Nagel, (USA), P, present - 17.6.96, NBI
S. Shandarin, (Kansas), A, present - 21.6.96, TAC
Y. Pesin, (USA), CHAOS, present - 23.6.96, CATS
W. Mueller, N, present - 24.6.96, NBI
L. McLerran, (Univ. of Minnesota), N, present - 1.7.96, NORDITA
C. Ristori (Grenoble), N, present - 7.7.96, NBI
P. Froebich, present - 10.7.96, NBI
M. Mattiuzzi, (Milano), N, present - 15.8.96, NBI
P. Orland, (New York), P, present - 15.8.96, NBI
K. Suehiro, (Sapporo), P, present - 30.8.96, NBI
V. Frolov, (Alberta), A, 2 weeks spring, TAC
G. Wilson, (Durham), A, 3 months spring, TAC
J. Jurkiewicz, (Krakow), P, 15.6 - 15.8.96, NBI
K. Johnson, (USA), P, 17.6 - 19.6.96, NBI
D. Duari, (India), A, 18.6 - 24.6.96, TAC
K. Kajantie, (CERN), N 18.6 - 19.6.96, NORDITA
M. Fabrichesi, (Italy), P, 19.6 - 23.6.96, NBI
H. Arodz, (Krakow), P, 21.6 - 6.7.96, NBI
M. Polyakov, (Petersburg), N, 23.6 - 21.7.96, NORDITA
Y. Fyodorov, (Essen), S, three days end June, NORDITA
N. Brosch, (Tel Aviv Univ.), A, 2-3 weeks probably July, NORDITA
R. Nakayama, (Japan), P, 1.7 - 31.8.96, NBI
D. Fargion, (Rome), A, 2.7 - 5.7.96, TAC
R. Jimenez, (Edinburgh), A, 8.7 - 19.7.96, TAC
Y. Watabiki, (Japan), P, 13.7 - 4.9.96, NBI
K. Kellerman, (USA), A, 25.7 - 28.7.96, NORDITA
G. Baym, (Illinois), N, 28.7 - 4.8.96, NORDITA
A. Khokhlov, (Moscow), A, 28.7 - 3.8.96, TAC
F. Larsen, (Princeton), August, NORDITA
I. Procaccia, (Israel, S, 2 weeks August, NORDITA
M. Axenides, (Crete), P, 1.8 - 31.8.96, NBI
C. Froggatt, (Glasgow), P, 1.8 - 15.8.96, NBI
A. Pasquinucci, (Milano), P, 1.8 - 15.8.96, NBI
S. Yang, (Ibaraki), P, 8.8 - 30.8.96, NBI
P. Wiegmann, (Chicago), S, 12.8 - 24.8.96, NORDITA
N. Wingreen, (NEC), S, 12.8 - 23.8.96, NORDITA
A. Johansen, (USA), P, 15.8 - 5.9.96, NBI
Z. Li, (Hong Kong), S, 15.8 -31.8.96, NORDITA
L. McLerran, (Univ. of Minnesota), N, 15.8 - 15.9.96, NORDITA
J. Prades, (Valencia), N, 15.8 - 15.10.96, NORDITA
I. Khalatnikov, (Landau), A/S, 18.8 - 7.9.96, NORDITA/TAC
O.V. Lounasmaa, (Helsinki), 30.8.96, NORDITA
H. Nishimori, (Tokyo), S, late Aug.+/or early Sept., NORDITA
G. Fuller, (UMIST), A, 2-3 weeks this summer, NORDITA
S. Veerarhagavan, (Jodrell Bank), A, 2-3 weeks this summer, NORDITA
S. Solla, (AT \& T), summer/fall, NORDITA
S. Pal, (India), N, 7.9 - 7.12.96, NBI

The fields are listed after the names as: A (Astrophysics), C (Complex Systems & Chaos), N (Nuclear Physics), P (Particle Physics), and S (Condensed Matter Physics).
If you are interested in having any of these people visit your institute, please contact NORDITA.



H. Fogedby, (AArhus), S, present - 30.6.96
F. Pezella, (Naples), P, present - 30.6.96
A. Pruegel-Bennet, (Manchester), S, present - 28.8.96
E. Mucciolo, (Brazil), S, present - 31.8.96
P. Thejll, (Copenhagen), A, present - 31.8.96
F. Kusmartsev, (Landau), S, present - 30.9.96
E. Pallante, (Frascati), N, present - 30.9.96
M. Billo, (Italy), present - 1.11.96
P. Godzinsky, (UAB Barcelona), N, present - 31.12.96
P. Talavera, (Spain), N, present - 28.2.97
L. Magnea, (Torino), P, present - 1.8.97


New reprints and preprints obtainable from {\sf Jette Nielsen, e-mail:

H. Heiselberg: Interferometry with resonances and flow in high-energy nuclear collisions. 96/15.

D.V. Khveshchenko: Logarithmic temperature dependence of conductivity at half filled landau level. 96/16.

A. Pruegel-Bennett: Modelling evolving populations. 96/17.

W.-K. Tang and M. Vaenttinen: Color-octet $J/\psi$ production at low $p_{ \perp$. 96/18.

P. A. Lee, E. R. Mucciolo, and H. Smith: Dephasing time of composite fermions. 96/19.

P. Hoyer and M. Vaenttinen: Nuclear dependence of structure functions in coordinate space. 96/20.

M. Koskinen and M. Manninen: Photoionization of metal clusters. 96/21.

A. Kashlinsky, J.C. Mather, S. Odenwald, and M.G. Hauser: Clustering of the diffuse infrared light from the COBE DIRBE maps. I. $C(0)$ and limits on the near-IR background. 96/22.

F.V. Kusmartsev: Intrinsic and extrinsic vortex nucleation mechanisms in the flow./F.V. Kusmartsev and M. Saarela: Phase diagram of the 2D $^{4}$He in the density-temperature plane. 96/23.

A. Krogh and P. Sollich: Statistical mechanics of ensemble learning. 96/24.

L. Magnea and E. Maina: QCD corrections to the production of a heavy quark pair plus a hard photon in $e^{+}e^{-}$ annihilation. 96/25.

D.V. Khveshchenko: Magnetoresistance and Hall constant of composite fermions. 96/26.

D.V. Khveshchenko: Magnetoresistance of two-dimensional fermions in a random magnetic field. 96/27.

L. Chekhov and C. Kristjansen: Hermitian matrix model with plaquette interaction. 96/28.

E. Mucciolo, B. Simons, A. Andreev, and V. Prigodin: Sensitivity of quantum chaotic wavefunction intensities to changes in external perturbations. Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 (1995) 1360.

L. Jetsu: Active longitudes of $\sigma$ Geminorum: another ``flip-flop'' ? Published in Stellar Surface Structures, IAU Symp. 176 Poster Proceedings, ed. K. Strassmeier, University of Vienna Institute for Astronomy (1995) 63-65.\\

M. Kaasalainen: Construction of invariant tori in chaotic regions. Phys. Rev. E52 (1995) 1193.

M. Kaasalainen: Construction of invariant tori around closed orbits. M.N.R.A.S. 275 (1995) 162.

A. Fayyazuddin and D. Li: Haldane's fractional statistics and the lowest Landau level on a torus. Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 (1996) 1707.

S.J. Brodsky, W.-K. Tang, and P. Hoyer: Systematics of heavy quark production at HERA. Phys. Rev. D52 (1995) 6285-6290.

P. Hoyer: Interactions on nuclei. Proceedings of the Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and QCD, Paris, April 1995, p. 127 (J.F. Laporte and Y. Sirois eds.).

A. Brandenburg, I. Klapper, and J. Kurths: Generalized entropies in a turbulent dynamo simulation. Phys. Rev. E52 (1995) 4602-4605, Rapid Communications.

V. Thorsson and A. Wirzba: S-Wave meson-nucleon interactions and the meson mass in nuclear matter from chiral effective lagrangians. Nucl. Phys. A589 (1995) 633-648.

J. Hertz, J. Heller, T. Kjaer, and B. Richmond: Information spectroscopy of single neurons. International Journal of Neural Systems, Supp. (1995) 123-132.

M. Herrmann, J. Hertz, and A. Pruegel-Bennett: Analysis of synfire chains. Network: Computation in Neural Systems 6 (1995) 403-414.

J. Heller, J. Hertz, T. Kjaer, and B. Richmond: Information flow and temporal coding in primate pattern vision. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 2 (1995) 175-193.

B. Pagel and G. Tautvaisiene: Chemical evolution of primary elements in the galactic disk: An analytical model. M.N.R.A.S. 276 (1995) 505-514.

S. MacDowell and O. Toernkvist: Instability of a Nielsen-Olesen vortex embedded in the electroweak theory: II. Electroweak vortices and gauge equivalence. Mod. Phys. Lett. A10 (1995) 1065-1072.

P. Di Vecchia, A. Lerda, L. Magnea, and R. Marotta: Gauge theory renormalizations from the open bosonic string. Phys. Lett. 351B (1995) 445.

D. Kiselman and AA. Nordlund: 3D non-LTE line formation in the solar photosphere and the solar oxygen abundance. Astron. & Astrophys. 302 (1995) 578-586.

J. Bijnens: Chiral Lagrangians and Nambu-Jona-Lasinio like models. Phys. Rev. 265 (1996) 369.

J. Bijnens.: Chiral Perturbation theory. In ``International Workshop on Nuclear & Particle Physics Chiral Dynamics in Hadrons & Nuclei,'' eds. D.-P. Min and M. Rho, Seoul National University Press, 1995.

J. Bijnens, E. Pallante, and J. Prades: Hadronic light-by-light contributions to the muon $G - 2$ in the large $N_{c}$ limit. Phys. Rev. Lett. {\sf 75} (1995) 1447-1450. Erratum 75 (1995) 3781.

P. Johansson and J.M. Kinaret: Coulomb blockade in two-dimensional electron systems in a strong magnetic field. Proceedings of a Workshop on ``Novel Physics in Low-Dimensional Electron Systems'', Madras, India, January 9-14, 1995. Physica B212 (1995) 278-282.

P. Diener, A.G. Kosovichev, E.V. Kotok, I.D. Novikov, and &C.J. Pethick: Non-linear effects at tidal capture of stars by a massive black hole - II. Compressible affine models and tidal interaction after capture. M.N.R.A.S. 275 (1995) 498-506.

B. Pagel: Fine structure in the main sequence: Primordial Helium and $\Delta Y/\Delta Z$. Astronomical and Astrophysical Objectives of Sub-Milliarcsecond Optical Astrometry, E. Hoeg and P.K. Seidelmann (eds.), 1995 IAU 181-186.

B. Pagel: Helium in HII regions and stars. The Light Element Abundances, Proceedings of an ESO/EIPC Workshop (P. Crane ed.) held in Marciana Marina, Isola d'Elba, 21-26 May 1994 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1995 155-164.

B. Pagel: Light elements: from Big Bang to Stars. AIP Conference Proceedings 327, Nuclei in the Cosmos III, Third International Symposium on Nuclear Astrophysics, Assergi, Italy, July 1994, eds. M. Busso, R. Gallino, and Claudia M. Raiteri \copyright 1995 American Institute of Physics 491-500.

P. Johansson and J.M. Kinaret: Tunneling between two-dimensional electron systems in a strong magnetic field. Proceedings of the Symposium on Vortices, Interfaces, and Mesoscopic Phenomena in Quantum Systems, Jyvaeskylae, 4-9 June 1994. Physica B210 (1995) 446.

P. Johansson: Cyclotron resonance line shape in a Wigner crystal. Phys. Rev. B50 (1994) 14734. Erratum Phys. Rev. B51 (1995) 7986 (E).

J. Bijnens: Effective lagrangians for light quarks. Presented at ``Perspectives in Particle Physics 94'', Brijuni, Croatia, Sept. 94, eds. D. Klabujar, I. Picek and D. Tadic, World Scientific, 1995.

J. Bijnens, G. Ecker, and &J. Gasser: Chiral perturbation theory. The Second Da$\Phi$ne Physics Handbook, eds. L. Maiani, G. Pancheri, and N. Paver. INFN, Frascati 1995.

J. Bijnens, G. Colangelo, G. Ekcer, and J. Gasser: Semileptonic kaon decays. The Second Da$\Phi$ne Physics Handbook, eds. L. Maiani, G. Pancheri, and N. Paver. INFN, Frascati 1995.

H.H. Soleng: Dark matter and non-Newtonian gravity from general relativity coupled to a fluid of strings. Gen. Rel. and Grav. 27 (1995) 367.

S. Vennes, P. A. Thejll, D.T. Wickramasinghe, and M.S. Bessell: Hot white dwarfs in the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer survey. I. Properties of a Southern Hemisphere sample.

J. L. Provencal, H.L. Shipman, P. Thejll, and S. Vennes: UV spectroscopy of the DBV GD358.

J. Dupuis, S. Vennes, S. Bowyer, A.K. Pradhan, and P. Thejll: Hot white dwarfs in the local interstellar medium: hydrogen and helium interstellar column densities and stellar effective temperatures from extreme-ultraviolet explorer spectroscopy. Astrophysical Journal 455 (1995) 574.

P. Chayer, S. Vennes, A.K. Pradhan, P. Thejll, A. Beauchamp, G. Fontaine, and F. Wesemael: Improved calculations of the equilibrium abundances of heavy elements supported by radiative levitation in the atmospheres of hot DA white dwarfs. Astrophysical Journal 454 (1995) 429.

P. Thejll, A. Ulla, and J. MacDonald: Infrared flux excesses from hot subdwarfs. Astron. & Astrophys. 303 (1995) 773-784.

C. Cronstroem: Hamiltonian formulation of dynamical systems; first-order lagrangians and canonical variables. Acta Physica Slovaca 45 (1995) 103-119.

K. Flensberg, B.Y.-K. Hu, &A.-P. Jauho, and J.M. Kinaret: Linear response theory of Coulomb drag in coupled electron systems. Phys. Rev. B52 (1995) 14761.

A.-P. Jauho, M. Boensager, K. Flensberg, B.Y.-K. Hu, and J.M. Kinaret: Microscopic theory of transconductivity.

D. Kiselman and M. Carlsson: The NLTE formation of neutral-boron lines in cool stars.

P. Ball, M. Beneke, and V.M. Braun: Resummation of ($\beta_{0} \alpha_{s})^{n}$ corrections in QCD: techniques and applications to the $\tau$ hadronic width and the heavy quark pole mass. Nucl. Phys. B452 (1995) 563-625.

B. Pagel: Galactic chemical evolution: an analytical model. RevMexAA (Serie de Conferencias) 3 (1995) 125-132.

P. Di Vecchia: Vacuum structure of the N=2 super Yang-Mills theory. Invited talk at the Rencontres de Moriond (March 1995). To be published in the procedings of the meeting.

P. Di Vecchia, L. Magnea, A. Lerda, R. Russo, and R. Marotta: Renormalization constants from string theory. Invited talk at the workshop on Strings, Gravity and Physics at the Planck Scale, Erice, Italy, September 1995. To be published in the proceedings of the workshop.

P. Di Vecchia, L. Magnea, A. Lerda, R. Russo, and R. Marotta: String-derived renormalization of Yang-Mills theory. Invited talk at the 29th International Symposium on the Theory of Elementary Particles, Buckow (Germany), August 1995. To be published in the Proceedings of the symposium.


Title / Date / Place Contact Person Fax / Email
17th Nordic
Semiconductor Meeting.
Trondheim, Norway.
17-20 June 1996.
K.A. Chao
8th International Symposium on
Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters.
H.C. Ørsted Institute, Copenhagen.
1-6 July 1996.
Ulla Holm, secr.
Niels Bohr
+45-31 42 10 16 (fax)
Workshop on Renormalons and
Power Corrections in QCD.
Nordita, Copenhagen.
1-3 August 1996.
V. Braun
+45-31 38 91 57 (fax)
Nordic Nonlinear Days 1996.
Humlebaek, Denmark.
24-27 August 1996.
Ellen Pedersen
+45-31 38 91 57 (fax)

NORDITA                            Tel: Main number +45-35 32 52 00
Blegdamsvej 17                     For individual extensions dial: +45-35325+
DK-2100  Copenhagen OE             the three-digit ext. number.
Denmark                            Fax:  +45-31 38 91 57.
                                   Electronic mail: