NORDITA announces a full professorship in astrophysics. The term
``astrophysics" is to be interpreted broadly, and includes cosmology and other
areas at the interfaces between astrophysics and other areas of physics. The
successful candidate must have a proven record of research in theoretical
astrophysics and be currently active in this field.
The professor should contribute to the activity of the institute by initiating and directing research in astrophysics. An essential part of this is the supervision of the work of research fellows. The professor is expected to maintain and strengthen the scientific collaboration between NORDITA and theoretical, experimental, and observational research groups in the Nordic area. In addition, the professor has important duties in connection with proposing and organizing symposia, workshops and the visitors' programme at NORDITA.
The appointment is from September 1, 1998, but somewhat earlier or later dates may, if necessary, be arranged. Those interested in the appointment should send a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and the names of three referees to: The Director, NORDITA, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. Phone: +45 3532 5222. Fax: +45 3138 9157. Email: WWW: The deadline for receipt of applications is: November 15, 1997. There is no restriction on the nationality of the applicants, and women are encouraged to apply. Those wishing to recommend suitable candidates are urged to contact the Director. The full text of the announcement is attached at the end of this newsletter.
At its board meeting on 13 -14 June 1997, Nordita's board decided to support
the following new Nordic projects: ``Semiclassical Methods in Quantum Field
Theory'', organizer D. Diakonov, Nordita; ``The Physics of Very Cold Atomic
Systems'', organizer C.J. Pethick, Nordita; ``Hot Non-Perturbative Particle
Physics'', organizer K. Rummukainen, Nordita; ``Statistical Mechanics of
Non-Equilibrium Systems'', organizer K. Sneppen, Nordita. The support is
granted for a period of 1 year. In addition, H. Fogedby, Aarhus University, and
A. Hansen, Trondheim, were each awarded a corresponding fellowship for a
duration of 12 months in 1997/1998. The new projects and corresponding fellows
will be presented in the next issues of Nordita News.
Nordita welcomes K. Rummukainen as a new Nordic assistant professor. He will
take up his appointment on 1 September 1997. K. Rummukainen studied at the
University of Helsinki, Dept. of Theoretical Physics, where he got his Ph.D. in
September 1990. From 1991 to 1993 he was a CERN Fellow and from 1993 to 1996 a
postdoc at Indiana University, Bloomington. Since 1996 he has been at Bielefeld
University in Germany. His main interests are the study of finite-temperature
field theories and phase transitions in QCD and electroweak theories. This
research is mostly done with non-perturbative lattice Monte Carlo simulations.
He is also interested in general phase transitions, physics of interfaces and
surfaces, and transport phenomena. In addition, he has worked on the
cosmological applications of the standard model phase transitions.
From 16 december 1997 Nordita's fax no will change to: 35 38 91 57.
Nordita's Board will meet on the following dates in 1997 and 1998: 3-5 November
1997 and 13-14 March 1998 Copenhagen and 12-13 June 1998 in Reykjavik.
Items for Nordita News
If you have any information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to
include in Nordita News, please send it to Nordita, att.: Jette Nielsen,
Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen � Denmark or by e-mail:
Nordita News appears on the first day of even numbered months, and material
should be sent at least 3 weeks before the publication date.
Electronic Nordita News
You may order the electronic version of Nordita News by subscribing to our
listserver. To obtain information on how to add your name to the recipient
list, send an e-mail (with empty or no subject line):
with the following lines of text:
info nordita_news
For general questions about Nordita, please send an e-mail to
New Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure 1997
Copenhagen, September 16-20, 1997
Topics at this symposium, which is dedicated to Aage Bohr and Ben Mottelson,
will include: ``Single particle motion'', ``cold nuclei'', ``warm and hot
nuclei'', ``exotic shapes'', ``extreme isospin'', ``nuclear forces'', ``quantum
chaos in nuclei'', ``halo's and the neutron skin'', and ``new perspectives in
accelerator, detector and computer technolgy''. The meeting is already fully
subscribed, but if there are people actively working in these areas who wish to
participate they should contact the organizers.
The fields are listed after the names as: A (Astrophysics),
C (Complex Systems & Chaos),
N (Nuclear Physics), P (Particle Physics), and
S (Condensed Matter Physics).
If you are interested in having any of these people visit your
institute, please contact NORDITA.
T. Nassar and O. Tirkkonen: Excited states in the twisted XXZ spin chain. 97/33.
D.V. Khveshchenko and M. Reizer: Piezoelectric electron-phonon interaction in impure semiconductors: 2d electrons versus composite fermions. 97/34.
F. Courbin, P. Magain, C.R. Keeton, C.S. Kochanek, C. Vanderriest, A.O. Jaunsen, and J. Hjorth: The geometry of the quadruply imaged quasar PG 1115+080; implications for $H_{0}$. 97/35.
J.A. Lauber, L. Lnnblad, and M.H. Seymour: Tuning MC models to fit DIS e${\gamma}$ scattering events. 97/36.
P. Hoyer and S. Peign� Rescattering effects in quarkonium production. 97/37.
A. Hansen, M.H. Jensen, K. Sneppen, and G. Zocchi: Hierarchical self assembly, cooperativity and mirror effect in protein dynamics. 97/38.
H. Heiselberg and A.P. Vischer: Review of Bose-Einstein correlations in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. 97/39.
H. Heiselberg: HBT with space- vs. time-like hydrodynamic freezeout. 97/40.
D.V. Khveshchenko and M. Reizer: Effects of two dimensional plasmons on the tunneling density of states. 97/41.
L. Magnea and R. Russo: Two-loop gluon diagrams from string theory. 97/42.
P. Hoyer: A perturbative gluon condensate. 97/44.
L. Engvik, M. Hjorth-Jensen, R. Machleidt, H. Mther, and A. Polls: Modern nucleon-nucleon potentials and symmetry energy in infinite matter. 97/45.
V.I. R�s�en, E.T. Sepp�� M.J. Alava, and P.M. Duxbury: Quasi-static cracks and minimal energy surfaces. 97/48.
P. Di Vecchia, M. Frau, I. Pesando, S. Sciuto, A. Lerda, and R. Russo: Classical $p$-branes from boundary state. 97/49.
J. Bijnens, P. Gosdzinsky, and P. Talavera: Matching the heavy vector meson theory. 97/50.
Title / Date / Place | Contact Person | Fax / Email / www |
Nordita Master Class in Physics. Nordita, Copenhagen. 26 July - 2 August 1997. | S. Åberg | /$\sim$sven/masterclass97.html |
High Energy Nuclear Collisions. Jyväskylä, Finland. 4-15 August 1997. |
V. Ruuskanen Dept. of Physics Univ. of Jyväskylä. |
+358 14 602 351 (fax) summerschool/ph.html |
Fourth Nordic Summer School in Nuclear Physics. Falsterbo, Sweden. 11-22 August 1997. | S. Åberg | /~sven /falsterbo97.html |
4th European Summer School in Surface Science: "Surface Reactivity''. Humlebaek, Denmark, 16-22 August 1997. |
Helle W. Wellejus, Center for Atomic-scale Materials Physics, Bldg.307, DTU |
+45 45 93 23 99 (fax) summer97/ |
Nordic Graduate Program in Physics. Nordita/NBI/TAC, Copenhagen. 18-29 August 1997. |
H. Heiselberg Nordita |
+45-31 38 91 57 (fax) |
Dynamics of Biological Systems. Nordita, Copenhagen. 29 - 30 August 1997. |
K. Sneppen Nordita |
+45-31 38 91 57 (fax) ~hertz/opslag.html |
Course on Acclerator Physics, Cern Accelerator School. Dept. of Physics, Oslo, Norway. 1 - 12 September 1997. |
S. von Wartburg CERN Accelerator School AC Division CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland |
+41-22 767 5460 (fax) |
Exclusive Processes in QCD. Nordita, Copenhagen. 11 - 13 September 1997. |
V. Braun Nordita |
+45-31 38 91 57 (fax) $\sim$peigne/ExcQCD.html |
Nordic Symposium in Theoretical High Energy Astrophysics: "Use of the Spectrum-X-Gamma and Integral Missions''. Nordita / DSRI, Copenhagen. 14-16 September, 1997. |
N.J. Westergaard DSRI, Copenhagen |
+45-353 62475 (fax) workshops/nordsym/ |
New Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure 1997, NBI / Nordita, Copenhagen. 16-20 September 1997. | S. Åberg |
+45 - 353 89157 (fax) |
Nordita's 40th Anniversary Nordita, Copenhagen. 3-4 November 1997. |
+45 - 353 89157 (fax) | |
Cosmology: from COBE to Galaxy Formation. Nordita, Copenhagen. 2 - 5 December 1997. |
A. Kashlinsky Nordita and Goddard Space Flight Center |
+45 - 353 89157 (fax) |
Graduate Course on the Physics of Random Systems, Modern Statistical Physics, Univ. of Oslo. Periods: I. 9-27.2.1998, II. 13-17.4.1998 III. 14-20.6.1998. |
I. Lauvstad Physics Dept. Univ. of Oslo |
+47-22 85 51 01 (fax) |
NORDITA Tel: Main number +45-35 32 55 00 Blegdamsvej 17 For individual extensions dial: DK-2100 Copenhagen OE +45-353+the five-digit ext. number Denmark Fax: +45-31 38 91 57 Electronic mail: www: