From 16 December 1997 Nordita's fax number will change to:
+45-35 38 91 57.
Nordita welcomes Kimmo Kainulainen as a new assistant professor,
and he will take up his appointment on 1 May 1998. He studied
at the University of Helsinki, Dept. of Theoretical Physics and High
Energy Physics, where he got his Ph.D. in June 1990.
From 1990 to 1992 he was a Fellow here at NORDITA.
From 1992 to 1994 he was a postdoc at the University of Minnesota
and after that a CERN Fellow from 1994 to 1996.
From 1997 he has been a senior assistant at the University of Helsinki,
Dept of High Energy Physics. His field of interest is cosmology and
astroparticle physics, neutrino physics and particle phenomenology.
Recently his main area of research has been the physics of the
electroweak phase transition and electroweak baryogenesis in particular.
He is also interested in theoretical aspects of finite temperature
field theories, primordial nucleosynthesis and cosmic microwave
background anisotropies.
Nordita assistant professor Sasha Kashlinsky has been selected by
the NASA review panel to be Principal Investigator for an experiment
he proposed together with John Mather and Sten Odenwald (both at
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) to be conducted on board the upcoming
NASA Wide-Field Infrared Explorer (WIRE) satellite. The experiment will
attempt to measure the structure of the (putative) Cosmic Infrared
Background expected to be left over from an early generation of galaxies.
Following this he has been appointed Associate Investigator of the
WIRE project and was awarded a NASA ADP (Astrophysics Data Program)
grant to run the project.
Nordita's Board will meet on the following dates:
12 December 1997 and 13 and 14 March 1998, in Copenhagen,
and 5 and 6 June 1998 in Reykjavik.
Lund University announces a vacancy as research associate in astronomy.
The research associate in astronomy is expected to carry out research
within one or more of the fields in which Lund Observatory conducts
its main research activity. Further, the research associate will be
required to supervise postgraduate students in these areas.
In addition, the research associate will be asked to participate in
the teaching of undergraduate students corresponding to not more than
20 % of full-time.
The appointment is for a period of two years, which can be extended by another two-year period. In exceptional cases, a third two-year period may be allowed.
In the Faculty of Science, the majority of the research associates are men. This post is part of the University's policy to reach, for teachers, an improved balance in terms of gender distribution, and affirmative action may, concerning the appointment of this research associate, be applied in favour of the underrepresented gender.
The application should be sent to: Lund University, Faculty of Science, Registrar, Lund University, Box 117, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden, the application must be received by 17 December 1997 at the latest. For application information contact: Prof. Arne Ardeberg, phone: +46 46 222 72 90, fax: +46 46 222 46 14, e-mail Web home page:
Items for Nordita News
If you have any information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to
include in Nordita News, please send it to Nordita, att.: Jette Nielsen,
Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen OE, Denmark or by e-mail:
Nordita News appears on the first day of even numbered months, and material
should be sent at least 3 weeks before the publication date.
Electronic Nordita News
You may order the electronic version of Nordita News by subscribing to our
listserver. To obtain information on how to add your name to the recipient
list, send an e-mail (with empty or no subject line):
with the following lines of text:
info nordita\_news
For general questions about Nordita, please send an e-mail to
Department of Physics,University of Jyväskylä, 12 - 23 January 1998.
The lecture course, which will be given by Jouni Suhonen (Jyväskylä),
deals mainly with nuclear beta decay and its description starting from the
weak-interaction currents and ending with the nuclear-structure aspects of the
decay half-lives. The course is intended to both experimentalists and
theoreticians interested in analysis of weak processes at the nuclear level.
The following topics will be addressed: General leptonic and hadronic aspects
of weak processes; Expressions for the weak transition operators in the impulse
approximation; Derivation of the general shape functions of the beta-decay
spectra; Treatment of allowed and first-forbidden weak transitions in nuclei
(phase space, shapes of electron spectra, role of nuclear matrix elements);
Beta-decay strength function, half-life and $ft$ values; Numerical computation
of phase-space factors and transition half-lives; Simplified treatments of
nuclear matrix elements (single-particle estimates, simplified nuclear models)
and numerical applications; (p,n) and (n,p) reactions, strength functions and
The course is organized by the Jyvaeskylae-Oslo-Stockholm Nuclear Theory
sponsored by the Nordic Academy for Advanced Study (NorFA). For students from
other Nordic countries or other Finnish cities than Jyvaeskylae, the travel
accommodation expenses will be covered. The course will last two weeks, with
three hours of lectures daily. In addition, there will be 10 hours for problem
solving during the two weeks. The course is given 4 Finnish ``opintoviikkoa", 3
Norwegian vekttall, 4 Danish punkter or 5 Swedish poaeng. The course can
therefore be included in a MSc or PhD programme.
Saturday, January 24th 1998
Wolfgang Ketterle will be in Scandinavia in January, and in this connnection an
informal workshop will be held at Nordita. Some support for people attending
the meeting will be available from Nordita's Nordic Project on the physics of
very cold atomic systems. Further information about the workshop may be
obtained from Chris Pethick ( or Hanne Bergen
January 28th - 30th, 1998, Brorfelde, Denmark
This is the first announcement for the ``Nordic-Baltic Graduate Student
Meeting on Extragalactic Astronomy 1998". The location of the meeting will
be the Brorfelde Observatory, located roughly 70 kilometers west of
Copenhagen, Denmark. All graduate students in the Nordic/Baltic countries
working on extragalactic astronomy are invited. The meeting will consist of
a series of short presentations by the participants (half an hour including
time for questions), and there will also be plenty of time for more informal
exchange of ideas and other social activities. The intention is that students
in the Nordic/Baltic countries get an opportunity to learn about the work
that is being carried out by their colleagues, and perhaps even establish
collaborations across country borders.
This meeting is conditional on NorFA providing financial support for the
meeting. The decision about funding will be made in mid December, and if funds
are granted, it is hoped to be possible to pay for students expenses,
including those for travel.
Registration: The number of participants will be limited, and the sooner you
register, the better your chances. Further information about the meeting,
including how to register, can be found at the following WWW address:$\sim$soeren/nordic98. Please register before
December 15th. The website also includes a tentative programme, a few words
about Brorfelde Observatory, and how to plan your trip.
Please help us spread the word:
If you know somebody who may be interested in joining the meeting, then
please pass this mail on to them. Questions can be addressed to:
Soren Larsen (
Jyväskylä, Finland, August 4-8, 1998
The conference will follow the traditions established by the Nordic Meetings in
Haugesund 1989, Vigsoe 1992 and Ronneby 1995 with focus on recent developments
and future perspectives of nuclear physics from low to high energies. In
particular, it will provide an overview of the latest experimental and
theoretical nuclear physics activities in the Nordic countries: Fields to be
covered include: Quark-Gluon Plasma; Hadronic and Mesonic Degrees of Freedom in
Nuclei; The Nuclear Equation of State and Fragmentation; Proton and Neutron
Drip Lines, Heavy Elements; Exotic Shapes, High Spin and High Temperature;
Applications of Nuclear Physics. For further information, please contact:
Matias Aunola, Scientific Secretary, Dept. of Physics,
Univ. of Jyväskylä,
P.O. Box 35, FIN-40351 Jyväskylä, Finland,
phone:+358 14 602 426, fax: +358 14 602 351,
email: The conference web page can be found at:
The fields are listed after the names: A (Astrophysics), C (Complex Systems &
Chaos), N (Nuclear Physics), P (Particle Physics), and S (Condensed Matter
If you are interested in having any of these people visit your
institute, please contact NORDITA.
G.A. Schuler and M. Vaenttinen: $\chi_{cJ}$ production in $e^{+}e^{-}$ annihilation. 97/60.
H.C. Fogedby: Solitons and diffusive modes in the noiseless Burgers equation stability analysis. 97/64.
H.C. Fogedby: Morphology and scaling in the noisy Burgers equation. Soliton approach to the strong coupling fixed point. 97/65.
OE. Elgaroey, L. Engvik, M. Hjorth-Jensen, and E. Osnes: Minimal relativity and $^{3}S_{1^{-}}$^{3}$$D$_{1}$ pairing in symmetric nuclear matter. 97/66.
J.L. Jacobsen and H.C. Fogedby: Monte Carlo study of correlations near the ground state of the triangular antiferromagnetic Ising model. 97/67.
H.C. Fogedby: Soliton approach to the noisy Burgers equation. Steepest descent method. 97/68.
S.� Derkachov and A.N. Manashov: The simple scheme for the calculation of the anomalous dimensions of composite operators in the 1/N expansion. 97/69.
E. Hoeg, B. Pagel, L. Portinari, P. Thejll, J. Macdonald, and L. Girardi: Primordial helium and $\Delta Y/\Delta Z$ from H II regions and from fine structure in the main sequence based on Hipparcos parallaxes. 97/70.
M. Asplund: The stability of late-type stars close to the Eddington limit. 97/71.
D.V. Khveshchenko: Quantum point contact between compressible quantum Hall liquids. 97/72.
L. Loennblad and T. Sjoestrand: Modelling Bose-Einstein correlations at LEP 2. 97/75.
K. Kajantie, M. Laine, K. Rummukainen, and M. Shaposhnikov: High temperature dimensional reduction and parity violation. 97/78.
OE. Elgaroey and M. Hjorth-Jensen: Properties of pairing correlations in infinite nuclear matter. 97/80.
A. Thorolfsson, OE.E. Roegnvaldsson, J. Yngvason, and E.H. Gudmundsson: Thomas-Fermi calculations of atoms and matter in magnetic neutron stars II: finite temperature effects. 97/82.
I. Joergensen and J. Hjorth: The fundamental plane at z = 0.18. In Galaxy Scaling Relations: Origins, Evolution and Applications, 3rd ESO/VLT Workshop, eds. L.N. da Costa & A. Renzini (Springer), (1997) 175-184.
J. Hjorth and N.R. Tanvir: The fundamental plane in the Leo-I group and an estimate of $H_{0}$. In Galaxy Scaling Relations: Origins, Evolution and Applications, 3rd ESO/VLT Workshop, eds. L.N. da Costa \& A. Renzini (Springer), (1997) 350-352.
F. Courbin, P. Magain, C.R. Keeton, C.S. Kochanek, C. Vanderriest, A.O. Jaunsen, and J. Hjorth: The geometry of the quadruply imaged quasar PG 1115+080; implications for $H_{0}$. Astron. & Astrophys. 342 (1997) L1-L4.
V. Bondarenko, A.V. Afanasjev, T. von Egidy, L. Simonova, J. Berzins, I. Kuvaga, W. Schauer, J. Ott, P. Prokofjevs, R. Georgii, M. Kessler, T. Koerbitz, and W. Schott: Nuclear levels in $^{187}$W. Nucl. Phys. A619 (1997) 1-48.
G. Carraro, Y.Keong, and L. Portinari: On the galactic disc age-metallicity relation.
Title / Date / Place | Contact Person | Fax / Email |
Graduate Course on the Physics of Random Systems, Modern Statistical Physics, Univ. of Oslo. Periods: I. 9-27.2.1998, II. 13-17.4.1998 III. 14-20.6.1998. |
I. Lauvstad Physics Dept. Univ. of Oslo |
+47-22 85 51 01 (fax) |
NORDITA Tel: Main number +45-35 32 55 00 Blegdamsvej 17 For individual extensions dial: DK-2100 Copenhagen OE +45-353+the five-digit ext. number Denmark Fax: +45-31 38 91 57 Electronic mail: www: