Board Meetings
Nordita's Board will meet on the following dates: 5 and 6 June 1998 in
Reykjavik and 4 December 1998 in Copenhagen.
Associate Professorship in Condensed Matter Theory
University of Aarhus
The institute of Physics and Astronomy, University of Aarhus, Denmark invites applications for a position as associate professor in condensed matter theory. The position is open from October 1, 1998. For further information, please see the enclosed advertisement.
Associate Professorship in Experimental Particle Physics
University of Copenhagen
A position as associate professor (lektor) in experimental particle physics at the Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics (NBIfAFG) will be open from December 1, 1998. Deadline for applications is June 15, 1998, at noon. This announce-ment is an extract of the full legal announce-ment. The latter must be followed and can be found on the Institute homepage: or obtained from the Institute Director, Professor Ole Hansen, Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark (E-mail:
Professorship in Experimental Atomic Physics
University of Copenhagen
A tenured professorship in experimental atomic physics will become available
at the Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics by October 1,
Deadline for applications is May 20, 1998, at 12:00 noon. This announcement is
an extract of the full legal announcement. The latter must be followed and can
be found on the Institute homepage: http: // or obtained
from the Institute Director, Professor Ole Hansen, Niels Bohr Institute for
Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø,
Denmark (E-mail:
Items for Nordita News
If you have any information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to
include in Nordita News, please send it to Nordita, att.: Jette Nielsen,
Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark or by e-mail:
Nordita News appears on the first day of even numbered months, and material
should be sent at least 3 weeks before the publication date.
Electronic Nordita News.
You may order the electronic version of Nordita News by subscribing to our
listserver. To obtain information on how to add your name to the recipient
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Hot Non-Perturbative Particle Physics
Cosmic Chemical Evolution
Classical and Semi-Classical Techniques at High Temperature
and in Heavy Ion Collisions
Instantons and Monopoles in the QCD Vacuum
Physics of Molecular Biology, Summer School
Nordic Graduate Physics Program
Strong and Electroweak Matter 1998
The fields are listed after the names: A (Astrophysics),
C (Complex Systems & Chaos),
N (Nuclear Physics), P (Particle Physics), and S (Condensed Matter).
V.M. Braun: Light-Cone Sum Rules. 98/1.
M. Asplund, B. Gustafsson, N. Kameswara Rao, and D.L. Lambert: Abundance
Similarities between the R CrB Star V854 Cen and the Born-again Sakurais
Object. 98/2.
J. Paaske and D.V. Khveshchenko: Intrinsic Temperature Dependences of Transport
Coefficients within the Hot-Spot Model for Normal State YBCO. 98/3.
H. Heiselberg and M. Hjorth-Jensen: Phase Transitions in Rotating Neutron
Stars. 98/4.
J. Bijnens, P. Gosdzinsky, and P. Talavera: Chiral Corrections to Vector Meson
Decay Constants. 98/5.
P. Ball, V.M. Braun, Y. Koike, and K. Tanaka: Higher Twist Distribution
Amplitudes of Vector Mesons in QCD: Formalism and Twist Three Distributions.
H. Heiselberg: Freeze-out from HBT and Coulomb Effects. 98/7.
H. Heiselberg: Kaons in Nuclear Matter. 98/8.
H. Heiselberg and M. Hjorth-Jensen: Phase Transitions in Neutron Stars. 98/9.
H.W. Barz, J.P. Bondorf, J.J. Gaardhøje, and H. Heiselberg: Freeze-out
Time in
Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions from Coulomb Effects in Transverse Pion
Spectra. 98/12.
R. Grzywacz, R. B�aud, C. Borcea, A. Emsallem, M. Glogowski, H. Grawe, D.
Guillemaud-Mueller, M. Hjorth-Jensen, M. Houry, M. Lewitowicz, A.C. Mueller, A.
Nowak, A. Plochocki, M. Pftzner, K. Rykaczewski, M.G. Saint-Laurent, J.E.
Sauvestre, M. Schaefer, O. Sorlin, J. Szerypo, W. Trinder, S. Viteritti, J.
Winfield: New Island of s-isomers in Neutron-rich Nuclei around the Z=28 and
N=40 Shell Closures. 98/13.
D. Diakonov: Chiral Quark-Soliton Model. 98/14.
J. Hjorth, J. Oukbir, and E. van Kampen: The Mass-temperature Relation for
Clusters of Galaxies. 98/15.
Papers Presented at the Nordic Symposium in Theoretical High Energy
Astrophysics, Copenhagen, September 14-16, 1997:
X-ray Temperatures of Lensing Clusters by J. Hjorth, J. Oukbir, and E. van
Kampen. 98/16.
SIXA - Silicon X-ray Array by O. Vilhu, J. Huovelin, T. Tikkanen, P . Hakala,
P. Muhli, V. K���nen, H. Sipil� I. Taylor, J. Pohjonen, H. P�vik� J.
Toivanen, R. Sunyaev, A. Kuznetsov, and A. Abrosimov. 98/16.
Can a Relativistic Iron K Line Be Resolved in Cyg X-1 with SIXA ? by P. Muhli
and O. Vilhu. 98/16.
Two-phase Spectrum of the Black Hole Candidate 1E1740.7-2942 by J.
Nevalainen, O. Vilhu, J. Poutanen, M. Gilfanov, and M. Vargas. 98/16.
J. Maunuksela, M. Myllys, J. Timonen, T. Ala-Nissila, M. Kuittu, M.J. Alava,
and N. Provatas: Reply to the Comment of Makse and Amaral. 98/17.
H.W. Barz, J.P. Bondorf, J.J. Gaardhøje, and H. Heiselberg: Coulomb
Effects on
Particle Spectra in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions. 98/18.
K. B�gaard Lauritsen, P. Frjdh, and M. Howard: Surface Critical Behavior in
Systems with Absorbing States. 98/21.
A.D. Jackson, G.M. Kavoulakis, and C.J. Pethick: Solitary Waves in Clouds of
Bose-Einstein Condensed Atoms. 98/22.
24 -25 April 1998, Copenhagen.
First Nordic Project Meeting and third NorFA Network Meeting.
The aim of this informal workshop is to discuss the physics of the Standard
Model of strong and electroweak interactions and its extensions at high
temperatures and energy densities, including applications to cosmology. The
subjects include (but are not limited to) equilibrium thermodynamics of QCD and
electroweak theories, effective theories of the Standard Model and its
extensions at finite temperature, baryon number violation, magnetic fields and
topological defects in the early Universe, and numerical simulations of
equilibrium thermodynamics and real-time processes.
The workshop is organized by the Nordic project Hot Non-Perturbative Particle
21 - 23 May 1998, Nordita, Copenhagen.
To celebrate Bernard Pagel on his retirement from Nordita there will be a
symposium on the many facets of the problem of the abundances of elements in
the cosmos. The meeting will begin on the morning of May 21, and finish around
lunch time on May 23. Among the expected participants are: M.G. Edmunds, G.
Gilmore, B. Gustafson, Michael Fall, David Lambert, D. Lynden-Bell, M. Pettini,
E. Skillman, J. Sommer-Larsen, and Y. Yoshii.
For more details, contact Anne Lumholdt at Nordita (
Organizing committee: Bengt Gustafsson (Uppsala), Anne Lumholdt (Nordita
Secretary), Chris Pethick (Nordita), Jesper Sommer-Larsen (TAC), and Mattias
Wahde (Nordita).
17 - 19 June 1998, NORDITA, Copenhagen.
A small workshop will be arranged in connection with the visits of K. Eskola,
E. Iancu, L. McLerran, R. Pisarski, D. Rischke, V. Ruuskanen and E. Shuryak.
The following topics will be discussed: the eikonal methods used in hard
thermal loops, small-x physics and nuclear shadowing, semi-classical lattice
simulations of dynamical QCD fields, initial conditions in ultrarelativistic
nuclear collisions. For more information, see:
22 - 27 June 1998, NORDITA, Copenhagen.
Organizer: Dmitri Diakonov (NORDITA).
The idea of the workshop is to bring together people who are actively working
on the microscopic mechanism of colour confinement, to share their
achievements, experience, prejudices and, most important, difficult problems.
The accent will be on long talks with subsequent intensive discussions.
More than 30 experts from the USA, Japan, West and East Europe and from the
Nordic countries have made commitments to participate. The workshop will
incorporate participants of the Nordic Project ``Semiclassical Methods in
Quantum Field Theory'' and of the INTAS project ``Study of Instantons,
Monopoles and Strings in Field Theory''. It will be funded partly from these
projects, and partly from the NORDITA conference budget. For more details
contact the organizer, D. Diakonov (Nordita)
19 - 28 August 1998, Krogerup Højskole, Humleb�, Denmark.
The aim of the school is to introduce graduate students and post-docs into
recent advances in physics of proteins, including their interaction and control
with DNA, genetic networks, ratchets, molecular motors, RNA and evolution. For
further details, please see the enclosed poster.
24 - 29 August 1998, Copenhagen, Denmark.
In response to the observation that this year marks the 90th anniversary of the
birth of Lev Landau, we are pleased to announce a Nordita-Landau Symposium to
be held August 24 - 29 in Copenhagen.
The symposium will cover a wide spectrum of problems of current interest in
theoretical physics: Strings, Branes, Integrable Systems, Quantum Chaos,
Dynamical System Theory, Chaos, Disordered Systems, Soft Condensed Matter, and
Statistical Physics. Invited participants include: E. Abrahams, A. A.
Abrikosov, P. W. Anderson, A. Andreev, Yu.A. Bychkov, S. Chakravarty, P.
Cvitanovic, B. Derrida, V. Dotsenko, I. Dzyaloshinskii, M. Feigenbaum, D.
Fisher, I.A. Fomin, L. Gorkov, M. Green, D. Gross, Yu. Kagan, E.A. Kuznetsov,
A. I. Larkin, R. Laughlin, V.V. Lebedev, V.P. Mineev, S. Nechaev, N. Nekrasov,
D. Nelson, Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, A. Polyakov, I. Procaccia, Ya. Pugai, V. Rubakov,
A. Starobinskii, P. Wiegman, V. E. Zakharov, A. Zamolodchikov, Y.-C. Zhang.
Organizers: H. Fogedby, A. Luther, J. Hertz, L. Brink, D. Gross, I. Khalatnikov
and V. Mineev.
For further information and on-line registration please, consult the website: (NORDITA Symposium Program).
7 - 18 September 1998, NORDITA, NBI, TAC, Copenhagen.
A two-week program for graduate students in the Nordic and Baltic region. Its
aim is to present a broad range of physics research in the Copenhagen area, and
to form personal contacts between students and the local faculty. For further
details, please see the enclosed poster.
2 - 5 December 1998, Copenhagen, Denmark.
The aim of the conference is to discuss the physics of the Standard Model (and
beyond) at finite temperatures and densities, with applications in cosmology,
astrophysics and laboratory experiments. The invited speakers include: P.
Arnold (Virginia), R. Brandenberger (Brown), J. Cline (McGill), U. Heinz
(Regensburg), E. Iancu (Saclay), F. Karsch (Bielefeld), C. Korthals-Altes
(Marseille), G. Moore (McGill), R. Pisarski (Brookhaven), M. Quiros (Madrid),
K. Rajagopal (MIT), M. Shaposhnikov (Cern), A. Smilga (Moscow), F. Wilczek
(Princeton)[*], L. Yaffe (Seattle). [* = not yet confirmed].
If you are interested in participating in the meeting and/or receiving
information about it, fill in the notification of interest form on the
conference www-page:
Visitors at NORDITA / NBI / CATS / TAC
A. Khodzhamirian, (Wurzburg), 3 months in 1998 Nordita
H. Fogedby, (Århus), S, Several visits 1998 Nordita
A. Hansen, (Trondheim), S, Several visits 1998 Nordita
M. Ninomiya, (Yukawa), P, Present - 11.04.98 NBI
H. Nyborg, (Aarhus), C, Present - 26.04.98 CATS
I. Pesando, (Torino), P, Present - 30.04.98 NBI
J. Peisa, (Liverpool), Present - 31.05.98 Nordita
B. Jensen, Present - 31.07.98 Nordita
M. Elhajal, (Grenoble), N, Present - 15.08.98 NBI
J. Kockelkoren, (Holland), C, 14.04 - 23.04.98 CATS
M. Laine, 14.04 - 26.04.98 Nordita
A. Semikhatov, (Lebedev), P, 14.04 - 26.04.98 NBI
K. Kajantie, 18.04 - 23.04.98 Nordita
I. Artemova, (Moscow), A , 20.04 - 05.05.98 TAC
M. Karjalainen, 20.04 - 26.04.98 Nordita
A. Rajantie, 20.04 - 26.04.98 Nordita
T. Blum, 21.04 - 26.04.98 Nordita
U. Heller, (Tallahassee), P, 21.04 - 26.04.98 NBI
P. Traat, (Tartu), 26.04 - 24.05.98 Nordita
V. Petrov, (St. Petersburg), 6 weeks May - June Nordita
S. Jaimungal, (Vancouver), P, 01.05 - 15.06.98 NBI
L. Paniak, ( Vancouver), P, 01.05 - 15.06.98 NBI
G. Semenoff, (Vancouver), P, 01.05 - 15.06.98 NBI
A. Dhar, (India), P, 03.05 - 15.05.98 NBI
C. Tsallis, (Rio de Jainero), C, 18.05 - 05.06.98 CATS
L. McLerran, (Minnesota), 26.05 - 28.06 and 03.08 - 04.09.98, Nordita
M. Henneaux, (Bruxelles), P, 03.06 - 05.06.98, NBI
B. Huberman, (Xero), 01.07 - 10.07.98, Nordita
H. Nyborg, (Aarhus), C, 01.07 - 22.07.98, CATS
M. Schmidt, (Heidelberg), 1 month fall, Nordita
If you are interested in having any of these people visit your institute,
please contact NORDITA.
Long-term Visitors at NORDITA
G. Kavoulakis, (Illinois) present - 01.09.98
F. Ravndal, (Oslo) present - end May
A. Smilga, (St. Petersburg) July - September 98
S. Peigne, (France), P present - 31.12.98
Preprints / Reprints
New reprints and preprints obtainable from Jette Nielsen, e-mail:
Overview of Future Nordita and other Conferences
Title / Place / Date
Contact Person
Fax / Email / www
Graduate Course on the
Physics of Random Systems,
Modern Statistical Physics,
Univ. of Oslo.
Periods: I. 9-27.2.1998,
II. 13-17.4.1998
III. 14-20.6.1998.
I. Lauvstad
Physics Dept.
Univ. of Oslo
+47-22 85 51 01 (fax)
Cosmic Chemical Evolution.
Nordita, Copenhagen.
21-23 May 1998.
Anne Lumholdt
+45 35 38 91 57 (fax)
12th Nordic Symposium on
Computer Simulation.
Jyväskylä, Finland.
June 10-14, 1998.
T. Ala-Nissila
Classical and Semiclassical
Techniques at High Temperature
and in Heavy Ion Collisions.
Nordita, Copenhagen.
17-19 June 1998.
H. Heiselberg
(+45) 35 38 91 57 (fax)
Instantons and Monopoles
in the QCD Vacuum.
Nordita, Copenhagen.
June 22-27 1998.
D. Diakonov
(+45) 35 38 91 57 (fax)
Nordita Master Class in Physics.
Nordita, Copenhagen.
25 July - 1 August 1998.
S. Åberg
LTH, Lund
(+46) 46 2224416 (fax)
9th Nordic Meeting on
Nuclear Physics.
Jyväskylä, Finland.
4-8 August 1998.
Matias Aunola
Dept. of Physics
Univ. of Jyväskylä
+358 14 602 351 (fax)
Nordic Research Course:
Duality in String and Field Theory.
Nordita, Copenhagen.
4-14 August 1998.
Anna Maria Rey
(+45) 35 38 91 57 (fax)
The Annual Nordic-Trieste
Astrophysical Workshop (TAN-TA).
Trieste, Italy.
9 August - 8 September 1998.
M. Abramowicz
Chalmers, Goteborg.
Summer School in Physics
of Microbiological Systems.
Humlebaek, Denmark.
19-28 August 1998
K. Sneppen
(+45) 35 38 91 57 (fax)
Nordita - Landau Symposium.
24-29 August 1998.
E. Pedersen
(+45) 35 38 91 57 (fax)
Nordic Graduate Physics Program.
Nordita/NBI/TAC, Copenhagen.
7-18 September 1998
Anna Maria Rey
(+45) 35 38 91 57 (fax)
Strong and Electroweak Matter 98.
Nordita/NBI, Copenhagen.
2-5 December 1998.
K. Rummukainen
(+45) 35 38 91 57 (fax)