NORDITA NEWS   1998 / 5                          October 1, 1998

Nordita Fellowships 1999/2000

Information about NORDITA Fellowships for the academic year 1999-2000 is attached. Completed application forms and letters of recommendation should arrive at NORDITA not later than November 15, 1998. Please ensure that potential candidates, especially ones at institutes in other countries, receive this information.

Assistant Professor in Theoretical Astrophysics

NORDITA, the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, expects to have an opening for an assistant professor in astrophysics starting in September 1999, or some other date to be agreed upon. Preference will be given to young applicants with a promising research record. The full announcement for this position may be seen at website or obtained by sending an email to Deadline November 1, 1998.

Nordic Projects and Corresponding Fellowships 1999

Nordita announces the availability of funding for new Nordic projects and corresponding fellowships in 1999. The purposes of these programmes are described on the web, for the Nordic projects:, for the corresponding fellows: and the application forms are to be found at: and html. These may also be obtained by e-mail from The deadline for applications is 15 October 1998, with a decision by the NORDITA Board expected in December 1998.

Board Meetings

Nordita's Board will meet on 4 December 1998 in Copenhagen.

Items for Nordita News
If you have any information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to include in Nordita News, please send it to Nordita, att.: Jette Nielsen, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen � Denmark or by e-mail: Nordita News appears on the first day of even numbered months, and material should be sent at least 3 weeks before the publication date.

Electronic Nordita News
You may order the electronic version of Nordita News by subscribing to our listserver. To obtain information on how to add your name to the recipient list, send an e-mail (with empty or no subject line): To:, Subject: (empty or none) with the following lines of text: info nordita_news. For general questions about Nordita, please send an e-mail to


Phase Transitions in Nuclear Collisions (PT98)
November 18-21, 1998. The Niels Bohr Institute and Nordita, Copenhagen,
In view of the success of the first meeting two years ago, we are now planning the Second International Workshop on 'Phase Transitions in Nuclear Collisions' (PT98). The main goal of the meeting is to discuss recent theoretical and experimental developments in the study of the various phases of matter and the transitions between them in nuclear collisions at intermediate and high energy. Recent progress in understanding the phase structure of QCD and in the study of nuclear multifragmentation as a manifestation of the liquid-gas phase transition, as well as forthcoming experiments at RHIC and LHC will be among the subjects of this meeting.
Limited funds will be available for supporting some participants. Students from Nordic countries can be partially supported by the NORDPLUS program.
Organizers: Jakob Bondorf, chairman (, Thomas Dssing (, Jens Jrgen Gaardhje (, Henning Heiselberg, NORDITA, (, Andrew Jackson (, Igor Mishustin, program coordinator, (, Ulla Holm, secretary, (

Master Class on Laser Cooling, Cold and Ultracold Collisions, and BEC
Copenhagen, 3-9 December 1998
The NorFA network on "Coherent Laser-Atom Interactions" is arranging the above master class. The lecturers will be Paul Julienne (NIST) and Kalle-Antti Suominen (Helsinki), and details may be found at the web site:
The deadline for applications is November 1, 1998, and an application form and practical information will be available on the web shortly. The network has funding for 2-3 participants from each member-group with preference given to Ph.D. students and young postdocs.

ICACS - 18 International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids Odense
Denmark, August 3-8, 1999
Topics: Scattering, stopping and related processes; Materials processes in the bulk; Surface processes; Emission phenomena; Application of ion beams. Program Committee: H.H. Andersen, Copenhagen; R.A. Baragiola, Charlottesville; W. Heiland, Osnabrck; S.P. Mller, Aarhus; J. Schou, Ris; P. Sigmund, Odense. Chairman: P. Sigmund. Cochairman: J. Schou. Conf. Secretary: K. Cauthery. Addresses: ICACS, Physics Department, Odense University, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark.
E-mail:,   web:
fax: (+45) 6615 87 60, phone: (+45) 6557 3520 (direct) and phone: (+45) 6615 8600 ext. 3520.

LT22 -22nd International Conference of Low Temperature Physics
4-11 August 1999, Espoo and Helsinki, Finland
Next year the large international meeting of the Low-Temperature physics community will take place in Finland. Programme: Quantum gases, fluids and solids; Superconductivity; Magnetism and lattice properties; Quantum electron transport; Applications, materials and techniques.
LT22 office, Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, P.O. Box 2200, FIN-02015 HUT, phone: +358-9-451 2962, fax: +358-9-451 2969, email:,
Conference Service Bureau: TSG-Congress Ltd, Kaisaniemenkatu 3 B31, FIN-00100 Helsinki, phone: +358-9-62 8044, fax: +358-9-66 7675, email:

Visitors at NORDITA / NBI / CATS / TAC

H. Fogedby, (Aarhus), CM, Several visits 1998, Nordita
A. Hansen, (Trondheim), CM, Several visits 1998, Nordita
H. Hansson, (Stockholm), HE/CM, Present - 04.10.98, Nordita
K. Zarembo, (ITEP, Moscow), Present - 04.10.98, Nordita
Y. Makeenko, HE, Present - 23.10.98, NBI
S. Shandarin, (Kansas), AP, Present - 31.12.98, TAC
A. Cavagna, (Oxford), October - November, Nordita
I. Giardina, (Oxford), October - November, Nordita
J. Batalin, (Moscow), HE, 01.10 - 30.10.98, NBI
A. Khodzhamirian,(Wurzburg), 01.10 - 30.11.98, Nordita
P. Donati, NP, 05.10 - 05.11.98, NBI
V. Turchaninov, (Moscow), AP, 05.10 - 26.10.98, TAC
G. Palla, C, 18.10 - 13.12.98, NBI
S. Solla, (Evanston), C, 18.10 - 20.11.98/07.12 - 20.12.98, NBI
D. Chialvo, C, 20.10 - 20.12.98, NBI
J. Raiter, C, 20.10 - 20.12.98, NBI
G.E. Brown, (Stony Brook), NP, 15.11 - 20.11.98, Nordita
A. Grib, (Moscow), AP, 20.11 - 20.12.98, TAC
B. Richmond, (NIMH), C, 01.12 - 10.12.98, Nordita
M. Schmidt, (Heidelberg), HE, 1 month fall, Nordita

The fields are listed after the names: AP, astrophysics; C, Complex Systems & Chaos; NP, nuclear physics; HE, high energy physics; CM, condensed matter physics.
If you are interested in having any of these people visit your institute, please contact NORDITA.

Postdocs and other Long-term Visitors at NORDITA

V. Ambegaokar, (Cornell), CM, present - December 1998
W. Bietenholz, (Julich), present - 01.09.99
Z. Konkoli, (Gteborg), present - 01.09.99
M. Maul, (Regensburg), present - 01.09.99
H. Weigert, (Cambridge), present - 01.09.99
D. Golosov, (Chicago), CM, present - 01.10.99
G. Kavoulakis, (Illinois), CM, present - 01.06.2000
R. Marotta, (Napoli), present - 01.09.2000
N. Obers, (CERN), present - 15.09.2000

Postdocs and other Long-term Visitors at NBI

Peter Orland, (CUNY), HE, 15.08.1998 - 01.02.1999
Benoit Vanderheyden, (Illinois), NP, 01.09.1998
Dietrich Bdiker, HE, 01.10.1998
Gordon Semenoff , (Vancouver), HE, 01.01.1999 - 01.06.1999

Preprints / Reprints

New reprints and preprints obtainable from Jette Nielsen, e-mail:

98/42    H. Heiselberg and A.D. Jackson: Signatures of QCD matter at RHIC.

98/47    K. Kainulainen, H. Kurki-Suonio, and E. Sihvola: Inhomogeneous big-bang nucleosynthesis in light of recent observations.

98/50    A. Pagliaro, V. Antonuccio-Delogu, U. Becciani, and M. Gambera: Substructure recover by 3D discrete wavelet transforms.

98/51    P. Ball and V.M. Braun: Handbook of higher twist distribution amplitudes of vector mesons in QCD.

98/52    R. Jimenez and A. Kashlinsky: Galaxy evolution, deep galaxy counts and the near-IR cosmic infrared background.

98/53    A. Kashlinsky: Determining O from the cluster correlation function.

98/54    M. Wahde: Determination of orbital parameters of interacting galaxies using a genetic algorithm.

98/56    K. Kajantie, M. Laine, J. Peisa, K. Rummukainen, and M. Shasponikov: The electroweak phase transition in a magnetic field.

98/61    P. Pennanen, A.M. Green, and C. Michael: Four-quark systems.

Overview of future NORDITA and other conferences

Title / Place / Date Contact Person Fax / Email / www
Strong and Electroweak Matter 98
Nordita / NBI, Copenhagen.
2-5 December 1998.
K. Rummukainen
(+45) 353 89157 (fax)