NORDITA NEWS 1998 / 6                       December 1, 1998


Shell-model Methods and Effective Interactions
Nordita, December 17-20, 1998
Main topics: Effective interactions and the shell model; Shell model techniques; Continuum shell model. Organizers: Morten Hjorth-Jensen and Ben Mottelson, Nordita, Blegdamsvej 17, DK- 2100 Copenhagen � Denmark, phone: +45-35 31 25 00, fax: +45-35 38 91 57, e-mail secretary: and website:

Nordita Workshop on Biophysics
Nordita, 1-2 February 1999
A small Nordic workshop on biophysics will be held here at Nordita 1-2 February. The aim is to strengthen the Nordic community in biophysics and stimulate future cooperation and collaboration.
For each of five key areas (proteins, membranes, supramolecular structures, bioenergetics, and signalling (including neuronal function)) key speakers will give 45-minute overviews of activity in the Nordic region. There will also be time for supplementary shorter contributions on problems of special interest, as well as informal discussions.
Partial (preliminary) Schedule:
Monday, 1 February:
10.00 Carsten Peterson (Lund): Proteins (theory)
11.45 (to be announced): Proteins (experiments)
14.00 Marten Wikstrom (Helsinki): Bioenergetics
Tuesday, 2 February:
10.00 Ole Mouritsen (DTU): Membranes
11.45 Henrik Flyvbjerg (Risoe/NBI): Supramolecular structures
14.00 Gaute Einevoll (NLH): Neurophysiology/signalling
For further information, please contact J. Hertz, e-mail:

Cross-Institutional PhD Course in Statistical Physics and Soft Matter
Spring Semester 1999.

Graduate School of Non-linear Science
Graduate School of Biophysics/The Danish Research Academy

The course, consisting of 12 days of lectures, the first of them in early February, is relevant for PhD-students in physics and chemistry as well as physically oriented students working within materials science and life sciences. The course consists of lectures, theoretical exercises, and student colloquia. The lectures are given by a number of different experts located at different institutions. The students will during the course get the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the research atmosphere at the different institutions. The workload of the course corresponds to about 30% of the obligatory -year-course part of a Danish PhD-study programme. Students who plan to attend the course should contact the organizers as soon as possible. Organizers: Ling Miao (, phone: 45-252478 and Ole G. Mouritsen (, Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark, phone: 45-25 24 62 and Per-Anker Lindg�d (, Afdelingen for Materialers Fysik og Kemi, Ris, phone: 46-77 47 06.

Soft Condensed Matter: Configurations, Dynamics and Functionality
April 6-16, 1999, Bardla Hyfjellshotel, Geilo, Norway
Organized by Department of Physics, Institute for Energy Technology, Kjeller, Norway.
The objective of the Advanced Study Institute is to present in a pedagogical manner the current experimental and theoretical knowledge of the physical properties of soft condensed matter such as polymers, gels, complex fluids, membranes, colloids, granular materials, and biomaterials that are important for relating molecular configurations and dynamics to macroscopic properties and biological functionality. Topics of lectures: Adaption; complexity; foam structures; folding; granular flow; molecular motors; selfassembly; colloids; complex fluids; DNA; Foam; Gels; Polymers; proteins. Topics will cover both experiments and theory. In addition to about 40 hours of invited lectures and seminars, there will be sessions of discussion and summary. Participants are encouraged to submit abstracts for a poster session. Principal lecturers: D. Bensimon; H. Van Damme; S. Edwards; I. Giaever; E. Guyon; A. Hansen; M. Hgh Jensen; L. Leiserowitz; A. Libchaber; D. Pines; S. Sinha; D. Weaire. Programme committee: S. Edwards, Cambridge, UK (co-director); A. Hansen, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway; M. Hgh Jensen, (NBI), (Copenhagen); R. Pynn, (Los Alamos); D. Sherrington, (Oxford); A.T. Skjeltorp, (Kjeller) (Director); H. Thomas, (Basel). The meeting is intended for postgraduates and researchers in the field of condensed matter physics, statistical physics and materials science. The number of participants will be limited to about 75.
Deadline: for application is January 1. Completed application forms should be sent to: Mary Byberg, Institute for Energy Technology, P.O. Box 40, N-2007 Kjeller, Norway. Students and younger scientists should enclose a letter of recommendation. Information and the application form may be found at the website:

Board Meeting
Nordita's Board will meet on 12 March 1999 in Copenhagen.

Items for Nordita News
If you have any information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to include in Nordita News, please send it to Nordita, att.: Jette Nielsen, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark or by e-mail: Nordita News appears on the first day of even numbered months, and material should be sent at least 3 weeks before the publication date.

Electronic Nordita News
You may order the electronic version of Nordita News by subscribing to our listserver. To obtain information on how to add your name to the recipient list, send an e-mail (with empty or no subject line): To:, Subject: (empty or none) with the following lines of text: info nordita_news. For general questions about Nordita, please send an e-mail to

Visitors at NORDITA / NBI / CATS / TAC

A. Hansen, (Trondheim), CM, Several visits 1999, Nordita
G. Chalmers, (Argonne), Present-09.12.98, Nordita
A. Kirillov, (Novgorod), Present-09.12.98, TAC
A. Patkos, (Budapest), HE, Present-09.12.98, NBI
B. Richmond, (NIMH), C, Present-10.12.98, Nordita
M. Schmidt, (Heidelberg), HE, Present-11.12.98, Nordita
J. Cline, (McGill), Present-12.12.98, Nordita
P. �vist, (Lule�, Present-12.12.98, Nordita
G. Palla, (Budapest), C, Present-13.12.98, NBI
M. Oxborrow, C, Present-13.12.98, NBI
M. Tsypin, (Moscow), Present-13.12.98, Nordita
P. Naselsky, (Rostov), Present-16.12.98, TAC
A. Pons, (Barcelona), C, Present-19.12.98, NBI
D. Chialvo, C, Present-20.12.98, NBI
A. Grib, (Moscow), AP, Present-20.12.98, TAC
J. Raiter, (Houston), C, Present-20.12.98, NBI
D. Semikoz, (Moscow), Present-20.12.98, TAC
S. Solla, (Evanston), C, Present-20.12.98, NBI
L. Chekhov, HE, Present-23.12.98, NBI
Y. Makeenko, (Moscow), HE, Present-30.12.98, NBI
S. Shandarin, (Kansas), AP, Present-31.12.98, TAC

The fields are listed after the names: AP, astrophysics; C, Complex Systems & Chaos; NP, nuclear physics; HE, high energy physics; CM, condensed matter physics.
If you are interested in having any of these people visit your institute, please contact NORDITA.

Postdocs and other Long-term Visitors at NORDITA and NBI

V. Ambegaokar, (Cornell), CM, present - December 1998
Peter Orland, (CUNY), HE, present - 01.02.1999
W. Bietenholz, (Julich), present - 01.09.99
Z. Konkoli, (Gteborg), present - 01.09.99
M. Maul, (Regensburg), present - 01.09.99
H. Weigert, (Cambridge), present - 01.09.99
D. Golosov, (Chicago), CM, present - 01.10.99
G. Kavoulakis, (Illinois), CM, present - 01.06.2000
R. Marotta, (Napoli), present - 01.09.2000
Benoit Vanderheyden, (Illinois), NP, present - 01.09.2000
N. Obers, (CERN), present - 15.09.2000
Dietrich Bdiker, (Heidelberg), HE, present - 01.10.2000
Gordon Semenoff, (Vancouver), HE, 01.01.1999 - 01.06.1999

Preprints / Reprints

New reprints and preprints obtainable from Jette Nielsen, e-mail:

P. Hoyer: The dynamics of quarkonium production. 98/55.

S.J. Brodsky, M. Diehl, P. Hoyer, and S. Peign� Semi-exclusive processes: New probes of hadron structure. 98/57.

M. Beneke, V.M. Braun, N. Kivel: The operator product expansion, non-perturbative couplings and the Landau pole: Lessons from the O(N) s-model. 98/58.

D.J. Dean, M.T. Ressell, M. Hjorth-Jensen, S.E. Koonin, K. Langanke, and

A.P. Zuker: Shell model Monte Carlo studies of neutron-rich nuclei in the 1s-0d-1p-0f shells. 98/59. P. Ball and V.M. Braun: Higher twist distribution amplitudes of vector mesons in QCD: Twist-4 distributions and meson mass corrections. 98/62.

S. Jespersen, R. Metzler, and H. Fogedby: L�y flights in external force fields: Langevin and fractional Fokker-Planck equations, and their solutions. 98/64.

D. Diakonov and V. Petrov: To what distances do we know the confining potential ? 98/65.

K. Kajantie, M. Laine, A. Rajantie, K. Rummukainen, and M. Tsypin: The phase diagram of three-dimensional SU(3)+adjoint Higgs theory. 98/66.

M. Laine and K. Rummukainen: Higgs sector CP-violation at the electroweak phase transition. 98/69.