NORDITA   NEWS   1999/1                       February 1, 1999


Nordita Seminars 1999, Thursdays 10:00 - 12:00, Aud. M

Nordita announces another series of "Nordita Seminars" this spring. The forthcoming lecturers are: February 18: O. Syljuåsen "The 2D Metal-Insulator Transition"; February 25: G. Zvejnieks: "Monte Carlo Modelling of the forced A+B → 2B Autocatalytical Reaction". The future program will be announced at website:


Nordic Projects and orresponding Fellows 1999

At its meeting on 4 December 1998, Norditas board decided to support the following new Nordic Projects: "Semiclassical Methods in Quantum Field Theory", organizer Prof. D. Diakonov; "The Physics of Very Cold Atomic Systems", organizer Prof. C. Pethick; "Hot Non-perturbative Particle Physics", organizer assistant professor K. Rummukainen; and "Statistical Mechanics of Non-equilibrium Systems", organizer assistant professor K. Sneppen; In addition, R. Svensson, Stockholm was awarded a corresponding fellowship for 12 months in 1999/2000, and A. Hansens fellowship was extended for another year.


Roland Svennson New Corresponding Fellow at Nordita.

As mentioned above, at its meeting on December 4, Nordita's Board appointed Roland Svensson, Professor at the Stockholm Observatory, to a Corresponding Fellowship. After undergraduate studies at the University of Lund, Roland Svensson obtained his Ph. D. from the University of California at Santa Cruz in 1981. Following this he was a postdoctoral fellow at ESO, and a fellow and later assistant professor at Nordita before being appointed to his present position in Stockholm in 1990. His research interests are in the area of high energy astrophysics, in particular X/gamma ray astrophysics. They mainly concern high energy processes near compact relativistic objects, such as black holes and neutron stars. The corresponding observational phenomena include active galactic nuclei, X-ray binaries, and gamma ray bursts. The research is both theoretical and observational. Observations are performed with satellites such as the Japanese ASCA, the US Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO), and the US Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). Future satellite involvements include the European International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL, launch 2002) and the Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST, launch 2005).


Nordic Project:   Hot Non-Perturbative Particle Physics.

Year 1999 is the second year of activity for the 3-year Nordic project "Hot non-perturbative particle physics" http://www. This project is dedicated to the study of the Standard Model of particle physics (and its extensions) at high temperatures and energy densities conditions which can be found during the first fractions of a second after the Big Bang, inside the neutron stars, and some aspects of which will be probed on earth in the heavy-ion collision laboratories.

During 1998, the project organized an informal workshop (April 24-25, Copenhagen), participated in the organization of the international conference Strong and Electroweak Matter 98 (December 2-5, Copenhagen), and supported several visits by project members to various nodes of the network. In January 2-8, 1999, the project organized a PhD-school "Nordic Winter School on Particle Physics and Cosmology" (Gausdal, Norway), in collaboration with the NorFA project "Standard Model in Extreme Environments".

For several years, the Nordic high-energy physics community has been very active in researching the physics of the matter at ultrahigh temperatures and densities. This project brings together ~20 physicists from Copenhagen, Helsinki, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Trondheim and CERN. The research interests include: cosmological baryon number violation and baryogenesis, magnetic fields in the early universe, thermodynamics and phase transitions in the Standard Model, and the physics of supersymmetric theories at high temperature. Since these are often dominated by non-perturbative processes, a large part of the planned research is done with numerical lattice Monte Carlo methods.

For more information, we refer to the project home page hnppp/. You are also welcome to contact the project coordinator, Kari Rummukainen at Nordita (e-mail:




Quantum Geometry, Akureyri, Iceland, August 10-20, 1999
NATO Advanced Study Institute.
Co-sponsored by: NORDITA and NorFA
Topics include:   Superstring theory, M-Theory, black holes and p-branes, guage theory, duality, quantum gravity, random surfaces, dynamical triangulations. Lecturers include: J. Ambjørn; C. Callan; P. Di Vecchia; C. Isham; T. Jonsson; J. Jurkiewicz; J. Louis; Y. Makeenko; A. Strominger; L. Susskind; W. Taylor; L. Thorlacius; H. Verlinde. The institute will feature lectures, poster sessions and informal discussions and will be open to graduate students and postdocs. Applications, together with a letter of recommendation must be received by March 26, 1999. A Limited number of grants is available. Mailing address: Gerlinde Xander, NATO ASI, Science Institute, Dunhaga 3, IS-107 Reykjavik, Iceland, phone: +354-525-4800, fax: +354-552-8911, e-mail: To keep abreast of current information please visit the web site at:

PANIC 99 XVth Particles and Nuclei International Conference
Uppsala, Sweden, 10 - 16 June 1999
Topics:   QCD dynamics of hadronic and nuclear systems; Nucleosynthesis and big bang cosmology; Nuclear and particle astrophysics; Nucleon and nuclear structure; Standard model and beyond; Antiprotons and antimatter; Fundamental symmetries; Physics at storage rings; Diffractive phenomena; Hot and dense matter; Novel techniques; Applications. Organizing committee: S. Kullander (Chairman), I. Ericson, T. Ericson, G. Fäldt, B. Höistad, G. Ingelman, T. Johansson, O. Jonsson, B. Karlsson, L. Nilsson, O. Sundberg, and G. Tibell. For further information, please contact:, fax: +46-18 471 38 33, phone: +46-18 471 38 48, or website:

Small Galaxy Groups, IAU Colloquium No. 174
Turku, Finland, June 13-18, 1999
Topics:   Triple systems of galaxies: theory and observations; Small groups of galaxies; The Local Group of Galaxies; Interactions and mergers in triplets; Free-fall triplets and cosmological structure formation; The extended local group; Evolution from triplets to binaries; The role of triplets in cluster dynamics; Triplets at high redshift; Dark matter in small groups. Further information: University of Turku - Congress Office, Lemminkäisenkatu 14-18B, FIN-20520 Turku, Finland, phone: +358 2 333 63 42, fax: +358 2 333 6410, email:, website: http:// Local contact address: Mauri Valtonen, Chris Flynn, Tuorla Observatory, FIN-21500 Piikkio, Finland, phone: 358-2-2744245, fax: +358-2-2433767, e-mail:, website:

International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics
Tampere Hall, Tampere, Finland, July 15-21, 1999
Topics:   Hard Scattering in High Energy QCD; Photon Structure; Hadronic Structure, Low-x Physics and Diffraction; CP violation; Flavour Physics; Tests of the Standard Model; Searches for New Particles; Beyond the Standard Model; Neutrino Masses and Oscillations; Lattice Gauge Theory; Cosmology; Particle Astrophysics; Theoretical developments in strings and branes; High energy nuclear collisions; Detector developments for future accelerators; New ideas on data handling; Future colliders beyond LHC/FNAL; Applications of particle physics technology. Participation by invitation only. For invitations please consult the coordinator of your country or laboratory. The list of coordinators as well as all other useful information can be found on the web site: Contact address: EPS-HEP 99, Department of Physics, Box 9, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland, email: Local organizing committee: M. Roos (chair), M. Chaichian, P. Eerola, K. Enqvist, K.J. Eskola, K. Huitu, K. Kainulainen, K. Kajantie, A. Kupiainen, H. Kurki-Suonio, J. Maalampi, C. Montonen, R. Orava, J. Peltoniemi, M. Pessa, D.-O. Riska, H. Saarikko, M. Sainio, J. Tuominiemi, N. Törnqvist, I. Vilja, and K. Österberg. Supported by the Finnish Physical Society, Helsinki Institute of Physics, Department of Physics at the University of Helsinki, Tampere University of Technology, The Acedemy of Finland, and the Abdus Salam ICTP (Trieste).


Board Meetings

Nordita's Board will meet on 12 March 1999 in Copenhagen.


Items for Nordita News
If you have any information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to include in Nordita News, please send it to Nordita, att.: Jette Nielsen, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark or by e-mail: Nordita News appears on the first day of even numbered months, and material should be sent at least 3 weeks before the publication date.

Electronic Nordita News
You may order the electronic version of Nordita News by subscribing to our listserver. To obtain information on how to add your name to the recipient list, send an e-mail (with empty or no subject line): To: Subject: (empty or none) with the following lines of text: info nordita_news. For general questions about Nordita, please send an e-mail to


Visitors at NORDITA / NBI / CATS / TAC

H. Fogedby, (Aarhus), CM Several visits 1999 Nordita
A. Hansen, (Trondheim), CM Several visits 1999 Nordita
A. Sorri, (Helsinki) Present 26.02.99 Nordita  
S. Gabor, (Hungary), C Present 11.06.99 NBI
O. Evnin, (Moscow), AP Present 30.06.99 TAC
V. Lukash, (Moscow), AP 12.02 25.02.99 TAC
J. Soffer, (Marseille) 15.02 - 18.02.99 Nordita
K. Zarembo, (Vancouver), HE 15.02 15.05.99 NBI
R. Rekola, (Finland), AP 22.02 03.03.99 TAC
I. Mishustin, (Moscow), NP 01.03 31.03.99 NBI
M. Chernodoub, (Moscow) 07.03 - 28.03.99 Nordita
B. Komberg, (Moscow), AP 09.03 30.03.99 TAC
P. Forgacs, HE 17.03 21.03.99 NBI
M. Solomon, C 07.04 15.04.99 NBI
V. Putkaradze, C 15.04 30.04.99 NBI
I. Brevik, (Trondheim) 02.05 12.05.99 Nordita

The fields are listed after the names: AP, astrophysics; C, Complex Systems & Chaos; NP, nuclear physics; HE, high energy physics; CM, condensed matter physics.

If you are interested in having any of these people visit your institute, please contact NORDITA.


Postdocs and Long-term Visitors at NORDITA & NBI

Peter Orland, (CUNY), HE, present 01.03.99
Gordon Semenoff , (Vancouver), HE, present 01.06.99
W. Bietenholz, (Julich), present 01.09.99
Z. Konkoli, (Göteborg), present 01.09.99
M. Maul, (Regensburg), present 01.09.99
H. Weigert, (Cambridge), present 01.09.99
D. Golosov, (Chicago), CM, present 01.10.99
G. Kavoulakis, (Illinois), CM, present - 01.06.2000
R. Marotta, (Napoli), present 01.09.2000
Benoit Vanderheyden, (Illinois), NP, present - 01.09.2000
N. Obers, (CERN), present 15.09.2000
Dietrich Bödiker, (Heidelberg), HE, present 01.10.2000


Preprints / Reprints

New reprints and preprints obtainable from Jette Nielsen, e-mail:

D. Diakonov and K. Zarembo: Screening of fractional charges in (2+1)-dimensional QED. 98/63.

W. Bietenholz and H. Dilger: The Schwinger model with perfect staggered fermions. 98/67.

G.W. Carter and D. Diakonov: Light quarks in the instanton vacuum at finite baryon density. 98/68.

I.D. Luzyanin, A.G. Yashenkin, S.V. Maleyev, E.A. Zaitseva, and V.P. Khavronin: Longitudinal spin fluctuations in nearby isotropic ferromagnet CDCR2SE4: scaling behavior outside the critical region. 98/70.

A.P. Dmitriev, I.V. gornyi, and V. Yu Kachorovskii: Quantum conductivity corrections in Si-MOS structures in the regime of high electron concentrations. 98/71.

J.A. Hertz, D. Sherrington, and Th. M. Nieuwenhuizen: Competition between glasiness and order in a multi-spin glass. 98/72.

D.V. Khveshchenko: Phonon mediated transresistivity in a double layer composite fermion system. 98/73.

H. Fogedby: Canonical phase space approach to the noisy Burgers equation. 98/74.

A. Shelkan and D. Nevedrov: Self-consistent calculation of the autolocalization barrier for quasiparticles in anisotropic crystal. 98/75.

M. Hjorth-Jensen: Effective interactions for the nuclear shell model. 98/76.

L. Capiello, A. Liccardo, R. Pettorino, F. Pezella, and R. Marotta: Prescriptions for off-shell bosonic string amplitudes. 98/77.

N. Obers and B. Pioline: U-duality and M-theory, an algebraic approach. 98/78.

C. Michael and P. Pennanen: Two heavy-light mesons on a lattice. 98/79.



Overview of Future Nordita and other Conferences

Title / Place / Date

Contact Person

Email / Fax / www

Workshop on Neutrino Processes and Correlations in Dense Matter,
27-28 September 1999
C.J. Pethick
Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
+45 3538 9157 (fax)
PANIC 99 XVth Particles and Nuclei, International Conference,
10-16 June 1999
Uppsala, Sweden.
+46 18 471 3833 (fax)


IAU Colloquium No. 174:
Small Galaxy Groups.
13-18 June 1999
Turku, Finland.

M. Valtonen / C. Flynn
Tuorla Observatory
FIN-21500 Piikkio
+358-2-2433767 (fax)
13th Nordic Symposium on Computer Simulations in Quantum, Biological and Materials Science,
16-20 June 1999
Grimstad, Norway.
A. Hansen
Teoretisk Fysikk
Norges Tekn.-Naturv. Univ.
N-7034 Trondheim
+47 7359 3372 (fax)
International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics,
15-21 July 1999,
Tampere, Finland,
Department of Physics
FIN-00014 Univ, of Helsinki


Nordita Master Class in Physics.
24-31 July 1999,
S. Åberg
Matematisk Fysik
Lunds Tekn. Högskola
Box 118
S-221 00 Lund
+46-46 222 4416 (fax)
ICACS - 18 International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids.
August 3-8, 1999,
Odense, Denmark.
K. Cauthery
ICACS, Physics Dept.
Odense University
DK-5230 Odense M
+45 6615 8760 (fax)
LT22 - International Conf. of Low Temperature Physics.
4-11 August 1999,
Espoo and Helsinki, Finland.
LT22 office
Low Temp. Lab.
Helsinki Univ. of Technology
P.O. Box 2200
FIN-02015 HUT
+358-9-451 2969 (fax)
Quantum Geometry,
August 10-20, 1999,
Akureyri, Iceland.
Gerlinde Xander
Science Institute
Dunhaga 3
IS-107 Reykjavik
+354-552-8911 (fax) quantum.html
Nordic Graduate Program in Physics,
6-24 August 1999,
H. Hansson
Fysikum (Dept. of Physics)
Stockholms Universitet
S-113 85 Stockholm
+46-8-347 817 (fax)

Minischool on Stochastic Finance.
2-4 September 1999,

Ellen Pedersen
Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
+45 35 38 91 57 (fax)
Methods Meet:
Physics and Topical Issues of Society.
4-5 November 1999
P. Hoyer
Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
+45 3538 9157 (fax)