NORDITA   NEWS   1999 / 5                       October, 1999


NORDITA Fellowships   2000 / 2001

Complete on-line application forms and letters of recommendation should arrive at NORDITA no later than November 15, 1999.
Please ensure that potential candidates, in particular those at institutes outside the Nordic countries, receive this information.


Board Meeting

NORDITA's Board will meet on November 3, 1999 in Copenhagen.



If you have any information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to include in NORDITA NEWS, please send it to

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Nordita News appears during the first week of even-numbered months, and material should be sent at least 3 weeks before the publication date.



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Meetings / Workshops

Graduate Student School on Ion Traps, Atom Traps and Optical Tweezers
Stockholm, Sweden, 2-5 November 1999
(for students from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the Baltic Countries)

The aim of this school is to bring together experienced scientists with younger ones, and to create an open, creative and effective learning atmosphere that will inspire new contacts as well as scientific developments. The scientific program will consist of a mixture of lengthy presentations by the invited speakers and shorter presentations, mainly given by student representatives of the participating laboratories.

The invited speakers have been encouraged to give thorough introductions, recapitulate the basic fundamentals and the current state-of-the-art of their fields, as well as to give their personal views of the directions in which these fields are developing.

A detailed program, based on the final list of participants, will be set up in the early autumn.
The number of participating students is limited to approximately 30.

Invited Speakers:   K.-O. Greulich, Jena (optical tweezers); C. Monroe, Boulder (ion traps); W. Phillips, Gaithersburg (atom traps); C. Salomon, Paris (atom traps); G. Werth*, Mainz (ion traps). *To be confirmed.
Application deadline: September 20, 1999. Application form may be obtained from:


Methods Meet: Physics and Topical Issues of Society
NORDITA, 4-5 November 1999

Human activities are increasingly influencing local and global environments. Our societies are facing difficult choices in regulating activities which affect, e.g., climate (global warming), natural resources (energy use, fishing quotas), and pollution levels. The structure of social interactions (in communications and finance, for example) is likewise growing more complex.

Optimal responses to such challenges should be guided by evaluations of competent scientists. Physicists are trained to understand interrelations between complex phenomena, and they increasingly apply their skills in multidisciplinary research of direct relevance to society.

NORDITA is organizing this workshop to promote the discussion of these issues. The program includes:
The broader significance of fundamental physics in the world today - B. Gustafsson, Uppsala University
Career choices of physics graduates - R. Czujko, American Institute of Physics
Climate - H. Svensmark, Danish Space Research Institute
Natural resources - K. Magnusson, University of Iceland
European study groups with industry - P.G. Hjorth, Technical University of Denmark
Interactions of research driven by curiosity and purpose - S. Svanberg, Lund Institute of Technology.

There will be discussions on topics such as:
Promoting the awareness of graduate students of challenging problems in other areas (through invited lectures, summer schools, etc.). The opportunities for interdisciplinary research in areas of direct relevance to society (positions, research grants, etc.). The views of applied research institutes and industry. Contacts between scientists and regulatory agencies.

Program and registration form:
Graduate students are encouraged to apply. For further information, please contact Paul Hoyer: or Ellen Pedersen:


Mini-school in Stochastic Finance
NORDITA, 2-4 December 1999

Financial markets quantify the collective behaviour of the social animal we know as humans. In the school, we present recent mathematical approaches to deal with market behaviour, with the aim to introduce graduate students and post-docs to this subfield of activity in statistical physics. Lecturers cover developments in game theory, in fluctuation analysis, and Black-Scholes theory for risk minimization, and various ways of viewing self-organization in economic systems. The format will be longer 2- to 4-hour lecture series.

E. Aurell, KTH, Stockholm - Black-Scholes and Beyond
P. Bak, Niels Bohr Institute - Inflation and Interacting Agents
R. Cont*, Ecole Polytechnique - Correlations in Financial Markets
I. Giadina, Oxford - Minority Games
I. Kondor, Sacley - Spin Glasses in Finance
M. Paczuski, NORDITA - Dynamical Networks of Boolean Agents
M. Potters*, Science et Finance - Modelling Market Fluctuations

Organizing Committee: E. Aurell, J. Hertz, M. Paczuski, K. Sneppen.

Registration deadline: November 1, 1999
Registration form may be obtained from Ellen Pedersen: email:
For further information, please contact: Kim Sneppen:


Spåtind 2000: The 16th Nordic Meeting on Particle Physics
Spåtind, Norway, 4-10 January 2000

The traditional biennial Nordic Meeting on Particle Physics, the 16th in the series, will again be arranged in Spåtind, 100 km northwest of Oslo.
Organizing Committee: Chair: Keijo Kajantie (Helsinki), Secretary: Janne Ignatius (Helsinki), Paula Eerola (Lund), Kari J. Eskola (Jyväskylä), Katri Huitu (HIP, Helsinki), Kimmo Kainlainen (NORDITA), Claus Montonen (HIP, Helsinki), Jorma Tuominiemi (HIP, Helsinki),

Contact information:


Physics of Accretionand Associated Outflows
TAC/NORDITA, 5-8 January 2000

Accretion discs play an important role in a wide range of astrophysical environments, for instance in protostars and protogalaxies, active galaxies and quasars, X-ray binaries and cataclysmic variables. In many cases, the discs are also associated with collimated outflows, jets, in particular in protostars and active galaxies. The theoretical description of the accretion discs and their jets utilizes ideas from several branches of modern astrophysics, magnetohydrodynamics and turbulence theory, radiative transfer, general relativity, as well as star and galaxy formation.

The purpose of this meeting is to assemble the experts in the different fields to discuss the present status from different points of view and, hopefully, to formulate a unified approach to the theory of accreting cosmic objects.

Local Organizing Committee:   Chair: Igor Novikov (TAC/NORDITA), Secretary: Anette Uhl (TAC), Axel Brandenburg (NORDITA), Per Rex Christensen (TAC), Åke Nordlund (AO/TAC).

Contact information:
Science program matters: email:
Registration, lodging, etc: email:


Postdocs and Long-Term Visitors at NORDITA

Bietenholz, W. (Jülich) present - 31.09.2000
Golosov, D. (Chicago) present - 30.09.2000
Hansen, A. (Trondheim) 01.11.99 - 31.08.2000
Kavoulakis, G. (Illinois) present - 30.06.2000
Konkoli, Z. (Göteborg) present - 31.08.2000
Liccardo, A. (Napoli) present - 30.11.1999
Marotta, R. (Napoli) present - 31.08.2000
Obers, N. (CERN) present - 31.08.2000
Paczuski, M. (Houston) present - 31.12.1999
Saygili, K. (Istanbul) present - 30.11.1999
Weigert, H. (Cambridge, UK) present - 31.08.2000



Preprints / Reprints

New preprints and reprints are obtainable from:

99/50 P. Pennanen, C. Michael and A.M. Green, Interactions of heavy-light mesons.

99/51 M. Laine and K. Rummukainen, Spontaneous CP violation on the lattice.

99/52 P. Hoyer, Soft perturbative QCD.

99/53 J.V. Andersen and D. Sornette, Have your cake and eat it too: Increasing returns while lowering large risks!

99/55 P.H. Damgaard, U.M. Heller, R. Niclasen and K. Rummukainen, Looking for effects of topology in the Dirac spectrum of staggered fermions.

99/56 D. Bodeker, G.D. Moore and K. Rummukainen, Hard thermal loops and the sphaleron rate on the lattice.

99/57 D. Diakonov and M. Maul, On statistical mechanics of instantons in the CPNc-1 model.

99/58 D.I. Golosov, Spin wave theory of double exchange magnets.

99/59 P. Hoyer and S. Peigné, Psi(2S) to Psi(1S) ratio in diffractive photoproduction.

99/60 J.V. Andersen, S. Gluzman and D. Sornette, Fundamental framework for technical analysis.

99/61 T. Harmark and N.A. Obers, Thermodynamics of spinning branes and their dual field theories.

99/62 H. Heiselberg and M. Hjorth-Jensen, Phases of dense matter in neutron stars.

99/64 J.O. Fjærestad, A. Sudbo and A. Luther, Correlation functions for 2D electrons with bosonic interactions on a square Fermi surface.



Overview of future NORDITA and other Conferences

Title / Place / Date Contact Person Email / Fax / www
Graduate Student School on Ion Traps,
Atom Traps and Optical Tweezers.
Stockholm, Sweden.
2-5 November 1999
A. Kastberg, MSI,
Stockholm Univ.
Fax: +46 - 81 58 674.
Methods Meet: Physics and
Topical Issuesof Society.
Nordita, Copenhagen.
4-5 November 1999
P. Hoyer,
Fax: + 45 - 353 89157.
Mini-School in
Stochastic Finance.
Nordita, Copenhagen.
2-4 December 1999
Ellen Pedersen,
Fax: + 45 - 353 89157.
Spåtind 2000: The 16th Nordic
Meeting on Particle Physics.
Spåtind, Norway.
4-10 January 2000
Conf. Spåtind 2000,
c/o Liisa Kovisto,
Dept. of Physics,
Univ. of Helsinki,
FIN-00014 Finland
Fax: + 358 - 9 - 1918 366.
Physics of Accretion and
Associated Outflows.
TAC / Nordita, Copenhagen.
5-8 January 2000
I. Novikov,
Fax: + 45 - 353 25910.



NORDITA, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Tel: Main number: + 45 353 25500
Individual ext.: + 45 353 plus the five-digit ext. number
Fax: + 45 353 89157