NORDITA welcomes Axel Brandenburg as the new professor in astrophysics. Axel formally took up his appointment on January 1, 2000.
Axel was born in Germany, and after undergraduate studies at the University of Hamburg, did his Dr. Phil. degree at the University of Helsinki working on magnetohydrodynamics, in particular on understanding the dynamo mechanism responsible for the magnetic field of the sun. Axel is no stranger to NORDITA, having been a fellow from 1990 to 1992, and a Nordic Assistant Professor from 1994 to 1996. Between his two earlier stays at NORDITA he was a postdoc at the High Altitude Observatory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. His appointment as Nordic Assistant Professor was terminated abruptly in early 1996 when he was appointed Professor of Mathematics at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. We are delighted to have been able to induce him to return!
Axel's main research interests are in astrophysical fluid
dynamics, especially the study of magnetohydrodynamical phenomena and
Board Meetings
NORDITA's Board will meet on March 3 and May 29, 2000 in Copenhagen.
NORDITA is pleased to announce another series of
NORDITA Seminars this spring.
Lectures in February are
Feb. 10: Paolo Di Vecchia: Recent Developments in String Theory
Feb. 17: No seminar (winter holiday)
Feb. 24: Paolo Di Vecchia: Recent Developments in String Theory
and the future program may be found at:
Nordic Projects and Corresponding Fellows 2000
At NORDITA's board meeting, held on the 3rd of November 1999, it was decided to support the following Nordic projects:
Confined Electronic Systems: Organizer: V. Gudmundsson
Neutrino Physics and Cosmology: Organizer: K. Kainulainen
The Physics of Very Cold Atomic Systems: Organizer: C.J. Pethick
Hot Non-Perturbative Particle Physics: Organizer: K. Rummukainen
Statistical Mechanics of Non-equilibrium Systems: Organizer: K. Sneppen
At the same time, NORDITA warmly welcomes Alex
Hansen (Trondheim) and Andrew Jackson (NBI) as presently appointed
corresponding fellows.
Two further openings for corresponding fellows are being
considered, with a decision by the board expected at the meeting in March.
New Corresponding Fellows
Andrew Jackson, Ph.D., Princeton University 1967. Associate Professor, SUNY at Stony Brook 1970-75. Visiting Professor, The Niels Bohr Institute 1971-72. Professor, SUNY at Stony Brook 1975-96. Visiting Professor, NORDITA 1976-77 and 1986-87. Zernike Professor of Physics, University of Groningen 1981-82. Visiting Professor, University College London 1982. S.E.R.C. Senior Visiting Scientist, University College London 1987. Professor, SUNY at Stony Brook 1975-96. Professor, Niels Bohr Institute 1996 - present. Main interests: random matrix theory and microscopic many-body theory.
Items for NORDITA News
If you have any information about meetings, etc. that
would be useful to include in NORDITA News, please send it to:
NORDITA, Att. News,
Blegdamsvej 17,
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark.
or by e-mail:
Nordita News appears during the first week of
even-numbered months, and material should be sent at least 3 weeks before
the publication date.
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Meetings / Workshops
Triangle Meeting 2000:
Non-perturbative Methods in Field and String Theory
Niels Bohr Institute/NORDITA, June 19-22, 2000.
The Triangle Meeting 2000 is a continuation of the series of workshops organized by the traditional "triangle" of Athens, Copenhagen, Paris, Rome and Utrecht. This year the meeting is jointly organized by NORDITA and the Niels Bohr Institute.
A very preliminary list of invited speakers from outside
the triangle network includes:
M. Green, A. Polyakov, A. Tseytlin, I. Kogan, L. Faddeev,
B. Nilsson, A. Rubakov, J. Maldacena.
Local Organizing Committee:
Poul Damgaard, NBI,
Dmitri Diakonov, NORDITA,
Kari Rummukainen, NORDITA,
Conference secretary: Hanne Bergen,
Contact information:
Nuclei in the Cosmos 2000
University of Aarhus, 27 June-1 July 2000
This meeting will be jointly hosted by the University
of Aarhus, the Theoretical Astrophysics Center of Denmark (TAC), NORDITA
and the University of Rostock.
The scientific programme will contain invited and
contributed talks and poster sessions.
Invited lectures will cover the following topics:
Evolution of the solar system - A.G.W.
Cameron, USA
Neutrinos and the r-process- G. Fuller, USA
Gamma-ray and X-ray astronomy- D. Hartmann,
Pre-solar grains found in meteorites - P.
Hoppe, Germany
Advances in cross section measurements
- M. Junker, Italy
Measurements of r-process nuclei
- K.-L. Kratz, Germany
Low-metallicity stellar abundance observation
- D. Lambert, USA
Advances in s-process models - M. Lugaro,
Type Ia supernovae at high redshift - B.
Leibundgut, Germany
Stellar weak reaction rates - G.
Martínez-Pinedo, Denmark
Theoretical advances in type II supernovae
- T. Mezzacappa, USA
Observation of stellar neutrinos
- M. Nakahata, Japan
Nucleosynthesis of proton-rich nuclei
- M. Rayet, Belgium
Advances in nova models
- S. Starrfield, USA
Rocks, dust, stars and galaxies
- G.J. Wasserburg, USA
Advances in experimental techniques and
- M. Wiescher, USA
Theoretical advances in type Ia supernova
- S.E. Woosley, USA
The invited lectures will be supplemented by contributed
talks and posters chosen from the abstracts.
Registration: no later than March 15, 2000.
Contact information: Email:
Bertolini, M. (Trieste)
Bietenholz, W. (Jülich) Chongtay, R. (Mexico) Dintrans, B. (France) Dommersnes, P. (Trondheim) Golosov, D. (Chicago) Hansen, A. (Trondheim) Hörnquist, M. (Linköping) Kavoulakis, G. (Illinois) Konkoli, Z. (Göteborg) Marotta, R. (Napoli) Obers, N. (CERN) Paczuski, M. (Houston) Stone, M. (Urbana) Weigert, H. (Cambridge, UK) |
present - 31.10.2001
present - 31.09.2000 present - 30.06.2000 01.04.00 - 31.03.2001 present - 30.06.2000 present - 30.09.2000 present - 31.08.2000 present - 31.12.2001 present - 30.06.2000 present - 31.08.2000 present - 31.08.2000 present - 31.08.2000 present - 29.02.2000 Fall 2000/approx. 4 months present - 31.08.2000 |
New preprints and reprints are obtainable from:
99/60. J.V. Andersen, S. Gluzman and D. Sornette, Fundamental framework for technical analysis.
99/61. T. Harmark and N.A. Obers, Thermodynamics of spinning branes and their dual field theories.
99/62. H. Heiselberg and M. Hjorth-Jensen, Phases of dense matter in neutron stars.
99/63. H. Heiselberg, Dense matter in neutron stars and phase transitions.
99/64. J.O. Fjærestad, A. Sudbo and A. Luther, Correlation functions for 2D electrons with bosonic interactions on a square Fermi surface.
99/65. N.A. Obers and B. Pioline, Eisenstein series in string theory.
99/66. G. Kavoulakis, C.J. Pethick and H. Smith, Collisional relaxation in diffuse clouds of trapped bosons.
99/68. A. Westerberg and N. Wyllard, Super-p-brane actions from interpolating dualisations.
99/69. W. Bietenholz, Perfect scalars on the lattice.
99/70. G. Baym and H. Heiselberg, Event-by-event fluctuations in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions.
99/72. P. Eden, Comparing quark jets in e+e- and DIS.
99/73. P. Eden, Event selection effects on multiplicities in quark and gluon jets.
99/74. P. Eden, Observables probing the perturbative-nonperturbative transition region in QCD.
99/75. T. Harmark and N.A. Obers, Phase structure of non-commutative field theories and spinning brane bound states.
99/76. P. Hoyer, ELFE physics.
99/80. O.F. Syljuasen, Sigma-model analysis of quantum spin ladders.
99/81. O.F. Syljuasen, Loop algorithms for asymmetric Hamiltonians.
Title / Place / Date | Contact Person | Email / Fax / www |
Triangle Meeting 2000:
Non-perturbative Methods in Field and String Theory NORDITA/NBI 19-22 June 2000 |
K. Rummukainen
NORDITA Blegdamsvej 17 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø Denmark |
Fax: + 45 353 89157 |
Nuclei in the Cosmos 2000
University of Aarhus 27 June - 1 July 2000 |
J. Christensen-Dalsgaard or
Karlheinz Langanke University of Aarhus Physics and Astronomy DK-8000 Århus C Denmark |
Fax: + 45 8612 0740 |
Tel: Main number: +45353 25500
Individual ext.: + 45353plus the five-digit ext. number
Fax: +45353 89157