NORDITA NEWS 2000/3                                            June 1, 2000


Nordic Projects and Corresponding Fellowsships 2001

NORDITA announces the availability of funding for Nordic projects and corresponding fellowships in 2001. The purpose and rules as well as application forms for these schemes are given on, under "Positions and Projects", and may also be obtained from The deadline for application is 1 October 2000, with a decision by the NORDITA board expected in October 2000.


Lars Melwyn Jensen
NORDITA's New Computer Manager
Lars Melwyn Jensen took up his position as new computer manager at NORDITA on 1 June 2000.
After undergraduate studies at the University of Copenhagen, he has recently completed his licentiate degree at Umeå University on "the dynamic critical properties of superfluids and superconductors". During his time in Umeå, he also worked as assistant computer system administrator.


Tomas Bohr: New NORDITA Corresponding Fellow

NORDITA warmly welcomes Tomas Bohr as new corresponding fellow. T. Bohr received his Ph.D. in 1983 on the subject of "Elementary Excitations in Phase Transitions". After his postdoc years at the Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Cornell University, he was assistant professor at the H.C. Ørsted Institute (1985-87), the Niels Bohr Institute (1987-90), and was appointed a Hallas-Møller Lektor (funded by the Novo-Nordisk Foundation) at the Niels Bohr Institute from 1990-95 . He is co-founder of the "Center for Chaos and Turbulence Studies", which was established in 1993 with funding from the Danish NSF. Presently he is Professor of physics at the "Physics Department" at the Danish Technical University, Copenhagen. His main interests are: Hydrodynamics (especially free surface flows), turbulence, chaos in extended systems and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. E-mail:


Board Meeting
Nordita's Board will meet on 27 October in Copenhagen.


Items for Nordita News
If you have any information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to include in NORDITA News, please send it to:

    NORDITA, att.: Jette Nielsen
    Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark.
or by e-mail:
Nordita News appears on the first day of even numbered months, and material should be sent at least 3 weeks before the publication date.

Electronic NORDITA News
You may order the electronic version of NORDITA News by subscribing to our listserver. To obtain information on how to add your name to the recipient list, send an e-mail (with empty or no subject line): To:, Subject: (empty or none) with the following lines of text:    info nordita_news.
For general questions about Nordita, please send an e-mail to:



Meetings / Workshops

Genetic Intelligence of Bacteriophage
24 -26 August 2000

The topic of this workshop is the mechanisms for genetic control employed by bacteriophages, which are viruses that infect bacteria. Genetic control and how to model it will probably become a major field soon. The motivation for this workshop is to obtain a window into biology by studying very simple "organisms".

The meeting will discus:   genetic switches and decision circuits in bacteriophages, with the aim of developing a quantitative understanding of molecular decision processes, including the possibility for spontaneous failures of maintaining decisions.

The meeting is interdisciplinary; researchers and students from both physics and biology will participate. We expect about 10-15 speakers and a total attendance of 30-40 people. The meeting will start on the morning of August 24 and end on the afternoon of August 26.

For registration and hotel reservations, please contact Ellen Pedersen ( by email.
For more information on the workshop, see web page

Organizing committee: Sankar Adhya (NCI, Bethesda), Stanley Brown (Copenhagen University), John Hertz and Kim Sneppen.


Problems of the Cosmological Constant and Vacuum Energy
24 - 26 August 2000, Copenhagen

A conference on this subject will be held in Copenhagen on August 24-26 2000. The conference, organized and financed by Nordita and TAC, is aimed at covering the following topics:

1. Observational and theoretical arguments in favor of a non-vanishing cosmological constant.
2. Phenomenology of an accelerating universe.
3. The issue of huge vacuum energy in quantum physics.

The local organization committee consists of Prof. Alexandre Dolgov (Ferrara), Prof. Axel Brandenburg (NORDITA) and assistant professors Kimmo Kainulainen, Rachid Ouyed and Steen Hannestad (NORDITA).
For more information, see web page



Visitors at NORDITA 2000
A. Dolgov, (Moscow), AP several visits 2000
H. Fogedby, (Aarhus), CM several visits 2000
A. Hansen, (Trondheim), CM several visits 2000
B.-S. Skagerstam, (Trondheim), HE several visits 2000
L. Faddeev, (St. Petersburg), NP present 25.06.00
V. Petrov, (St. Petersburg), NP present 30.06.00
D. Khveshchenko, (N. Carolina), CM  present 31.07.00
J. Hazlehurst, (Hamburg), AP 26.06.00 - 14.07.00
C.Chow, (Pittsburgh), CM 28.06.00 30.06.00
G. Baym, (Urbana), NP 03.07.00 - 09.07.00
T. Thomsen, (Arizona), AP 04.07.00
K. Subramanian, (India), AS 12.07.00 - 01.08.00 
F. Oliveira, (ICCMP), Brazil, CM 24.07.00 01.08.00
A. Pedersen, (Trondheim) 03.08.00 - 05.08.00
A. Pinchuk, (Ukraine) 03.08.00 - 05.08.00
I. Brevik, (Trondheim) 23.08.00 - 30.08.00
S. Odintsov, (Tomsk) 4 weeks fall

The fields are listed after the names: AP, astrophysics; C, Complex Systems & Chaos; NP, nuclear physics; HE, high energy physics; CM, condensed matter physics.

If you are interested in having any of these people visit your institute, please contact NORDITA.



Long-term Visitors at NORDITA

R. A. Chongtay, (Mexico) present 30.06.00
P. Dommersnes, (Trondheim) present 30.06.00
G. Kavoulakis, (Illinois) present 30.06.00
Z. Konkoli, (Göteborg) present 31.08.00
R. Marotta, (Italy) present 31.08.00
N. Obers, (CERN) present 31.08.00
H. Weigert, (Cambridge UK) present 31.08.00
I. Burud, (Liège) present - 01.09.00
J. Fynbo, (Aarhus) present - 01.09.00
D. Golosov, (Chicago) present 30.09.00
W. Bietenholz, (Jülich) present - 31.09.00
M. Bertolini, (Italy) present 31.10.01
M. Hörnquist, (Linköping) present 31.12.01
T. Jonsson, (Reykjavik) 15.08.00 - 31.12.00
M. Stone (Illinois) Sept. Dec. 00




New reprints and preprints obtainable from Jette Nielsen, e-mail:

W. Bietenholz: Optimizing chirality and scaling of lattice fermions. 2000/1.

J. Ambjørn, K.N. Anagnostopoulos, W. Bietenholz, T. Hotta, and J. Nishimura: Large N dynamics of dimensionally reduced 4d SU(N) super Yang-Mills theory. 2000/8.

J.M. Cline and K. Kainulainen: A new source for electroweak baryogenesis in the MSSM. 2000/10.

M. Joyce, K. Kainulainen, and T. Prokopec: Fermion propagator in a nontrivial background field. 2000/11.

K. Kainulainen: Sources for electroweak baryogenesis. 2000/13.

A. Kovner, J.G. Milhano, and H. Weigert: Relating different approaches to nonlinear QCD evolution at finite gluon density. 2000/14.

T. Harmark and N.A. Obers: Thermodynamics of field theories from spinning branes. 2000/15.

P. Hoyer, M. Maul, and A. Metz: Semi-exlusive production of photons at HERA. 2000/20.

K. Kajantie, M. Laine, T. Neuhaus, A. Rajantie, and K. Rummukainen: 0(2) symmetry breaking vs. vortex loop percolation. 2000/29.

P.H. Damgaard, U.M. Heller, R. Niclasen, and K. Rummukainen: Low-lying eigenvalues of the QCD Dirac operator at finite temperature. 2000/30.

C.J. Pethick and L.P. Pitaevskii: On the criterion for Bose-Einstein condensation for particles in traps. 2000/31.

R. Ouyed: D-D fusion in the interior of Jupiter: Thermal structure. 2000/32.

O.F. Syljuåsen and H.M. Rønnow: Quantum renormalization of high energy excitations in the 2d Heisenberg antiferromagnet. 2000/33.

H. Weigert: Unitarity at small Bjorken x. 2000/34.

R.K. Bhaduri, S.M. Reimann, S. Viefers, A.G. Choudhury, and M.K. Srivastava: The effect of interactions on Bose-Einstein condensation in a quasi two-dimensional harmonic trap. 2000/35.

P. Edén: On energy conservation in Lund string fragmentation. 2000/36.

R. Ouyed: Skyrmions stars II: rotating configurations. 2000/37.

G.M. Kavoulakis, B. Mottelson, and C.J. Pethick: Weakly-interacting Bose-Einstein condensates under rotation. 2000/40.

A.D. Jackson, G.M. Kavoulakis, B. Mottelson, and S.M. Reimann: Weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensates under rotation: Mean-field versus exact solutions. 2000/41.

H. Heiselberg, C.J. Pethick, H. Smith, and L. Viverit: Influence of induced interations on the superfluid transition in dilute fermi gases. 2000/42.

N. Marchal, S. Peigné, and P. Hoyer: Quarkonium production through hard comover scattering. II. 2000/43.

S. Davidson, S. Hannestad, and G. Raffelt: Updated bounds on milli-charged particles. 2000/44.

S. Hannestad: New constraints on neutrino physics from Boomerang data. 2000/45.

L. Oddershede, S. Grego, S.F. Nørrelykke, and K. Berg-Sørensen: Optical tweezers: probing biological surfaces. 2000/46.

H. Fogedby: Canonical phase space approach to the noisy Burgers equation: probability distributions. Phys. Rev. E59 (1999) 5065.

I.V. Gornyi, A.G. Yashenkin, and D.V. Khveshchenko: Coulomb drag in double layers with correlated disorder. Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 152.

W. Bietenholz: Exact supersymmetry on the lattice. Mod. Phys. Lett. A14 (1999) 51.

H. Heiselberg: Emission times and opacities from interferometry in non-central relativistic nuclear collisions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999) 2052.

A.M. Green, J. Kuponen, and P. Pennanen: A variational fit to the lattice energy of two heavy-light mesons. Phys. Rev. D61 (1999) 014014.

B. Lehmann-Dronke, M. Maul, S. Schaefer, E.Stein, and A. Schäfer: Diffractive charged meson pair production. Phys. Lett. B457 (1999) 207.

U. Al Khawaja, C.J. Pethick, and H. Smith. The surface of a Bose-Einstein condensed atomic cloud. Phys. Rev. A60 (1999) 1507.

W. Bietenholz and I. Hip: The scaling of exact and approximate Ginsparg-Wilson fermions. Nucl. Phys. B570 (2000) 423.

V.M. Braun, S.E. Derkachov, G.P. Korchemsky, and A.N. Manashov: Baryon distribution amplitudes in QCD. Nucl. Phys. B553 (1999) 355.

H. Heiselberg and M. Hjorth-Jensen: Phases of dense matter in neutron stars. Phys. Reports 328 / 5-6 (2000) 237.

P. Di Vecchia: An introduction to AdS/CFT equivalence. Fortsch. der Phys. 48 (2000) 87.

Z. Li and J. Hertz: Odor recognition and segmentation by coupled olfactory bulb and cortical networks. Neurocomputing 26-27 (1999) 789.

A. Liccardo, F. Pezzella, and R. Marotta: Consistent off-shell tree string amplitudes. Mod. Phys. Lett. A14  (1999) 799.

H. Heiselberg and A. Levy: Elliptic flow and HBT in high energy nuclear collisions. Phys. Rev. C59 (1999) 2716.

N.A. Obers and B. Pioline: Eisenstein series and string thresholds. Commun. Math. Phys. 209 (2000) 275.

M. Wahde and J. Hertz: Coarse-grained reverse engineering of genetic regulatory networks. Biosystems 55 (2000) 129.

N.M.R. Peres, R.G. Dias, P.D. Sacramento, and J.M.P. Carmelo: Finite-temperature transport in finite-size Hubbard rings in the strong-coupling limit. Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 3892.

J.M.P. Carmelo, J.M.E. Guerra, J.M.B. Lopes dos Santos, and A. H. Castro Neto: One-particle spectral properties of Mott-Hubbard insulators. Phys. Rev. B61 (2000) 5169.



Overview of Future Nordita and other Conferences

Title/Place/Date  Contact Person Email/Phone/Fax/www
Nuclei in the Cosmos 2000,
27 June-1 July 2000,
J.Christensen-Dalsgaard / K. Langanke
Univ. of Aarhus, Physics and Astronomy
DK-8000 Århus C
Tel: +45 89 42 36 15
Fax: +45 86 12 07 40
NORDITA Master Class in Physics,
23-28 July 2000,
Ellen Pedersen
Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
Tel: +45 35 32 52 89
Fax: +45 35 38 91 57
5th Nordic Summer School in Nuclear Physics,
14-25 Aug. 2000,
Hillerød, Denmark.
Anne Lumholdt
Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
Tel: +45 35 32 53 66
Fax: +45 35 38 91 57
Problems of the Cosmological Constant and Vacuum Energy,
24-26 August 2000,
Ellen Pedersen
Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
Tel: +45 35 32 52 89
Fax: +45 35 38 91 57
Workshop on Genetic Intelligence of Bacteriophages,
24-26 August 2000,
Ellen Pedersen
Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
Tel: +45 35 32 52 89
Fax: +45 35 38 91 57


Low-Dimensional Physics in Solids and Trapped Atoms,
31 Aug.-2 Sept. 2000,
Ellen Pedersen
Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
Tel: +45 35 32 52 89
Fax: +45 35 38 91 57