Nordita News 2001/6

Nordic Projects and Corresponding Fellows 2002
At its meeting on 2 November Nordita's board decided to support the following new Nordic projects "Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology", organizer S. Hannestad, "String Theory", organizer P. Di Veccchia, and "Strongly Correlated Electron Systems", organizer O. Syljuåsen. In addition V. Gudmundsson's project "Confined Electronic Systems" was prolonged for a 3rd year. Descriptions of the projects may be found below and in the next newsletter.

M. Alava, Helsinki, was awarded a new corresponding Fellowship and corresponding fellows E. Aurell (Stockholm), J. Bijnens (Lund), T. Bohr (DTU), and S. Reimann (Lund), were given a 2nd year. An introduction to M. Alava is given below.

Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
A new Nordic project on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems will be supported by Nordita for the year 2002.

With the development of material science, we know today many materials which do not fall into the category of being described by a theory of independent electrons. These strongly-correlated electron systems have many unusual properties often thought impossible or unlikely based on an independent electron picture. The best example of this is perhaps the very high onset temperature of superconductivity in the cuprate materials, but there are also other materials exhibiting unusual forms of superconductivity, exotic forms of magnetism, as well as different forms of charge-ordered phases.

To keep a focus, the project will put emphasis on models for high-temperature superconductivity and its avatars, as well as numerical methods for studying these. The main activity planned the first year will be a short workshop at Nordita in early June 2002. Organizer: Olav Syljuåsen, e-mail:

Confined Electronic Systems
The Nordic Project on "Confined Electronic Systems" has been extended for the third and last year. The scope of the research of the project members has been Confined Fermion and Boson Systems, (CFBS). The activities of the project in the year 2001 and plans for 2002 are documented in a report available on the web: One of the main items in the year 2001 was a workshop in Copenhagen in August organized at NORDITA, where project members had an opportunity to meet with experimental and theoretical physicists from Copenhagen, Lyngby, Lund and neighboring cities south of the German border.

Nordic Project on Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology
This project aims to study the rapidly growing fields of astroparticle physics and cosmology. In recent years the amount of observational and experimental data has grown tremendously in this field, and will certainly continue to do so for at least the next decade. The Nordic region is a very active environment in this field, and the main aim of the project will be to create opportunities for young researchers to become familiar with the varied activities in their field, and to allow them to interact with senior physicists. More specifically the project includes: Particle physics and the cosmic microwave background radiation, Dark matter and energy, Ultra-high energy cosmic rays, Large extra dimensions. The project will be running during the period January 2002 - December 2003 during which period two network meetings are expected. More information can be found on the project homepage nordic/nordic.html) or by contacting Steen Hannestad (

New Corresponding Fellow Mikko Alava
Mikko Alava studied first plasma physics and received his PhD from Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) in 1993 for work on wave propagation in fusion plasmas. He then changed to condensed matter and statistical physics. After a postdoc position at Michigan State University and two years as a Nordita Fellow, he returned to HUT where he is currently a senior research fellow at the Academy of Finland and a group leader in the university.

His current interests include problems in non-equilibrium statistical physics, such as fracture and kinetic roughening, and disordered systems as examples of optimization problems in physics. At Nordita, Mikko will to begin with pursue Nordic collaborations on these topics. His e-mail address is

Bose-Einstein Condensation in Dilute Gases
A book with the above title, written by Nordita professor Chris Pethick and his colleague Henrik Smith at the University of Copenhagen, has just been published. It is based on lectures given at Nordita and the University of Copenhagen, and is a considerably expanded version of the Nordita Lecture Notes with the same title that came out in 1997. For further details, consult the Cambridge University Press website, 0521665809/

Board Meeting
Nordita's Board will meet on 8 March 2002 in Copenhagen.

Items for Nordita News
If you have any information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to include in Nordita News, please send it to Nordita, att.: Jette Nielsen, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen ÿ, Denmark or by e-mail:

Electronic Nordita News
You may order the electronic version of Nordita News by subscribing to our listserver. To obtain information on how to add your name to the recipient list, send an e-mail (with empty or no subject line): To: , Subject: (empty or none) with the following lines of text: info nordita_news. For general questions about Nordita, please send an e-mail to .

Visitors at Nordita 2001

A. Shukurov, AP Newcastle University 10 days January
A. Metz, HE Free Univ., Amsterdam 14.01.02 - 18.01.02

The fields are listed after the names: AP, astrophysics; C, Complex Systems & Chaos; NP, nuclear physics; HE, high energy physics; CM, condensed matter physics. If you are interested in having any of these people visit your institute, please contact NORDITA.

New preprints and reprints obtainable from Jette Nielsen, e-mail:

G.M. Bruun and B.R. Mottelson: Low energy collective modes of a superfluid trapped atomic Fermi gas. 2001-33 CM.

G. M. Bruun and L. Viverit: Vortices in superfluid trapped Fermi gases at zero temperature. 2001-34 CM.

G. M. Bruun: Collective modes of trapped Fermi gases in the normal phase. 2001-35 CM.

G. M. Bruun, P. Törmä, M. Rodriguez, and P. Zoller: Laser probing of Cooper-paired trapped atoms. 2001-36 CM.

K. Kajantie, M. Laine, T. Neuhaus, A. Rajantie, and K. Rummukainen: Critical behaviour of the Ginzburg-Landau model in the type II region. 2001-37 SA.

S. Hannestad and G. Raffelt: Stringent neutron-star limits on large extra dimensions. 2001-38 AP.

S. Hannestad: New CMBR data and the cosmic neutrino background. 2001-39 AP.

S. Hannestad, S.H. Hansen, F.L. Villante, and A.J.S. Hamilton: Constraints on inflation from CMB and Lyman-alpha forest. 2001-40 AP.

S. Hannestad and G. Raffelt: New supernova limit on large extra dimensions. 2001-41 AP.

S. Hannestad: Strong constraint on large extra dimensions from cosmology. 2001-42 AP.

H.C Fogedby: Nonequilibrium dynamics of a growing interface. 2001-43 CM.

S. Jespersen and H.C. Fogedby: Ballistic motion in quenched random environments. 2001-44 CM.

K. Kajantie, M. Laine, K. Rummukainen, and Y. Schröder: Measuring infrared contributions to the QCD pressure. 2001-45 HE.

P. Edén, P. Hoyer, and A. Khodjamirian: Duality in semi-exclusive processes. 2001-46 SA.

S. Jonsell: Interaction energy of two trapped bosons with long scattering lengths. 2001-47 CM.

J.D.M. Dewi and T.M. Tauris: On the energy equation and efficiency parameter of the common envelope evolution. 2001-48 AP.

T.M. Tauris: On the pre-RLO spin-orbit couplings in LMXBs. 2001-49 AP.

T.M. Tauris and J.D.M. Dewi: On the binding energy parameter of common envelope evolution. Dependency on the definition of the stellar core boundary during spiral-in. 2001-50 AP.

T.M. Tauris and S. Konar: Torque decay in the pulsar (P,P) diagram. Effects of crustal ohmic dissipation and alignment. 2001-51 AP.

G.E. Brown, C.-H. Lee, and T.M. Tauris: Formation and evolution of black hole X-ray transient systems. 2001-52 AP.

R. Ouyed and F. Sannino: Color superconductivity in quark stars: Powering gamma ray bursts. 2001-53 AP.

R. Ouyed and F. Sannino: The glueball sector of two-flavor color superconductivity. 2001-54 AP.

R. Ouyed, J. Dey, and M. Dey: Quark-nova as gamma ray burst precursor. 2001-55 AP.

B. Dintrans and R. Ouyed: On Jupiter's inertial mode oscillations. 2001-56 AP.

R. Ouyed: Rotating skyrmion stars. 2001-57 AP.

M. J¯rgensen, R. Ouyed, and M. Christensen: Initial magnetic field configurations for 3-dimensional simulations of astrophysical jets. 2001-58 AP.

C. Vogt: Gamma* gamma(*) to pi transitions and the pion distribution amplitude. 2001-59 SA.

H. R¯nnow, D.F. McMorrow, A. Harrison, I.D. Youngson, R. Coldea, T.G. Perring, G. Aeppli, O. Syljuåsen, K. Lefmann, and C. Rischel: Spin dynamics of a model 2D quantum antiferromagnet. 2001-60 CM.

Z. Konkoli, J. Hertz, and S. Franz: Random heteropolymer dynamics. 2001-61 CM.

M. Wahde and J. Hertz: Modeling genetic regulatory dynamics in neural development. 2001-62 CM.

S. Scarpetta, Z. Li, and J. Hertz: Hebbian imprinting and retrieval in oscillatory neural networks. 2001-63 CM.

J. Hertz and S. Panzeri: Sensory coding and information transmission. 2001-64 CM.

S. Scarpetta, Z. Li, and J. Hertz: Learning in an oscillatory cortical model. 2001-65 CM.

D.N. Aristov: Electrons on a sphere in disorder potential. 2001-66 CM.

D.N.Aristov: On the inverse problem for the multiple small-angle neutron scattering. 2001-67 CM.

D.N. Aristov and A. Luther: Correlations in the sine-Gordon model with finite soliton density. 2001-68 CM.

D. Diakonov, L. M. Jensen, C. J. Pethick, and H. Smith: Loop structure of the lowest Bloch band for a Bose-Einstein condensate. 2001-69 CM.

B. Dintrans: Back to the subseismic approximation for core undertones. 2001-70 AP.

A. Brandenburg and B. Dintrans: Transient growth in a shearing stratified atmosphere. 2001-71 AP.

I. Simonsen: Measuring anti-correlations in the Nordic electricity spot market by wavelets. 2001-72 CM.

I. Simonsen and K. Sneppen: Profit profiles in correlated markets. 2001-73 CM.

K. Enqvist, K. Kainulainen, and A. Sorri; Creation of large spatial fluctuations in neutrino asymmetry by neutrino oscillations. 2001-74 SA.

J.M. Cline, M. Joyce, and K. Kainulainen: Erratum for: Supersymmetric electroweak baryogenesis. 2001-75 AP.

S. Cowell, H. Heiselberg, I.E. Mazets, J. Morales, V.R. Pandharipande, and C.J. Pethick: Cold Bose gases with large scattering lengths. 2001-77 CM.

O. Scavenius, A. Dumitru, and A.D. Jackson: Explosive decomposition in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collision. 2001-78 SA.

M. Wahde, J. Hertz, and M.L. Anderson: Reverse engineering of sparsely connected genetic regulatory networks. 2001-79 CM.

G.M. Kavoulakis, B. Mottelson, and S.M. Reimann: Exact versus mean-field solutions in a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate. 2001-80 CM.

O. Scavenius, A. Dumitru, E.S. Fraga, J.T. Lenaghan, and A.D. Jackson: First-order chiral phase transition in high-energy collisions: can nucleation prevent spinodal decomposition ? 2001-81 SA.

J Hertz: Computing with attractors. 2001-82 CM.

A. Brandenburg, W. Dobler, and K. Subramanian: Magnetic helicity in stellar dynamos: new numerical experiments. 2001-85 AP.

A. Brandenburg and D. Sokoloff: Local and nonlocal magnetic diffusion and alpha-effect tensors in shear flow turbulence. 2001-86 AP.

A. Brandenburg and W. Dobler: Hydromagnetic turbulence in computer simulations. 2001-87 AP.

S. Solinas and J. Hertz: Stability of asynchronous firing states in networks with synaptic adaptation. 2001-88 CM.

A. Brandenburg and K. Subramanian: Large scale dynamos with ambipolar diffusion nonlinearity. Astron. & Astropys. 361 (2000) L33.

A. Brandenburg and J. Hazlehurst: Thermals in contact binaries. Astron. & Astrophys. 370 (2001) 1092.

J. Carlson, H. Heiselberg, and V.R. Pandharipande: Kaon condensation in dense matter. Phys. Rev. C63 (2001) 017603.

D. Diakonov and V. Petrov: Gauge-invariant formulation of the d=3 Yang-Mills theory. Phys. Lett. B493 (2000) 169.

G. D. Moore and K. Rummukainen: Electroweak bubble nucleation, nonperturbatively. Phys. Rev. D63 (2001) 045002.

M. Laine and K. Rummukainen: Two Higgs doublet dynamics at the electroweak phase transition: A non-perturbative study. Nucl. Phys. 597 (2001) 23.

J. Ambj¯rn, K.N. Anagnostopoulos, W. Bietenholz, T. Hotta, and J. Nishimura: Simulating simplified versions of the IKKT matrix model. Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 94 (2001) 685.

F. J. Sànchez-Salcedo and A. Brandenburg: Dynamical friction of bodies orbiting in a gaseous sphere. M.N.R.A.S. 322 (2001) 67.

S.J. Brodsky, E. Chudakov, P. Hoyer, and J.M. Laget: Photoproduction of charm near threshold. Phys. Lett. B498 (2001) 23.

M. Bertolini, P. Di Vecchia, M. Frau, A. Lerda, R. Marotta, and I. Pesando: Fractional D-branes and their gauge duals. J. of High Energy Phys. 0102 (2001) 014.

H. Heiselberg and V. R. Pandharipande: Recent progress in neutron star theory. Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 50 (2000) 481.

B. Durhuus, T. Jonsson, and R. Nest: Noncommutative scalar solitons: existence and nonexistence. Phys. Lett. B500 (2001) 320.

Å. Nordlund and Ö.E. Rognvaldsson: Magnetic fields in young galaxies. The Origins of Galactic Magnetic Fields, 24th meeting of the IAU. Joint Discussion 14 August 2000, Manchester, England, 14 E2.

H. Dahle: Weighing 40 X-ray luminous clusters of galaxies with weak gravitational lensing. The NOT in the 2000's, eds. N. Bergvall, L.O. Takalo and V. Piirola Univ. of Turku 2000, ISBN 951-29-1827-7.

A. Bardou, B. v. Rekowski, W. Dobler, A. Brandenburg, and A. Shukurov: The effects of vertical outflows on disk dynamos. Astron. & Astrophys. 370 (2001) 635.

A. Brandenburg and W. Dobler: Large scale dynamos with helicity loss through boundaries. Astron. & Astrophys. 369 (2001) 329.