Nordita News 2002/2
NORDITA Board Meeting
The Nordita Board will meet on 10-11 June 2002 in Helsinki.
Ralf Metzler new assistant professor in biological
Nordita welcomes Ralf Metzler, who took up his position as assistant professor
on April 1, 2002. His appointment is part of Nordita's plans to place
increased emphasis on biological physics and related ares.
Ralf studied at the University of Ulm, Germany, where he got his doctorate
in December 1996 and continued as a research fellow.
From 1998-2000 he was a post-doctoral fellow at the school of Chemistry,
Tel Aviv University, and in 2000 he was a visiting scientis at the School
of Chemical Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
From 2000-2002 he was post-doctoral fellow in the Physics Department
at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His fields of interest is soft
matter, biophysical systems, and the dynamics of complex systems.
For further detalis, contact his homepage
Copenhagen Distant Culster Workshop 2002
22-24 May 2002 - Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
Approximately 15 key astrophysicists from the diverse fields such as
theoretical astrophysics, space astrophysics and observational astronomy
which form the basis for distant cluster studies have been invited to this
workshop. The aim is to create an informal, creative and productive
atmosphere in which participants can focus on, and hopefully make
an impact on, issues such as:
When did the first clusters form?
How far can we (hope to) tetect clusters?
What is a cluster - how to define a distant cluster (theoretically
and observationally)?
What is the optimum method for detecting distant clusters?
What can distant clusters tell us about cosmology?
What does the galaxy population look like in distant clusters?
People interested in particpating should contact the organisers.
Organizers: Kristian Pedersen, contact person:,
and Jens Hjorth, Astronomical Observatory
in collaboration with the Danish Space Research Institute, Nordita,
the Theoretical Astrophysics Centre, and the Niels Bohr Institute.
NORDITA - Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Tel: Main number +45-353 25500. / Fax: +45-353 89157.
For individual extensions dial: +45-353+five-digit ext. number
Email: / Homepage:
Workshop in Biophysics
Dynamics of Biological Systems: From Molecules to Networks
10 - 17 August 2002, Krogerup Højskole, Denmark.
The workshop focuses on the dynamics of single molecules and
the dynamics of biological networks. Through tutorial lectures and seminars
of invited speakers the workshop will cover both experimental techniques
and theoretical topics. The workshop includes poster sessions and
contributed talks by the participants.
The summer school is aimed at graduate students and postdoctoral fellows
in biophysics and related fields, and the application form may be found
on the website.
Organizers: Kirstine Berg-Sørensen (NBI), Henrik Flyvbjerg (Risø),
John Hertz (Nordita), Mogens Høgh Jensen (NBI),
Lene Oddershede (NBI), Kim Sneppen (NTNU, Trondheim).
Contact secretary: Ellen Pedersen, email:
Registration deadline: June 1, 2002.
Summer Institute: Beaming and Jets in Gamma Ray Bursts
12 - 30 August 2002, Niels Bohr Summer Institute, Copenhagen
The program consists of a two week period dedicated to active work,
in the spirit of the workshops at the Institute for Theoretical Physics
in Santa Barbara and the Newton Institute in Cambridge, followed by
a topical conference the last week. The goal is to offer a unique
combination of opportunities for critical review of recent,
major progress in issues of beaming and jets in gamma ray bursts (GRBs)
for active work and collaboration between the program participants, and
for education of graduate students and postdoctoral research scientists.
The ultimate goal is, hopefully, to answer the main questions that are
at the heart of the debate within the communities working on GRBs and
jets, namely, why they exist and what their nature is.
Organizers: R. Ouyed and J. Hjorth.
Registration deadline: 1 June 2002.
Items for NORDITA News
If you have information about meetings, etc.
that would be useful to include in Nordita News,
please send it to Nordita,
att.: Hanne Bergen, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark or
by email:
Visitors at Nordita 2002
(CM) | Iver H. Brevik | (Trondheim) |
01.05.02 - 09.05.02 |
(AP) | Brigitta von Rekowski | (Newcastle) |
12.05.02 - 15.06.02 |
(AP) | Vladimir Pariev | (Rochester, NY) |
29.05.02 - 14.06.02 |
(SA) | Gordon Baym | (Urbana) |
07.06.02 - 03.07.02 |
The fields are listed after the names: (AP): astrophysics;
(CM): Condensed Matter physics, (SA): Sub Atomic physics.
If you are interested in having any of these people visit
your institute, please contact NORDITA.
New Long-term Visitors
Mette Machholm | (Denmark) |
01.01.02 - 31.12.04 | (SA) |
Pauline Ruffiot | (Grenoble) |
15.03.02 - 15.07.02 | |
New preprints and reprints obtainable from
Anna Maria Rey, email:
2002-11 HE
Non-extremal fractional branes.
M. Bertolini, T. Harmark, N.A. Obers, and A. Westerberg
2002-12 AP
Magnetoconvection and dynamo coefficients:
II. Field-direction dependent pumping ofmagnetic field.
M. Ossendrijver, M. Stix, A. Brandenburg, and G. Ruediger.
2002-13 CM
Directed loops in quantum Monte Carlo.
O. F. Syljuåsen and A. W. Sandvik.
2002-14 CM
Optimal investment horizons.
I. Simonsen, M. H. Jensen, and A. Johansen
2002-15 HE
Two-photon annihilation into baryon-antibaryon pairs.
M. Diehl, P. Kroll, and C. Vogt.
2002-16 CM
The few-body problem for trapped bosons
with large scattering lengths.
S. Jonsell, H. Heiselberg, and C. J. Pethick.
2002-17 HE
More anomalies from fractional branes.
M. Bertolini, P. Di Vecchia, M. Frau, A. Lerda, and R. Marotta.
2002-18 AP
Cosmic microwave background and large scale structure limits
on the interaction between dark matter and baryons .
X. Chen, S. Hannestad, and R. J. Scherrer.
2002-19 HE
Perturbative QCD with quark and gluon condensates.
P. Hoyer.
2002-20 HE
Rapidity dependence of particle production in
ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions.
K.J. Eskola, K. Kajantie, P.V. Ruuskanen, and K. Tuominen
2002-21 CM
Optical conductivity of one-dimensional doped
Hubbard-Mott insulator.
D.N. Aristov, V.V. Cheianov, and A. Luther.
2002-22 HE
Center vortex solution of the Yang-Mills effective action
in three and four dimensions.
D. Diakonov and M. Maul.
2002-23 AP
Dynamic nonlinearity in large scale dynamos
with shear.
E.G. Blackman, A. Brandenburg.
2002-24 HE
Instantons and baryon dynamics .
D. Diakonov.
Overview of Future Nordita Conferences and other Conferences
Title/Place/Date |
Contact person |
Phone/fax/email/www |
Copenhagen Distant Cluster Workshop 2002
Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
22-24 May 2002.
Kristian Pedersen
Jul.Maries Vej 30
| |
Network Meeting:
"Strongly Correlated Electron Systems"
Nordita, Copenhagen
7-8 June 2002 .
O. Syljuåsen
Blegdamsvej 17
D-2100 Copenhagen
+45-353 25265.
+45-353 89157. |
Nordita Master Class in Physics
Hillerød, Denmark
19-27 July 2002.
Anna Maria Rey
Blegdamsvej 17
D-2100 Copenhagen
+45-353 25247.
+45-353 89157. |
Summer School on: "Cosmology
and the High-Redshift Universe"
Abisko, Sweden
5-15 August 2002.
Steen Hannestad
Blegdamsvej 17
D-2100 Copenhagen
+45-353 25338.
+45-353 89157. |
School and Workshop: "Dynamics of
Biological Systems: From Molecules to Networks"
Krogerup, Humlebæk, Denmark
10-17 August 2002.
Ellen Pedersen
Blegdamsvej 17
D-2100 Copenhagen
+45-353 25289.
+45-353 89157. |
Summer Institute: "Beaming and
Jetz in Gamma Ray Bursts"
Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
12-30 August 2002.
Anne Lumholdt
Blegdamsvej 17
D-2100 Copenhagen
+45-353 25366.
+45-353 89157. |
ECT*-Nordita collaboration meeting:
"Physics of Stellar Collapse and Neutron Stars"
ECT*, Trento, Italy
29-31 October 2002
Chris Pethick
Blegdamsvej 17
D-2100 Copenhagen
+45-353 25226.
+45-353 89157. |
May 2002