Nordita News 2003/1


Nordic Projects and Corresponding Fellowships 2003

The Nordita board decided at its meeting on October 31, 2002 to support the following Nordic projects for 2003:
"High Energy Astrophysics in the INTEGRAL Era", organizer J. Poutanen, (new).
"Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology", organizer S. Hannestad, (prolongation).
"String Theory", organizer P. Di Veccchia, (prolongation).
"Strongly Correlated Electron Systems", organizer O. Syljuåsen, (prolongation).

New corresponding fellowships were awarded to H. Fogedby (Aarhus), S. Hannestad (Odense), J. Poutanen (Oulu), the fellowship of M. Alava (Helsinki) was extended for a second year, and those of E. Aurell (Stockholm) and S. Reimann (Lund) for a third year.


Board Meeting
Nordita's Board will meet on 13-14 March 2003 in Copenhagen.


Nordic Course in String Theory

Date: 29 July - 7 August 2003.   Location: Nordita, Copenhagen, Denmark.
The lectures will start from an elementary level giving most of the basics of string theory necessary to understand the latest developments on the physics of the Dp-branes and on their application to the study of the non-perturbative properties of gauge theories. More advanced subjects that will be discussed in the course are M-theory, string dualities, the Maldacena conjecture and its extension to less supersymmetric and non-conformal gauge theories, string theory on a pp wave background, the brane world scenario and the Dijkgraaf-Vafa approach to study the properties of N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories. The course is aimed at Ph.D. students and for undergraduate students that are close to getting their first degree in physics. The program of each day will consist of two long lectures in the morning and of study groups, exercises and discussions in the afternoon. The School is supported by NorFA. Organizer: Paolo Di Vecchia, Nordita. For information send an email to Deadline for application: May 15, 2003.


Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
  Tel: Main number +45-353 25500.
  Fax: +45-353 89157.
  For individual extensions dial:
  +45-353+five-digit ext. number.

INTAS Meeting and mini-symposium on Anomalous Dynamical Processes
Dates: 1 - 4 May 2003.   Location: Nordita, Copenhagen, Denmark.
The INTAS projects meeting and mini-symposium is on anomalous relaxation and transport processes, and applications to economics and financial problems, with a focus on fractional dynamics. Organizers: A. Chechkin (Kharkov), J. Klafter (Tel Aviv), F. Mainardi (Bologna),
R. Metzler (Nordita). For further information please contact: R. Metzler,

Summer School on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
Dates: 15 - 23 June 2003.   Location: Hillerød, Denmark.
Recent years have been marked by a dazzling progress in both experimental and theoretical studies of strongly correlated electron systems. The emergence of new materials and the development and improvement of measurement techniques provided deep insight into the nature of the phenomena arising due to strong correlations between electrons. At the same time, many beautiful theoretical ideas have been exploited and put to test in the experiment and numerical simulations. The purpose of this course is to familiarize the students with modern developments in the physics of strongly correlated electrons, to stimulate interactions and cooperation between young scientists working in the field, to broaden the community across the Nordic and Baltic countries and north-west Russia. Topics: High Tc superconductivity and quantum magnetism; strong correlations in 1+1 dimension, exact solutions and conformal field theory; the quantum Hall effect. Level of participants: postdoctoral, graduate, advanced undergraduate. The School is supported by NorFA. Organizer: V. Cheianov, Deadline for application: April 10, 2003.

Nordita Master Class in Physics
Dates: 3 - 10 August 2003.   Location: Hillerød, Denmark.
A one-week school of physics for students from the Nordic and Baltic countries. The school aims at introducing frontier areas of physics research by top scientists at a level understandable for undergraduate students, and also to stimulate further studies. Four series of lectures, will be given:
* Soft condensed matter * All about black holes *
* Computer simulations in quantum field theory * Strongly correlated electron systems *
Who may apply? Undergraduate students who study in a Nordic or a Baltic country. You must have a background of three or more years of university studies in physics/mathematics, or corresponding studies at a technical university, but you should not be a graduate student. We encourage female students to apply. Deadline for application: May 15, 2003.

Hairy Interfaces and Stringy Molecules
Dates: 13 - 17 August 2003.   Location: Odense, Denmark.
This interdisciplinary summer school and workshop is concerned with the contemporary science of biopolymers (proteins, DNA and chromatin), membranes, liposomes, sub-cellular structures, functionalized interfaces, as well as the fundamental forces in polymeric and colloidal systems. The school consists of a set of introductory lectures as well as single lectures on general topics, followed by the workshop that presents a series of single lectures on more specialized topics. Basic concepts as well as applications within modern materials science, nano-biotechnology, and biomedicine will be covered. Topics include colloidal and interfacial properties of biopolymers, DNA mechanics and electrostatics, surfactant interfaces, functional surfaces, single biomolecules, cellular mechanics, microtubules, molecular motors, directed biomotion, enzymes, as well as biomembrane physics. Deadline for application: April 1, 2003.


Visitors at Nordita 2003

Paolo Merlatti (Italy) 01.10.02 - 30.09.04 (sa)
Andreas Grönlund (Sweden) 10.01.03 - 30.06.03 (cm)
Ala Trusina (Sweden) 10.01.03 - 30.06.03 (cm)
Pietro Massignan (Italy) 23.01.03 - 31.07.03 (cm)
Michael Chesterman (England) 01.02.03 - 31.08.03 (sa)

The fields are listed after the names: (ap) astrophysics, (bio) biological physics, (cm) condensed matter physics, (sa) sub atomic physics.
If you are interested in having any of these people visit your institute, please contact Nordita.


Nordita Preprints / Reprints
New preprints and reprints obtainable from Anna Maria Rey,

2002-68 Geometric scaling in inclusive eA reactions and nonlinear perturbative QCD.  
A. Freund, K. Rummukainen, H. Weigert, A. Schäfer.
2002-70 A note on the dual of N=1 super Yang-Mills theory.   M. Bertolini, P. Merlatti.
2002-71 Directed loop updates for quantum lattice models.   O. F. Syljuåsen.
2002-74 Instantons at work.   D. Diakonov.
2002-75 Spontaneous breaking of color in N=1 super Yang-Mills theory without matter.  
D. Diakonov, V. Petrov.
2002-76 The effects of spiral arms on the multi-phase ISM.   A. Shukurov, G.R. Sarson,
Å. Nordlund, B. Gudiksen, A. Brandenburg.
2002-82 Subthermal linewidths in photoassociation spectra of cold alkaline earth atoms.  
M. Machholm, P. S. Julienne and K.-A. Suominen.
2002-83 Atomic scattering in the diffraction limit: Electron transfer in keV Li+ - Na(3s.3p) collisions.   M. van der Poel, C.V. Nielsen, M. Rybaltover, S.E. Nielsen, M. Machholm, N. Andersen.
2002-84 Band structure, elementary excitations, and stability of a Bose-Einstein condensate
in a periodic potential.   M. Machholm, C. J. Pethick, H. Smith.
2002-85 Soliton-dynamical approach to a noisy Ginzburg-Landau model.   H.C. Fogedby,
J. Hertz, A. Svane.
2003-02 D-meson production from recombination in hadronic collisions.   R. Rapp, E.V. Shuryak.
2003-03 Planets orbiting quark nova compact remnants.   P. Keränen, R. Ouyed.
2003-04 Ultra-high energy cosmic rays from quark novae.   R. Ouyed, P. Keränen, J. Maalampi.


Overview of Future Nordita Conferences and other Conferences

Title/Place/Date Contact person Phone/Fax/Email
INTAS 03 - "Meeting and Mini-Symposium on
Anomalous Dynamical Processes"
Nordita, Copenhagen.
1 - 4 May 2003
Ralf Metzler
Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen
+45-353 25507.
+45-353 89157.
"Summer School on
Strongly Correlated Electron Systems"
Hillerød, Denmark.
15 - 23 June 2003.
Vadim Cheianov
Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen
+45-353 25230.
+45-353 89157.
"Nordic Course in String Theory"
Nordita, Copenhagen
29 July - 7 Aug. 2003
Paolo Di Vecchia
Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen
+45-353 25247.
+45-353 89157.
"Nordita Master Class in Physics"
Hillerød, Denmark
3 - 10 August 2003
Dmitri Diakonov
Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen
+45-353 25312.
+45-353 89157.
Summer School:
"Hairy Interfaces and Stringy Molecules"
Odense, Denmark.
13 - 17 August 2003
O.G. Mouritsen
Campusvej 55,
DK-5230 Odense
+45 6550 3506.
+45 6615 8760.
School for physicists on :
"The Physics of Climate"
Kevo, Finland.
24 - 30 August 2003
Paul Hoyer, et al.
Physics Dept.
P.O.Box 64
FIN-00014 Helsinki Univ.
Fax: +358-9-191-50522.


Items for Nordita News
If you have information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to include in Nordita News, please send it to Hanne Bergen, Nordita, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark or by email:

February 2003