NORDITA Blegdamsvej 17 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø Denmark |
Tel: Main number +45-353 25500. Fax: +45-353 89157. For individual extensions dial: +45-353+five-digit ext. number. |
Email: Homepage: |
Paolo Merlatti | (Italy) | 01.10.02 - 30.09.04 | (sa) |
Andreas Grönlund | (Sweden) | 10.01.03 - 30.06.03 | (cm) |
Ala Trusina | (Sweden) | 10.01.03 - 30.06.03 | (cm) |
Pietro Massignan | (Italy) | 23.01.03 - 31.07.03 | (cm) |
Michael Chesterman | (England) | 01.02.03 - 31.08.03 | (sa) |
The fields are listed after the names:
(ap) astrophysics, (bio) biological physics,
(cm) condensed matter physics, (sa) sub atomic physics.
If you are interested in having any of these people visit
your institute, please contact Nordita.
2002-68 |
Geometric scaling in inclusive eA reactions and
nonlinear perturbative QCD. A. Freund, K. Rummukainen, H. Weigert, A. Schäfer. |
2002-70 | A note on the dual of N=1 super Yang-Mills theory. M. Bertolini, P. Merlatti. |
2002-71 | Directed loop updates for quantum lattice models. O. F. Syljuåsen. |
2002-74 | Instantons at work. D. Diakonov. |
2002-75 |
Spontaneous breaking of color in N=1 super Yang-Mills theory
without matter. D. Diakonov, V. Petrov. |
2002-76 |
The effects of spiral arms on the multi-phase ISM.
A. Shukurov, G.R. Sarson, Å. Nordlund, B. Gudiksen, A. Brandenburg. |
2002-82 |
Subthermal linewidths in photoassociation spectra of cold
alkaline earth atoms. M. Machholm, P. S. Julienne and K.-A. Suominen. |
2002-83 | Atomic scattering in the diffraction limit: Electron transfer in keV Li+ - Na(3s.3p) collisions. M. van der Poel, C.V. Nielsen, M. Rybaltover, S.E. Nielsen, M. Machholm, N. Andersen. |
2002-84 |
Band structure, elementary excitations, and stability of a
Bose-Einstein condensate in a periodic potential. M. Machholm, C. J. Pethick, H. Smith. |
2002-85 |
Soliton-dynamical approach to a noisy Ginzburg-Landau
H.C. Fogedby, J. Hertz, A. Svane. |
2003-02 | D-meson production from recombination in hadronic collisions. R. Rapp, E.V. Shuryak. |
2003-03 | Planets orbiting quark nova compact remnants. P. Keränen, R. Ouyed. |
2003-04 | Ultra-high energy cosmic rays from quark novae. R. Ouyed, P. Keränen, J. Maalampi. |
Title/Place/Date | Contact person | Phone/Fax/Email |
INTAS 03 - "Meeting and Mini-Symposium on Anomalous Dynamical Processes" Nordita, Copenhagen. 1 - 4 May 2003 |
Ralf Metzler Nordita Blegdamsvej 17 DK-2100 Copenhagen Denmark |
+45-353 25507. +45-353 89157. |
"Summer School on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems" Hillerød, Denmark. 15 - 23 June 2003. |
Vadim Cheianov Nordita Blegdamsvej 17 DK-2100 Copenhagen Denmark |
+45-353 25230. +45-353 89157. |
"Nordic Course in String Theory" Nordita, Copenhagen 29 July - 7 Aug. 2003 |
Paolo Di Vecchia Nordita Blegdamsvej 17 DK-2100 Copenhagen Denmark |
+45-353 25247. +45-353 89157. |
"Nordita Master Class in Physics" Hillerød, Denmark 3 - 10 August 2003 |
Dmitri Diakonov Nordita Blegdamsvej 17 DK-2100 Copenhagen Denmark |
+45-353 25312. +45-353 89157. |
Summer School: "Hairy Interfaces and Stringy Molecules" Odense, Denmark. 13 - 17 August 2003 |
O.G. Mouritsen MEMPHYS, SDU, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense Denmark |
+45 6550 3506. +45 6615 8760. |
School for physicists on : "The Physics of Climate" Kevo, Finland. 24 - 30 August 2003 |
Paul Hoyer, et al. Physics Dept. P.O.Box 64 FIN-00014 Helsinki Univ. Finland |
Fax: +358-9-191-50522. |
February 2003