Nordita News 2003 / 3


Assistant Professor in Theoretical Physics / Subatomic.

NORDITA, the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, expects to have an opening for an assistant professor starting in September 2004, or some other date to be agreed upon. The position is in subatomic physics, which includes astroparticle, hadronic, nuclear and particle physics, as well as cosmology and string theory. Preference will be given to candidates not more than six years beyond their PhD degree.
Those interested in the appointment should send, as hard copy, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and arrange for three recommendation letters to be sent before October 15, 2003 to:    The Director, NORDITA Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark.
There is no restriction on the nationality of the applicant, and women are encouraged to apply. Those wishing to recommend suitable candidates are urged to contact the Director.


Nordita Fellowships 2004 / 2005

Nordita announces research fellowships for Nordic physicists in theoretical physics, including: astrophysics, atomic physics, biological physics, condensed matter physics, nuclear physics, and particle physics. An on-line application form may be found at above link. Please ensure that potential Nordic candidates, in particular those at institutes outside the Nordic countries, receive this information.   Deadline for online application: November 15, 2003.


Nordic Projects and Corresponding Fellowships 2004

Nordita announces the availablity of funding for Nordic Projects and Corresponding Fellowships in 2004. The purpose and rules of these programmes, as well as application forms are given at above link.   The deadline for application is October 15, 2003.

Present projects: String Theory (P. Di Vecchia), Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology (S. Hannestad), Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (O. Syljuåsen), High Energy Astrophysics in the INTEGRAL Era (J. Poutanen).
Present corresponding fellows: M. Alava, E. Aurell, S. Reimann, H. Fogedby, S. Hannestad, J. Poutanen.


The Nordita Board
The next Nordita board meeting will take place on
Monday, November 17, 2003 in Copenhagen.


Susanne Höfner, new assistant professor in astrophysics

Nordita welcomes Susanne Höfner, who took up her position as assistant professor on September 1, 2003. Susanne got her PhD degree in 1994 from the University of Vienna where she worked at the Institute of Astronomy on "Dust driven mass loss from long-period variables''. As a postdoctoral fellow she spent two years in Copenhagen at the Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics (1996-1998). She then moved to the Institute for Astronomy & Space Physics at the University of Uppsala as a research associate where she worked in the stellar atmospheres group around Bengt Gustafsson. Susanne is currently working on the self-consistent quantitative modelling of time-dependent atmospheres of cool giant stars, comparison with observations, the interaction of stellar pulsations and mass loss, and the effects of dust material properties on stellar winds.


New Nordita Fellows 2003 / 2004

We are pleased to announce that the following people have been awarded fellowships for the academic year 2003/2004:
Denmark: A. Andersen (ap),   L. Melwyn Jensen (cm),   K. Splittorff (sa),
T. Schrøder (bio/cm) until 31.12.03.
Finland: P. Keränen (sa/ap),   T. Multamäki (sa/ap).
Norway: J.O. Andersen (sa/cm),   A. Bakk (bio/cm).
Sweden: T. Ambjörnsson (bio),   T. Månsson (sa),   M. Nilsson (bio).


Theta-plus: The first baryon that cannot be made of three quarks.

A new elementary particle named Theta-plus has been discovered in several experiments in 2002-03. Unlike the ordinary proton and neutron, this cannot be made of three quarks but requires at least five, actually two u quarks, two d and one anti-s quark. Its relatively low mass and narrow width were predicted with high accuracy by Nordita professor Dmitri Diakonov and his colleagues Victor Petrov (St.Petersburg) and Maxim Polyakov (Bochum).
The discovery of this new type of strongly interacting particle sheds light on what the usual protons and neutrons are "made of" and "how they work". The theoretical prediction and the subsequent experimental discovery of the Theta-plus particle attracted attention not only of experts but also of the world media - for more information see


Visitors at Nordita

M. Chesterman (London) 01.09.03 - 30.11.03 (sa)
V. Petrov (St.Petersburg) 15.09.03 - 07.10.03 (sa)
V. Apaja (Linz) 15.09.03 - 12.10.03 (cm)
G. Lykasov (Dubna) 15.09.03 - 15.10.03 (ap)
N.E.L. Haugen (Trondheim) 29.09.03 - 03.10.03 (ap)
J. Randrup (Berkeley) 09.10.03 - 14.10.03 (sa)
B. Dintrans (Toulouse) 20.10.03 - 02.11.03 (ap)
Elise Bergli (Norway) 25.08.03 - 31.12.03 (sa)
Petter Holme (Sweden) 11.08 .03 - 01.05.04 (cm)
Martin Rosvall (Sweden) 01.08.03 - 15.12.03 (cm)
Ala Trusina (Sweden) 10.01.03 - 31.01.04 (cm)
Gentaro Watanabe (Japan) 01.09 .03 - 28.02.04 (sa)
Mikhail Zvonarev (Russia) 01.07.03 - 01.09.05 (cm)

The fields are listed as: (ap) astrophysics, (bio) biological physics, (cm) condensed matter physics, (sa) sub atomic physics.


Nordita Preprints / Reprints
2003-40 CM Dynamic Critical Behavior of the XY Model in Small-World Networks.   K. Medvedyeva, P. Holme, P. Minnhagen, B. Jun Kim. Phys. Rev. E 67, 036118 (2003).
2003-41 CM Phase Transitions in the Two-Dimensional Random Gauge XY Model.   P. Holme, P. Minnhagen, B. Jun Kim.
2003-42 AP Simulations of nonhelical hydromagnetic turbulence.   N.E.L. Haugen, A. Brandenburg, W. Dobler.
2003-44 CM Entanglement and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Quantum Spin Models.   O. F. Syljuåsen.
2003-45 HE Affleck-Dine-Seiberg from Seiberg-Witten.   Y. Demasure.
2003-46 CM The directed-loop algorithm.   A. W. Sandvik and O. F. Syljuasen.   Proceedings of the conference on: "The Monte Carlo Method in Physical Sciences: Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Metropolis algorithm", Los Alamos June 2003.
2003-47 AP Outflows and accretion in a star-disc system with stellar magnetosphere and disc dynamo. B. von Rekowski, A. Brandenburg.
2003-48 CM Spatial period-doubling in Bose-Einstein condensates in an optical lattice.   M. Machholm, A. Nicolin, C. J. Pethick, H. Smith.
2003-49 CM Sensitivity of Phage Lambda upon Variations of the Gibbs Free Energy.   A. Bakk, R. Metzler, K. Sneppen.
2003-50 HE Effects of Sterile Neutrinos on the Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Neutrino Flux.   P. Keränen, J. Maalampi, M. Myyryläinen, J. Riittinen.
2003-51 NP Hadronic Production of Thermal Photons.   S. Turbide, R. Rapp, C. Gale.


Items for Nordita News
If you have information about meetings, etc. you wish to include in Nordita News, please send it to Nordita, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark or by email:

September 2003

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