A new corresponding fellowship was awarded to Ø. Elgarøy (Oslo), the fellowships of H. Fogedby (Aarhus), S. Hannestad (Odense) and J. Poutanen (Oulu) were extended for a second year, and the fellowship of M. Alava (Helsinki) was extended for a third year.
Jesper Sommer-Larsen | (Copenhagen) | 01.02.04 - 31.03.04 | (ap) |
Gordon Baym | (Urbana) | 15.02.04 - 31.05.04 | (sa/cm) |
Petter Holme | (Sweden) | until 31.05.04 | (cm) |
Ala Trusina | (Sweden) | until 30.06.04 | (bio) |
Gentaro Watanabe | (Japan) | until 31.05.05 | (cm) |
Federica Vian | (Italy) | until 15.09.05 | (sa) |
Paolo Merlatti | (Italy) | until 31.10.04 | (sa) |
Giuseppe Vallone | (Italy) | until 31.10.04 | (sa) |
Halvor Møll Nilsen | (Norway) | 01.03.04 - 15.12.04 | (cm) |
The fields are listed after the names: (ap) astrophysics, (bio) biological physics, (cm) condensed matter physics, (sa) sub atomic physics.
2003-92 | A heretical view on linear Regge trajectories. D. Diakonov, V. Petrov. |
2003-93 | Concurrence in the two dimensional XXZ- and transverse field Ising-models. O. F. Syljuåsen. |
2003-94 | Covariant derivative expansion of Yang-Mills effective action at high temperatures. D. Diakonov, M. Oswald. |
2003-95 | Covariant derivative expansion of fermionic effective action at high temperatures. D. Diakonov, M. Oswald. |
2003-96 | Prisoner's dilemma in real-world acquaintance networks: Spikes and quasi-equilibria induced by the interplay between structure and dynamics. P. Holme, A. Trusina, B. J. Kim, P. Minnhagen. |
2003-97 | Hierarchy and anti-hierarchy in real and scale free networks. A. Trusina, S. Maslov, P. Minnhagen, K. Sneppen. |
2003-98 | Self-similar scaling in decaying numerical turbulence. T. A. Yousef, N. E. L. Haugen, A. Brandenburg. |
2003-99 | The integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect as a probe of non-standard cosmological evolution. T. Multamaki, O. Elgarøy. |
2003-100 | Exact solution of a linear molecular motor model driven by two-step fluctuations and subject to protein friction. H. C. Fogedby, R. Metzler, A. Svane. |
2003-101 | Ejection of bi-helical fields from the sun. A. Brandenburg, E. G. Blackman. |
2003-102 | Scaling determination of the nonlinear I-V characteristics for 2D superconducting networks. P. Minnhagen, B. J. Kim, A. Gronlund. |
2004-001 | Effects of degenerate sterile neutrinos on the supernova neutrino flux. P. Keränen, J. Maalampi, M. Myyryläinen, J. Riittinen. |
2004-002 | Catastrophic alpha quenching alleviated by helicity flux and shear. A. Brandenburg, C. Sandin. |
2004-003 | Three-spin strings on AdS_5 x S^5 from N=4 Super Yang Mills theory. C. Kristjansen. |
2004-004 | Directed-loop Monte Carlo simulations of vertex models. O. F. Syljuåsen and M. B. Zvonarev. |
2004-005 | Homochiral growth through enantiomeric cross-inhibition. A. Brandenburg, A. C. Andersen, S. Hoefner, M. Nilsson. |
2004-006 | Neutron star cooling. D. G. Yakovlev, C. J. Pethick. |
2004-007 | Global structure of Bose-Einstein condensates at high rotation: Beyond the lowest Landau level description. G. Watanabe, C. J. Pethick. |
2004-008 | An introduction to the physics of ultracold atomic gases. C. J. Pethick, H. Smith. |
2004-009 | Self organized scale free networks from merging and regeneration. B. Jun Kim, A. Trusina, P. Minnhagen, K. Sneppen. |
2004-010 | Scale free structures from merging and small scale excitations. K. Sneppen, M. Rosvall, A. Trusina, P. Minnhagen. |
2004-011 | Self organisation of large scale structures from merging and small scale fluctuations. P. Minnhagen, M. Rosvall, K. Sneppen, A. Trusina. |
2004-012 | Response variability in balanced cortical networks. A. Lerchner, C. Ursta, J. Hertz, M. Ahmadi, P. Ruffiot. |
2004-013 | Mean field methods for cortical network dynamics. J. Hertz, A. Lerchner, M. Ahmadi. |
2004-015 | Suppression of small scale dynamo action by an imposed magnetic field. N.E.L. Haugen, A. Brandenburg. |
2004-016 | Inertial range scaling in numerical turbulence with hyperviscosity. N.E.L. Haugen, A. Brandenburg. |
11 - 14 March 2004. Nordita, Copenhagen.
Workshop: "Nordita Days on Slim Disks".
M. Abramowicz, A. Brandenburg. Email: brandenb@nordita.dk
5 - 8 April 2004. Saariselkä, Finnish Lapland.
Nordic Project: Workshop on "High Energy Astrophysics III".
J. Poutanen. Email: juri.poutanen@oulu.fi
15 - 17 April 2004. Aarhus, Denmark.
Workshop: "Aspects of Large Quantum Systems Related to Bose-Einstein
K. Mølmer, et al., Aarhus University. Online registration.
22 - 24 April 2004. Nordita, Copenhagen.
Workshop: "Depinning transitions in disordered media: theory and
Mikko Alava, Helsinki University of Technology. Email: pedersen@nordita.dk
27 June - 2 July 2004. Göteborg, Sweden.
INPC 2004, International Nuclear Physics Conference.
http://www.fy.chalmers.se/conferences/inpc2004/ Online
(Nordita contact: C.J. Pethick. Email: pethick@nordita.dk).
12 - 16 July 2004. Reykjavik, Iceland.
Bioastronomy 2004, Habitable Worlds.
Online registration.
8 - 14 August 2004. Humlebæk, Denmark.
Summer school and workshop: "Complex Motion in Fluids".
T. Bohr, A. Brandenburg, M.H. Jensen et al.
Email: gitte.schreyer@fysik.dtu.dk
9 - 27 August 2004. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Niels Bohr Summer Institute on Quantum Optics.
http://www.nbsi.nbi.dk/ -
Registration email: hviid@nbi.dk
K. Mølmer, E. Polzik, C.J. Pethick. Email: polzik@fys.au.dk,
13 - 15 August 2004. Turku, Finland.
Nordic Project: Workshop on "Astrobiological problems for physicists II".
A. Brandenburg. Email: brandenb@nordita.dk
23 - 27 August 2004. Göteborg, Sweden.
ICBP 2004. 5th International Conference on "Biological Physics".
http://fy.chalmers.se/icbp2004/ Online
(J. Hertz, organizer at Symposium: 11. Complex Systems).
Nordic Project: Workshop on "Statistical Physics, Soft Matter and Biological
R. Metzler et al. Email: metz@nordita.dk
2 - 4 September 2004. Nordita, Copenhagen
Workshop on "Cosmic Ray Dynamics: From Turbulent to Galactic-Scale Magnetic
A. Brandenburg et al. Email: brandenb@nordita.dk
17-19 September 2004. Skiphelle near Oslo, Norway.
"2nd Nordic Neuroinformatics Workshop".
G.T. Einevoll, J.Hertz, et al.
Email: Gaute.Einevoll@nlh.no
March 2004
NORDITA Blegdamsvej 17 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø Denmark |
Tel: Main number +45-353 25500. Fax: +45-353 89157. For individual extensions dial: +45-353+five-digit ext. number. |
Email: nordita@nordita.dk Homepage: www.nordita.dk |