Nordita News 2004/3



Nordita Fellowships 2005 / 2006

Nordita announces research fellowships for Nordic physicists in theoretical physics, including: astrophysics, atomic physics, biological physics, condensed matter physics, nuclear physics, and particle physics. An on-line application form may be found at above link. Please ensure that potential Nordic candidates, in particular those at institutes outside the Nordic countries, receive this information.   Deadline for application: November 15, 2004.


Nordic Projects and Corresponding Fellowships 2005

Nordita announces the availablity of funding for Nordic Projects and Corresponding Fellowships in 2005. The purpose and rules of these programmes, as well as application forms are given at the above link.   The deadline for application is October 15, 2004.

Present projects: "Networks in Physics, Biology and all that" (M. Alava), "Astrobiological Problems for Physicists" (A. Brandenburg), "Statistical Physics, Soft Matter and Biological Physics" (R. Metzler), "Manipulating Atomic Matter" (C. J. Pethick), "String Theory" (P. Di Vecchia), "Strongly Correlated Electron Systems" (O. Syljuåsen), "High Energy Astrophysics in the INTEGRAL Era" (J. Poutanen).
Present corresponding fellows: M. Alava, Ø. Elgarøy, H. Fogedby, S. Hannestad, J. Poutanen.


Anupam Mazumdar, new assistant professor in subatomic physics

We extend a warm welcome to Anupam Mazumdar who will take up a position as assistant professor in subatomic physics at Nordita at the beginning of September. He received a masters degree from the Indian Institute of Technology in 1996 and a Ph. D. from Imperial College, London in 2000. Since then he has held postdoctoral positions at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste and McGill University in Montreal. His research interests are in cosmology and particle physics. Cosmology is a test bed for theories beyond the Standard Model including superstring theory and quantum gravity. He is particularly interested in supersymmetric and string motivated cosmology, baryogenesis, thermalization and hadronization of the early Universe, alternative theories of gravity and structure formation. His e-mail address is


The Nordita Board
The next Nordita board meeting will take place on
November 1 - 2, 2004 in Copenhagen.




New Nordita Fellows 2004 / 2005

We are pleased to announce that the following people have been awarded fellowships for the academic year 2004/2005:
Denmark: A. C. Andersen (ap),   J. M. Grimstrup (sa),   K. Splittorff (sa),
Finland: A. Jokinen (ap/sa),   M. Korpi (ap),   T. Multamäki (sa/ap).
Norway: J. O. Andersen (sa/cm).
Sweden: T. Ambjörnsson (bio),   L. Freyhult (sa/ap),   A. Isacsson (cm),   T. Karlsson (ap),   T. Månsson (sa).

Present Nordic Lecturers:   Charlotte F. Kristjansen (sa),   Olav Syljuåsen (cm).


Long-term Visitors at Nordita 2004
Gentaro Watanabe (Japan) until 31.05.05 (cm)
Federica Vian (Italy) until 15.09.05 (sa)
Halvor Møll Nilsen (Norway) 01.03.04 - 30.09.04 (cm)
Suman Kumar Banik (Dresden) 01.04.04 - 31.03.05 (cm/bio)
Tommi Järvi (Helsinki) 01.08.04 - 31.01.05 (sa)
Einar H. Gudmundsson (Reykjavik) 01.08.04 - 30.11.04 (ap)
Kristján R. Kristjánsson (Reykjavik) 01.09.04 - 31.01.05 (sa)
Pär Björklund (Stockholm) 01.09.04 - 31.12.04 (bio)
Marek Abramowicz (Göteborg) 10.09.04 - 20.12.04 (ap)

Abbreviations: (ap) astrophysics, (bio) biological physics, (cm) condensed matter physics, (sa) subatomic physics.


Future Nordita Meetings and other Meetings in the Nordic Countries

17-19 September 2004. Skiphelle near Oslo, Norway.
"2nd Nordic Neuroinformatics Workshop".
In neuroinformatics, methods from physics, informatics, mathematics and statistics are used to address neuroscience problems. The goal of the present workshop is to stimulate the development of the field in the Nordic countries, and to present new developments from all the three branches of neuroinformatics. Scientific contact: G.T. Einevoll (, J.Hertz, et al.

13-15 January 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Workshop on: "Astrobiology and Origins of Life".
Astrobiology is a new and dynamic topic, which covers many subfields within astronomy and touches upon areas where astronomy interfaces with biology, biochemistry, geology, biophysics and geophysics. The purpose of the meeting is to bring together scientists from the Nordic countries who are interested in the field to discuss astrobiological problems that physicists can tackle.   This meeting is organized by the Astrobiology Nordic Project.
Scientific contact: Axel Brandenburg (



Nordita Seminar Series

"What's it all about? - in physics" - come and find out - Thursdays 10am-12, Blegdamsvej 21, auditorium M. During the autumn lecture courses/seminars are offered by the NORDITA staff and visitors. The program for the Fall semester starts on September 16, with Tobias Ambjörnsson who will speak on "Biopolymer breathing and transport". Changes in the programmme will be announced at above link. Everyone is welcome.



Nordita Preprints / Reprints

2004-041 Mach number dependence of the onset of dynamo action.   N. E. L. Haugen, A. Brandenburg, A. J. Mee.
2004-042 N-2 super Yang-Mills and the XXZ spin chain.   P. Di Vecchia, A. Tanzini.
2004-043 Chaperone assisted translocation.   T. Ambjörnsson, R. Metzler.
2004-044 Comment on the Theta+ width and mass.   D. Diakonov, V. Petrov, M. Polyakov.
2004-045 From pions to pentaquarks.   D. Diakonov.
2004-046 The circular, elliptic three spin string from the SU(3) spin chain.   C. Kristjansen, T. Mansson.
2004-047 Three-loop Phi-derivable approximation in QED.   J. O. Andersen, M. Strickland.
2004-048 Is it always possible to distinguish two-states from three-states by evaluating the van't Hoff enthalpy?   A. Bakk.
2004-049 Neutrino emission and mass ejection in quark novae.   P. Keränen, R. Ouyed, P. Jaikumar.
2004-050 Lévy flights as subordination process: first passage times.   I. M. Sokolov, R. Metzler.
2004-051 The restaurant at the end of the random walk: recent developments in the description of anomalous transport by fractional dynamics.   R. Metzler, J. Klafter.
2004-052 Theory of current-voltage asymmetries in double quantum dots.   J. Fransson.
2004-053 Current-voltage asymmetries and negative differential conductance due to strong electron correlations.   J. Fransson, O. Eriksson.
2004-054 Non-orthogonality and electron correlations in nanotransport.   J. Fransson.
2004-055 Strong electron correlations and spin-dependent transport in quantum dot systems.   J. Fransson.
2004-056 Brane-inspired orientifold field theories.   P. Di Vecchia, A. Liccardo, R. Marotta, F. Pezzella.
2004-057 New light on Dark Cosmos.   E. Gaztanaga, M. Manera, T. Multamäki.
2004-058 How long can left and right handed life Forms coexist?   A. Brandenburg, T. Multamäki.
2004-059 Networks and cities: An information perspective.   M. Rosvall, A. Trusina , P. Minnhagen, K. Sneppen.
2004-060 Correlations in networks associated to preferential growth.   A. Grönlund, K. Sneppen, P. Minnhagen.
2004-061 Knots, bubbles, untying, and breathing: probing the topology of DNA and other biomolecules.   R. Metzler, A. Hanke.
2004-062 Helical coronal ejections and their role in the solar cycle.   A. Brandenburg, C. Sandin, P. J. Käpylä.
2004-063 Quantum weights of monopoles and calorons with non-trivial holonomy.   D. Diakonov.
2004-064 Nonlinear current helicity fluxes in turbulent dynamos and alpha quenching.   K. Subramanian, A. Brandenburg.
2004-065 Thermodynamics of O(N) sigma models: 1/N corrections.   J.O. Andersen, D. Boer, H. Warringa.
2004-066 Two states do not necessarily correspond to a two-state transition: van't Hoff enthalpy in the case of a small entropy difference between the states.   A. Bakk, R. Metzler.
2004-067 Optical data of meteoritic nano-diamonds from far-ultraviolet to far-infrared wavelengths.   H. Mutschke, A.C. Andersen, C. Jäger, Th. Henning, A. Braatz.
2004-068 Reconsidering the origin of the "21 micron feature".   Th. Posch, H. Mutschke, A.C. Andersen.
2004-069 The number density of asteroids in the astroid main-belt.   P.R. Bidstrup, R. Michelsen, A.C. Andersen, H. Haack.
2004-070 Quark structure of chiral solitons.   D. Diakonov.
2004-071 Simulation of transitions between "Pasta" phases in dense matter.   G. Watanabe, T. Maruyama, K. Sato, K. Yasuoka, T. Ebisuzaki.
2004-072 Continuous-time diffusion Monte Carlo and the quantum dimer model.   O. F. Syljuåsen.
2004-074 QCD Dirac spectra and the Toda lattice.   K. Splittorff, J.J.M. Verbaarschot.









Items for Nordita News
If you have information about meetings, etc. that would be useful to include in Nordita News, please send it to Hanne Bergen, Nordita, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark or by email:



September 2004

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