A corresponding fellowship was awarded to:
M. Abramowicz, Göteborg (new),
A. Hansen, NTNU, Trondheim (new),
S. Höfner, Uppsala (new),
Ø. Elgarøy, Oslo (2nd year),
H. Fogedby, Aarhus (3rd year),
S. Hannestad, Odense (3rd year), and
J. Poutanen, Oulu (3rd year).
(bio) | Jesper Ferkinghoff-Borg | (Copenhagen) | from 01.03.05. | (2005/06) |
(sa) | Jesper M. Grimstrup | (Copenhagen) | from 01.01.05. | (2005/06) |
(bio) | Pär Björklund | (Stockholm) | 01.01.05 - 31.05.05 | |
(bio) | Masako Kusano | (Cambridge, UK) | 01.01.05 - 30.06.06 | |
(bio) | Anna Anderson | (KTH, Stockholm) | 01.02.05 - 31.07.05 | (VR-project, K.Sneppen) |
(bio) | Sebastian Bernhardsson | (Umeå) | 01.02.05 - 31.07.05 | (VR-project, K.Sneppen) |
(bio) | Michael A. Lomholdt | (Copenhagen) | 14.02.05 - 14.02.06 | (V. Kann Rasmussen stipendium) |
The fields of physics are listed before the names:
(ap) astrophysics, (bio) biological physics,
(cm) condensed matter physics, (sa) sub atomic physics.
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25 - 28 April 2005, Uppsala, Sweden. Nordic project: Conference on String-Cosmology. www.nordita.dk/conference/cosmo2005/ Organizers: A. Mazumdar (anupamm@nordita.dk), P. Di Vecchia, N. Obers, et al. Supported by: Nordita and NBI.
23 - 27 May 2005, Helsinki, Finland. Workshop on Computational Problems in Physics. www.math.hut.fi/cpip2005/ Organizers: A.P. Jauho, A. Brandenburg, et al. Email: cpip@math.hut.fi Supported by: Nordforsk, Nordita and Finnish NGSMP.
13 - 15 June 2005, Nordita, Copenhagen. First NordForsk Network Meeting on Low-Dimensional Physics. www.nordita.dk/conference/lowdphys2005/ Organizers: S.F. Viefers (s.f.viefers@fys.uio.no), O. Syljuåsen. Supported by: NordForsk and Nordita.
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14 - 18 June 2005, Lund Sweden. International Conference on Finite Fermionic Systems - Nilsson Model 50 Years. www.matfys.lth.se/Nilsson/ Organizer: Lund University. Email: Nilsson2005@matfys.lth.se
31 July - 7 August 2005, Hillerød, Denmark. Master Class in Physics. www.nordita.dk/conference/MasterClass2005/ Organizer: A. Brandenburg (brandenb@nordita.dk) Supported by: Nordita.
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8 - 19 August 2005, Hillerød, Denmark. 6th Nordic Summer School in Nuclear Physics. www.matfys.lth.se/sven.aberg/nuclear-school05.html Organizers: S. Åberg (sven.aberg@matfys.lth.se), B. Mottelsen. Supported by: NordForsk and Nordita adm.
21 - 27 August 2005, Krogerup, Denmark. Workshop in biological physics: Dynamics of Life - From Single Molecules to Networks. www.nordita.dk/conference/life_2005/ Organizers: K. Sneppen, R. Metzler, J. Hertz. Supported by: Nordita and NBI.
2005-001 | Nonhelical turbulent dynamos: shocks and shear. A. Brandenburg, N.E.L. Haugen, A.J. Mee. In: The Magnetized Plasma in Galaxy Evolution, Eds. K.T. Chyzy, R.-J. Dettmar, K. Otmianowska-Mazur, M. Soida. |
2005-002 | Non-Gaussianity from Instant and Tachyonic Preheating. K. Enqvist, A. Jokinen, A. Mazumdar, T. Multamäki, A. Vaihkonen. |
2005-003 | Multiple Inflation, Cosmic String Networks and the String Landscape. C.P. Burgess, R. Easther, A. Mazumdar, D. F. Mota, T. Multamäki. |
2005-004 | The complete one-loop spin chain for N=2 Super Yang-Mills. P. Di Vecchia, A. Tanzini. |
2005-005 | Loitering universe models in light of the CMB. O. Elgaroy, D. Mota, T. Multamäki. |
2005-006 | Relativistic Bose gases at finite density. J.O. Andersen. |
2005-007 | Coupled Inflaton and Brane Gases. T. Biswas, R. Brandenberger, D.A. Easson, A. Mazumdar. |
2005-008 | Conformal Fluid Dynamics. P. Jarvis, J.W. van Holten. |
2005-009 | Diffusion Monte Carlo in Continuous Time. O.F. Syljuåsen. |
2005-010 | Dissociation in a polymerization model of homochirality. A. Brandenburg, A.C. Andersen, M. Nilsson. |
2005-011 | Spectrum and amplitudes of internal gravity waves excited by penetrative convection in solar-type stars. B. Dintrans, A. Brandenburg, A. Nordlund, R.F. Stein. |
2005-012 | Finite Size Corrections to Three-spin String Duals. L. Freyhult and C. Kristjansen. |
2005-013 | Chiral Symmetry Breaking and the Dirac Spectrum at Nonzero Chemical Potential. K. Splittorff, J.C. Osborn, J.J.M. Verbaarschot. |
2005-014 | Metric of the SU(N) caloron moduli space and its relation to instantons D. Diakonov and N. Gromov. |
2005-015 | The case for a distributed solar dynamo shaped by near-surface shear. A. Brandenburg. |
2005-016 | Static Properties of Positive Ions in Atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. P. Massignan, C. J. Pethick, H. Smith. |
2005-017 | Angular conductance resonances of quantum dots non-collinearly coupled to ferromagnetic leads. J. Fransson. |
2005-018 | Cosmological constraints on string scale and coupling arising from tachyonic instability. K. Enqvist, A. Jokinen, A. Mazumdar, T. Multamäki, A. Vaihkon. |
2005-019 | Dynamical simulation of nuclear "pasta": soft condensed matter in dense stars. G. Watanabe, H. Sonoda. |
2005-020 | Cosmological significance of one-loop effective gravity. D. Espriu, T. Multamäki, E. Vagenas. |
March 2005
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Email: nordita@nordita.dk Homepage: www.nordita.dk |