The future organization and location of Nordita will be considered
by the Nordic Ministers of Education and Research (MR-U)
at their meeting on 26 October.
Denmark: |
J. Ferkinghoff-Borg (bio) from 01.03.05,
J. M. Grimstrup (sa) from 01.01.05, K. Guldbæk Schmidt (ap). |
Finland: | A. Jokinen (ap/sa). Iceland: K. Kristjansson (sa). |
Sweden: |
T. Ambjörnsson (bio),
L. Freyhult (sa),
A. Isacsson (cm),
T. Karlsson (ap), T. Månsson (sa). M. Olsson (sa/ap) from 01.10.05. |
(ap) | Kirsi Lehto | (Turku) | until 30.06.06. | |
(ap) | Harry J. Lehto | (Turku) | until 30.06.06. | |
(sa) | Matthias Staudacher | (Potsdam) | until 30.04.06. | |
(sa) | Gordon Baym | (Urbana) | 19.11.05 - 28.11.05 | |
Paid | from other sources: | |||
(bio) | Michael A. Lomholt | (Copenhagen) | until 14.02.06, | Villum Kann Rasmussen Foundation. |
(ap) | Gentaro Watanabe | (Tokyo) | until 11.04.07, |
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. |
(sa) | Marta Orselli | (Perugia) | 01.10.05 - 20.09.07, | EU-Network. |
(ap) astrophysics, (bio) biological physics,
(cm) condensed matter physics, (sa) subatomic physics.
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27 - 28 October 2005, Helsinki, Finland. The 20th Nordic String Meeting Organizers: E. Keski-Vakkuri, C. Montonen, N. Jokela. Supported by: Helsinki Institute of Physics and Nordita Nordic Project.
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11 - 12 November 2005 (preliminary), Copenhagen, Denmark. Symposium on General Relativity and Cosmology, a tribute to Igor Novikov's life-time dedication and contribution to physics, astrophysics and cosmology. Organizers: P. Naselsky (, P. Rex Christensen ( and C.J. Pethick ( Supported by: NBI, the Niels Bohr Foundation and Nordita.
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17 - 19 November 2005, Oslo, Norway. 2nd NordForsk Network Meeting on Low-dimensional physics. Organizier: S.F. Viefers ( Supported by: NordForsk.
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20 - 21 November 2005, Oslo, Norway. Astrobiology: Life in extreme conditions. Organizer: A. Brandenburg ( and Ø. Elgaroy ( Supported by: Astrobiology Nordic Project.
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14 - 17 December 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark. Cosmology 2005: a reality check. Organizers: P.H. Damgaard (, A. Mazumdar (, K. Pedersen (, J. Hjorth ( Supported by: NordForsk, NBI and Nordita Nordic Project.
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Date: 2 - 13 January 2006, Sirkka (Lapland), Finland. Nordic Winter School on Astrobiology. Organizers: A. Brandenburg (, et al. Supported by: NordForsk and Nordita Nordic Project.
The contributions include papers by:
Peter Ditlevsen (A climatic thermostat making Earth habitable).
Minik Rosing (Thermodynamics of life on the global scale).
Anja C. Andersen & Henning Haack (Carbonaceous chondrites: tracers of
prebiotic evolution).
Richard Lathe (Tidal chain reaction and the origin of replicating
Kirsi Lehto & Alexey Karetnikov (Relicts and models of the RNA world).
Søren Toxvaerd (Origin of homochirality in biological systems).
Patrick G.H. Sandars (Chirality in the RNA world and beyond).
Jonathan A.D. Wattis & Peter V. Coveney (Chiral polymerisation and
the RNA world).
Tuomas Multamäki & Axel Brandenburg (Spatial dynamics of homochiralization).
Martin Nilsson Jacobi et al. (Modeling the dynamics of a minimal protocell
Natalia B. Gontareva (Photochemical stability of biomolecules).
Eira Kanervo et al. (Characterization of growth and photosynthesis of
2005-029 | Stochastic approach to DNA breathing dynamics. S.K. Banik, T. Ambjörnsson, R. Metzler. |
2005-031 | Quasi-thermal universe: From cosmology to colliders. R. Allahverdi, A. Mazumdar. |
2005-032 | Lattice simulations of QCD with \mu_B\neq0 versus phase quenched QCD. K. Splittorff. |
2005-033 | Nanodiamond dust and the far-ultraviolet quasar break. L. Binette, G.C. Magris, Y. Krongold, C. Morisset, S. Haro-Corzo, J.A. de Diego, H. Mutschke, A.C. Andersen. |
2005-034 | Spatial dynamics of homochiralization. T. Multamäki, A. Brandenburg, Int. J. Astrobiol. 4 (2005) 73-78. |
2005-035 | Uni-directional polymerization leading to homochirality in the RNA world. M. Nilsson, A. Brandenburg, A.C. Andersen, S. Höfner. |
2005-036 | Strong mean field dynamos require supercritical helicity fluxes. A. Brandenburg, K. Subramanian, Astron.Nachr. 326 (2005) 400-408. |
2005-038 | Carbonaceous Chondrites: Tracers of the prebiotic chemical evolution of the Solar System. A.C. Andersen, H. Haack. |
2005-039 | Resonant Fermi gases with a large effective range. A. Schwenk, C. J. Pethick. |
2005-040 | Breathing mode of rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensates. G. Watanabe. |
2005-041 | Multi-flavor bosonic Hubbard models in the first excited Bloch band of an optical lattice. A. Isacsson, S. M. Girvin. |
2005-043 | Cosmological expansion and the uniqueness of gravitational action. T. Multamäki, I. Vilja. |
2005-044 | Fluctuations and Energy Shifts in the Bethe Ansatz. N. Beisert, L. Freyhult, Phys.Lett. B622 (2005) 343-348. |
2005-045 | Phase fluctuations in low-dimensional Gross-Neveu models. J. O. Andersen. |
2005-046 | Cosmic ray confinement in the diffusion approximation. A.P. Snodin, A. Brandenburg, A.J. Mee, A. Shukurov. |
2005-047 | Angular conductance resonances of quantum dots strongly coupled to noncollinearly oriented ferromagnetic leads. J. Fransson, Phys. Rev. B 72, 045415 (2005). |
2005-048 | Non-equilibrium theory for quantum dot with arbitrary on-site correlation strength coupled to leads. J. Fransson, Phys. Rev. B 72, 075314 (2005). |
2005-049 | Signatures of band-like tunnelling in granular nanowires. J. Fransson, J. -F. Lin, L. Rotkina, J. P. Bird, P. A. Bennett. |
2005-051 | Do vortices in inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein condensates move with the local fluid velocity? H. M. Nilsen, G. Baym, C. J. Pethick. |
2005-052 | Effect of the radiative background flux in convection. A. Brandenburg, K. L. Chan, A. Nordlund, R. F. Stein, Astron. Nachr. 326 (2005) 681-692. |
2005-054 | A New Method for Determining F_\pi on the Lattice. P.H. Damgaard, U. M. Heller, K. Splittorff, B. Svetitsky. |
2005-055 | Summary Talk on Quark-Hadron Duality. P. Hoyer. |
2005-056 | Soft Rescattering in DIS: Effects of Helicity Flip. P. Hoyer, M. Järvinen. |
2005-057 | Magnetic helicity density and its flux in weakly inhomogeneous turbulence. K. Subramanian, A. Brandenburg. |
October 2005
NORDITA Blegdamsvej 17 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø Denmark |
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