Issue 2, 2006
New director for Nordita from July 1, 2007
November 2. Professor Risto Nieminen from the Helsinki University of Technology will take up the position as director of Nordita from July 1st 2007. His research interests include condensed matter and materials physics, nanoscience and complex materials. Professor Nieminen acted as secretary in the expert group which evaluated Nordita in 2004. More information about professor Nieminen can be found on
Activities this Fall in Stockholm

Nordita in October
October 23. Since early August, the Nordita building in Stockholm is already harbouring some of Nordita's activities, in particular in the areas of Astrophysics and Biophysics. Some of these activities are reflected in a new page covering the Activities this Fall in Stockholm. Since September there has been a continuous stream of visitors to Nordita in Stockholm.
NORDITA researchers in Stockholm
October 11. A number of assistant professor positions and post-doc positions has been announced. Look under positions.
Board Meeting, September 15
September 21. The first board meeting with Anders Flodström as chairman took place in the Nordita house at AlbaNova Friday 15 September. The board took a number of decisions concerning activities during 2007. Read the full summary.
NORDITA moves to Stockholm at the end of 2006
The Nordic Council of Ministers have approved an agreement with a consortium formed by Stockholm University (SU) and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH), according to which the consortium assumes ownership of NORDITA. From the beginning of 2007 Nordita will be located at the AlbaNova University Center in Stockholm ( For some time NORDITA will also maintain activities in Copenhagen, centered on those of the present staff who will stay in Copenhagen. NORDITA will be governed by a Board chosen by the Nordic research councils, and the Nordic Council of Ministers will provide an important part of the funding.
An account of the developments leading to the agreement may be found in the article by Paul Hoyer, available in Swedish and English, which is being published in the journals of the Finnish and Norwegian Physical Societies. See also the news items at and
Board, Chairperson, and Director
The mandate for the present board has been prolonged until December 31, 2006 by NMR and the same board will be appointed by the universities in Stockholm until June 30, 2007. An external chairman, Prof. Anders Flodström, has been appointed for the period August 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007. A new board and a new chairman will be appointed from July 1, 2007. Prof. Ulf Wahlgren has been appointed interim director until June 30, 2007.
Nordita visitors since August 2006
Tobias Heinemann(Copenhagen): 12-23 Sep
Maarit Korpi (Helsinki): 19-22 Sep
Jan Staff (Univ. Calgary): 20-26 Sep
Brian Niebergal (Univ. Calgary): 20-26 Sep
Petri Käpylä (Freiburg/Oulu): 18-22 Sep
Natalia Babkovskaia (St Petersburg): 1 Oct - 31 Dec
Sven Bingert (Freiburg): 19-27 Oct
Jonathan Graham (Boulder): 26-27 Oct
Anna Pietarila (Boulder): 26-27 Oct
Boris Dintrans (Toulouse): 10-19 Nov
David Field (Aarhus): 10-11 Nov
Wolfgang Dobler (Calgary): 10-16 Nov
Mikko Alava (Helsinki): 15-17 Nov
Alexander Kosovichev (Stanford): 17-20 Nov
Juri Poutanen (Oulu): 30 Nov - 1 Dec
Hans Amundsen (Oslo): 8 Dec
Guðlaugur Jóhannesson (Reykjavik): 15-17 Dec
Lars Samuelsson (Southampton): 20-22 Dec
Nordita Preprints
- 2006-007
- Global geometry of two-dimensional charged black holes
- Andrei V. Frolov, Kristjan R. Kristjansson, Larus Thorlacius
- Phys.Rev. D73 (2006) 124036
- 2006-008
- Identifying the curvaton within MSSM
- R. Allahverdi, K. Enqvist, A. Jokinen, A. Mazumdar
- JCAP 0610 (2006) 007
- 2006-009
- Variational treatment of the Shastry-Sutherland antiferromagnet using projected entangled pair states
- A. Isacsson and Olav F. Syljuåsen
- Phys. Rev. E 74, 026701 (2006)
- 2006-010
- BCS-BEC crossover in atomic Fermi gases with a narrow Resonance
- L. M. Jensen, H. M. Nilsen, and Gentaro Watanabe
- Phys. Rev. A 74, 043608 (2006).
- 2006-011
- A Universality Test of the Quantum String Bethe Ansatz
- Lisa Freyhult and Charlotte Kristjansen
- Phys.Lett.B 638 (2006) 258
- 2006-012
- Thermal instability in shearing and periodic turbulence
- Axel Brandenburg, Maarit J. Korpi, Antony J. Mee
- Astrophys. J., 654, 945-954
- 2006-013
- Gauge invariant MSSM inflaton
- R. Allahverdi, J. Garcia-Bellido, K. Enqvist, A. Mazumdar
- Phys.Rev.Lett. 97 (2006) 191304
- 2006-014
- Quantum Mechanical Sectors in Thermal N=4 Super Yang-Mills on RxS^3
- Troels Harmark and Marta Orselli
- 2006-015
- Structure of vortices in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates
- G. Watanabe, S. A. Gifford, G. Baym, and C. J. Pethick
- To appear in Phys. Rev. A
- 2006-016
- AdS/CFT versus string loops
- G. Grignani, M. Orselli, B. Ramadanovic, et al.
- 2006-017
- Three-Charge Black Holes on a Circle
- T. Harmark, K. R. Kristjansson, N. A. Obers, P. B. Rønne
- JHEP 01 (2007) 023
- 2006-018
- Perturbative gauge theory in a background
- D. D. Dietrich, P. Hoyer, M. Järvinen and S. Peigné
- 2006-019
- Semi-exclusive DVCS
- Paul Hoyer and Heidi Virtanen
- 2006-020
- Non-uniform vortex lattices in inhomogeneous rotating Bose-Einstein condensates
- G. Baym, C. J. Pethick, S. A. Gifford, and G. Watanabe
- To appear in Phys. Rev. A
- 2006-021
- Magnetic excitations of coupled spin ladders: a quantum Monte Carlo study
- Brian M. Andersen and Olav F. Syljuåsen
- 2006-022
- DNA bubble dynamics as a quantum Coulomb problem
- Hans C. Fogedby and Ralf Metzler
- submitted
- 2006-023
- Dimerized ground state in the one dimensional spin-1 boson Hubbard model
- Vesa Apaja and Olav F. Syljuåsen
- Phys. Rev. A 74, 035601 (2006)
- 2006-024
- Comments on the Relativity of Shape
- Paul Hoyer
- 2006-025
- Matching the Hagedorn Temperature in AdS/CFT
- Troels Harmark and Marta Orselli
- 2006-026
- Sequence sensitivity of breathing dynamics in heteropolymer DNA
- Tobias Ambjornsson, Suman K. Banik, Oleg Krichevsky, Ralf Metzler
- Phys Rev Lett 97, 128105 (2006)
- 2006-027
- Single DNA conformations and biological function
- R. Metzler, T. Ambjoernsson, A. Hanke, Y. Zhang, S. Levene
- J Comput Theoret Nanoscience
- 2006-028
- Fractal Dimension and Localization of DNA Knots
- Erika Ercolini, Francesco Valle, Jozef Adamcik, Guillaume Witz, Ralf Metzler, : Paolo De Los Rios, Joaquim Roca, Giovanni Dietler
- Phys Rev Lett, at press
- 2006-029
- Diffusion mechanisms of localised knots along a polymer
- R. Metzler, W. Reisner, R. Riehn, R. Austin, J. Tegenfeldt, I. M. Sokolov
- Europhys Lett 76, 696 (2006)
- 2006-030
- Breathing dynamics in heteropolymer DNA
- T. Ambjornsson, S. K. Banik, O. Krichevsky, R. Metzler
- Biophys J, in press
- 2006-031
- Some fundamental aspects of Lévy flights
- R. Metzler, A.V. Chechkin, V.Y. Gonchar, J. Klafter
- Submitted
- 2006-032
- Fundamentals of Lévy flight processes
- A. V. Chechkin, V. Y. Gonchar, J. Klafter, R. Metzler
- Adv Chem Phys, at press
- 2006-033
- Conductance of a short spin incoherent Hubbard chain; Monte Carlo calculations
- Olav F. Syljuåsen
- 2006-034
- Energy-dependent effective interactions for dilute many-body systems
- A. Collin, P. Massignan, and C. J. Pethick
- Phys. Rev. A 75, 013615 (2007).
- 2006-035
- Bose-Einstein condensation temperature of a gas of weakly dissociated diatomic molecules
- L. M. Jensen, H. Mäkelä, and C. J. Pethick
- 2006-036
- Applying a potential across a biomembrane: electrostatic contribution to the bending rigidity and membrane instability
- Tobias Ambjornsson, Michael A. Lomholt, Per Lyngs Hansen
- 2006-037
- Master equation approach to DNA-breathing in heteropolymer DNA
- T. Ambjornsson, S.K Banik, M.A Lomholt, R. Metzler
- Phys Rev E, at press
- 2006-038
- Bubble coalescence in breathing DNA: Two vicious walkers in opposite potentials
- T. Novotny, J. N. Pedersen, M. S. Hansen, T. Ambjornsson, and R. Metzler
- Europhys Lett, at press
- 2006-039
- Homochirality in an early peptide world
- Axel Brandenburg, Harry J. Lehto, Kirsi M. Lehto
- Astrobiology (submitted)
- 2006-040
- Understanding nuclear "pasta": current status and future prospects
- Gentaro Watanabe
- to appear in the Proceedings of the Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics VI (TOURS 2006)
- 2006-041
- Magnetic Heisenberg-chain / pp-wave correspondence
- Troels Harmark Kristjan Kristjansson and Marta Orselli
- 2006-042
- Kinetic and magnetic alpha effects in nonlinear dynamo theory
- S. Sur, K. Subramanian, A. Brandenburg
- Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. (submitted)
- 2006-043
- Role of the RNA2 3? non-translated region of Blackcurrant reversion nepovirus in translational regulation
- Alexey Karetnikov, Mika Keränen, Kirsi Lehto
- Virology xx (2006) xxx?xxx
- 2006-044
- The RNA2 59 leader of Blackcurrant reversion virus mediates efficient in vivo translation through an internal ribosomal entry site mechanism
- Alexey Karetnikov and Kirsi Lehto
- Journal of General Virology (2007), 88, 000?000
- 2006-045
- From Molecular Evolution to Cellular Life
- Kirsi Lehto
- Complete Course in Astrobiology (eds. Horneck & Rettberg), VCH Wiley
- 2006-046
- RApid Temporal Survey - RATS II: Followup observations of 4 newly discovered short period variables
- Gavin Ramsay, Ralf Napiwotzki, Pasi Hakala, Harry Lehto
- Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 371 (2006) 957-962
- 2006-047
- Integrally monitoring GRS 1915+105 with simultaneous INTEGRAL, RXTE, Ryle and Nancay observations
- J. Rodriguez, G. Pooley, D.C. Hannikainen, H. J. Lehto
- proceedings of the "Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise" Paris June 2006
- 2006-048
- An integral monitoring of GRS1915+105: simultaneous observations with INTEGRAL, RXTE, the Ryle and Nancay radio telescopes
- J. Rodriguez, G. Pooley, D. C. Hannikainen, H. J. Lehto
- proceedings of the INTEGRAL workshop, ESA pub. SP-622
- 2006-049
- An INTEGRAL monitoring of GRS 1915+105 using simultaneous space and ground based instruments
- J. Rodriguez, G. Pooley, D. Hannikainen, H.J. Lehto, et al.
- proceedings of the microquasar workshop held in Como, Italy, Sept. 18-22, 2006. Eds T. Belloni
- 2006-050
- Probing turbulence in OMC1 at the star forming scale: observations and simulations
- Gustafsson, M., Brandenburg, A., Lemaire, J. L., & Field, D.
- in Highlights of Astronomy, ed. K. A. van der Hucht et al., Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser.
- 2006-051
- Homochirality and the moment when life came about
- Brandenburg, A., Andersen, A. C., & Multamäki, T.
- BioZoom 9/2, 8-11
- 2006-052
- Why coronal mass ejections are necessary for the dynamo
- Axel Brandenburg
- Highlights of Astronomy, ed. K. G. Strassmeier & A. Kosovichev
- 2006-053
- Near-surface shear layer dynamics
- Axel Brandenburg
- Highlights of Astronomy, ed. F. Kupka, I.W. Roxburgh, and K.L. Chan
- 2006-054
- Predicting the next outbursts of OJ 287 in 2006?2010
- M.J. Valtonen, H.J. Lehto, A. Sillanpää, et al.
- Astrophys. J. 646, 36-48 (2006)
- 2006-055
- The impact of nuclear "pasta" on neutrino transport in collapsing cores
- H. Sonoda, G. Watanabe, K. Sato, et al.
Items for Nordita News
If you have information about meetings or other items that would be useful to include in Nordita News, please send it to Anne Jifält, Nordita, email: