Issue 4, 2011
Vice Chancellor of SU visits Nordita

On 9 November, Nordita had the pleasure of welcoming the Vice Chancellor
of Stockholm University, Professor Kåre Bremer and his delegation consisting of
pro-Vice Chancellor Lena Gerholm, the of Head of the Science Faculty Office,
Åsa Borin, the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Professor Stefan Nordlund,
and the Chairperson of the Mathematics and Physics Section, Professor Anders Karlhede.
They met with Nordita's faculty and other members of staff.
The delegation expressed delight in seeing the successful development of Nordita in Stockholm.
Call for proposals for new Nordita Programs
Readers are reminded that Nordita has invited applications for a new round of Nordita Programs in 2013-2014. The announcement and the guidelines for submitting a proposal can be found at
The deadline is the 15th of December.
A Nordita Scientific program is an extended workshop where a limited number of scientists work together on specific topics for a period of 4 to 6 weeks. Program topics can range beyond the traditional borders of theoretical physics and scientists in related areas of the natural sciences are encouraged to submit proposals.
Up to 25 participants can be accommodated at any given time. This typically includes a core of 8-12 internationally recognized leaders in the subject area of the program, 5-8 invited Nordic scientists, and a limited number of other applicants including accompanying postdoctoral fellows and PhD students.
Positions at Nordita
NORDITA Visiting PhD Student program for 2012
The Visiting PhD Student program is open for applications for visits during 2012. The program, primarily intended for PhD students in the Nordic and Baltic countries, offers selected students the opportunity to spend time at Nordita and take advantage of the research environment and ongoing scientific activities at the institute and the AlbaNova University Center in Stockholm. This can, in particular, include collaboration on research projects with Nordita academic staff and participation in Nordita Scientific Programs in areas of interest to the students. Visiting PhD fellows may also be interested in taking PhD-level courses offered at Stockholm area universities.
A Visiting PhD Fellowship will be awarded for a period of one to three months, providing accommodation and a contribution towards travel and living expenses in Stockholm. Fellows must be registered PhD students in theoretical physics or a related subject at a university in the Nordic or Baltic countries at the time of the fellowship visit to Nordita. Applications for the fellowship program can be submitted at and please note that only on-line applications will be considered.
Fellowships are awarded twice a year but starting dates for stays at Nordita are flexible. Applications for Spring 2012 should be received by January 15, 2012. Please direct enquiries about Nordita Visiting PhD Fellowships to the Director of Nordita, Professor Larus Thorlacius (
PhD Position in Solar Activity at Nordita
In continuation of the ERC-supported research on Astrophysical Dynamos at Nordita (see, there will be a PhD position on the formation of active regions in the Sun. The successful candidate will be working on numerical models of radiation magnetohydrodynamics to explain the spontaneous formation of active regions and ultimately sunspots.
For further details see
The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Professor Axel Brandenburg at Nordita. The PhD student working within this project will be formally enrolled at Stockholm University within the Department of Astronomy, but will have office space in one of the Nordita buildings. An extension to a fifth year is possible if the student takes up teaching or other duties at the department.
The application should include a curriculum vitae together including a list of publications, 2 letters of recommendation, a verified list of courses with grades and a motivation why the applicant wants to pursue studies for a PhD at Nordita. The application deadline is 15 January 2012. The application should be filed though our web interface
Post-doctoral position on Turbulence in Polymer Solutions
A one year post-doctoral position is available at Nordita to work on a project "Turbulence in polymer solutions" starting from the summer of 2012. The position is supported by the Swedish Research Council. The successful candidate shall work under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dhrubaditya Mitra.
The project is a collaboration between Dhrubaditya Mitra at Nordita and Associate Professor Luca Brandt at the Linné Flow Center at Stockholm and the experimental group of Professor Victor Steinberg at the Weizmann Institute.
For further details and the online application form, see
The application deadline is 31 March 2012. The application should be filed though our web interface
Congratulations go to Nordita's PhD-students Fabio Del Sordo and Jörn Warnecke
Jörn Warnecke was awarded a travel grant from the Jubilee Donation
of the K & A Wallenberg Foundation.
He received 13 000 SEK to travel to La Palma and use the Swedish Solar
Telescope (SST) to observe magnetic flux emergence and sunspots formation.
This will be in cooperation with the Solar Physics Institute in Stockholm
and Professor Göran Scharmer.
Fabio Del Sordo received a travel grant from the
High Performance Computing-EUROPA2 initiative to
visit Professor Alfio Bonanno at the
National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) in the
Catania Astronomical Observatory for about 2 months to work
on the study of chiral symmetry breaking from the Tayler instability
and to perform computations at the local center.
Current and upcoming Nordita Programs
- January 23 to February 17, 2012
- There has been remarkable progress in understanding non-perturbative dynamics of gauge fields and their relationship to string theory in recent years. Many important developments have been made by using methods of exactly solvable systems. The topics will include (i) exact results in the AdS/CFT correspondence (ii) scattering amplitudes (iii) supersymmetric gauge theories (iv) Bethe ansatz and exact solvability in quantum field theory
- Coordinators: Lisa Freyhult, Vladimir Kazakov, Charlotte Kristjansen, Joseph Minahan, Konstantin Zarembo
- 27 February ? 23 March 2012
- This program focuses on the different methods for modeling the dynamics of biomolecular systems, ranging from force-field based all-atom representation of individual biomolecules to coarse-grained models for multi-component systems. In particular, the link between these 'complementary' modelling approaches, which cover distinct length and time scales, is of central interest.
- Coordinators: Hans Behringer, Stefan Wallin, Ralf Eichhorn
- April 16 to May 11, 2012
- Coordinators: John Hertz, Peter Latham, Yasser Roudi
Upcoming Conferences and Schools
- January 9-20, 2012
- The Nordita School in Theoretical Particle Physics will take place at Nordita in the period January 9-20, 2012 and is organized by Paolo Di Vecchia, Troels Harmark, Lárus Thorlacius, and Konstantin Zarembo. It is the third annual winter school organized at Nordita in Stockholm. The school is mainly intended for PhD students and young postdocs from the Nordic countries. The topics at the school include lectures on the standard model of particle physics, beyond the standard model physics, non-perturbative aspects of quantum field theory, black holes, string theory, holography and AdS/CFT, applications of AdS/CFT, and the experimental search for quantum gravity. Lecturers will include P. Di Vecchia (Nordita), G. Ferretti (Chalmers, Göteborg), S. Hannestad (University of Aarhus), T. Harmark (Nordita), S. Hossenfelder (Nordita), N. A. Obers (Niels Bohr Institute), A. Raklev (Oslo), F. Sannino (CP3 origins, SDU, Odense), L. Thorlacius (Nordita), P. Vieira (Perimeter Institute, Canada) and K. Zarembo (Nordita)
- February 6-10, 2012
- There has been remarkable progress in understanding non-perturbative dynamics of gauge fields and their relationship to string theory in recent years. Many important developments have been made by using methods of exactly solvable systems. The conference is intended to bring together experts in gauge theories, strings, and integrable systems in order to create a discussion forum for future developments in this rapidly evolving field. The topics will include: (i) exact results in the AdS/CFT correspondence (ii) scattering amplitudes, Wilson loops and correlation functions (iii) non-perturbative methods (Bethe ansatz, Y-system, localization, instanton counting, etc). The conference is part of the program "Exact results in Gauge-String dualities" which runs from 23 January to 17 February 2012 at Nordita.
- Coordinators: Lisa Freyhult, Vladimir Kazakov, Charlotte Kristjansen, Joseph Minahan, Konstantin Zarembo
- March 28-30, 2012
- Coordinators: Ralf Eichhorn, Alberto Imparato
Nordita Board meeting
The next Nordita Board meeting will take place in Stockholm on February 10, 2012.
Nordita preprints
→ Link to electronic preprints:
The following preprints have been posted to the Nordita on-line archive since the last newsletter issue:
- 2011-093
- "Strong potential impurities on the surface of a topological insulator"
- Annica M. Black-Schaffer and Alexander V. Balatsky
- 2011-094
- "Fine Structure of String Spectrum in AdS(5)xS(5)"
- K. Zarembo and S. Zieme
- 2011-095
- "Domain Structure of Black Hole Space-Times with a Cosmological Constant"
- J. Armas, P. Caputa and T. Harmark
- 2011-096
- "Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in the Tayler instability"
- Fabio Del Sordo, Alfio Bonanno, Axel Brandenburg, Dhrubaditya Mitra
- in Comparative Magnetic Minima: Characterizing quiet times in the Sun and stars, ed. IAU Symp. S286, C. H. Mandrini, eds., in press
- 2011-097
- "Coronal ejections from convective spherical shell dynamos"
- J. Warnecke, P. J. Käpylä, M. J. Mantere, A. Brandenburg
- in Comparative Magnetic Minima: Characterizing quiet times in the Sun and stars, ed. IAU Symp. S286, C. H. Mandrini, eds., in press
- 2011-098
- "Magnetic feature tracking speeds, what determines their motion?"
- G. Guerrero, M. Rheinhardt & M. Dikpati
- in Comparative Magnetic Minima: Characterizing quiet times in the Sun and stars, ed. IAU Symp. S286, C. H. Mandrini, eds., in press
- 2011-099
- "Magnetic helicity fluxes and their effect on stellar dynamos"
- Simon Candelaresi, & Axel Brandenburg
- in Comparative Magnetic Minima: Characterizing quiet times in the Sun and stars, ed. IAU Symp. S286, C. H. Mandrini, eds., in press
- 2011-100
- "Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in two-component Bose gases on a lattice"
- E. Lundh and J.-P. Martikainen
- 2011-101
- "Inhomogeneous non-Gaussianity"
- C.Byrnes, S.Nurmi, G. Tasinato and D. Wands
- 2011-102
- "Topological liquid nucleation induced by vortex-vortex interactions in Kitaev's honeycomb model"
- Ville Lahtinen, Andreas W. W. Ludwig, Jiannis K. Pachos and Simon Trebst
- 2011-103
- "Cycles and cycle modulations"
- Axel Brandenburg , Gustavo Guerrero
- Proceedings of IAU Symp 286, Comparative Magnetic Minima, C. H. Mandrini, eds
- 2011-104
- "Continuous and reversible mixing or demixing of nanoparticles by dielectrophoresis"
- Martina Viefhues, Ralf Eichhorn, Eugenie Fredrich, Jan Regtmeier, Dario Anselmetti
- accepted for publication in Lab on a Chip
- 2011-105
- "On Hydromagnetic Stresses in Weakly Magnetized Stellar Boundary Layers"
- Martin E. Pessah (NBI) and Chi-kwan Chan (NORDITA)
- ApJ (submitted)
- 2011-106
- "Aspects of Hector's research"
- Paolo Di Vecchia
- Remembering Hector Rubinstein, Edited by L. Brink and V. Mukhanov, Sissa Medialab
- 2011-107
- "Confined p-band Bose-Einstein condensates"
- Fernanda Pinheiro, Jani-Petri Martikainen, Jonas Larson
- 2011-108
- "Spontaneous formation of flux concentrations in a stratified layer"
- K. Kemel, A. Brandenburg, N. Kleeorin, D. Mitra, I. Rogachevskii
- Solar Phys., submitted
- 2011-109
- "P. J. Käpylä, M. J. Mantere, A. Brandenburg"
- Oscillatory large-scale dynamos from Cartesian convection simulations
- Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., submitted
- 2011-110
- "Coronal ejections driven by a convective dynamo with differential rotation in a sphere"
- J. Warnecke, P. J. Käpylä, M. J. Mantere, A. Brandenburg
- submitted to Solar Physics
- 2011-111
- "Trends, noise and reentrant long-term persistence in Arctic sea ice"
- S. Agarwal, W. Moon, J. S. Wettlaufer
- 2011-112
- "The homogeneous geometries of real hyperbolic space"
- Marco Castrillon Lopez, P. M. Gadea, Andrew Swann
- 2011-113
- "Yoshizawa cross-helicity effect and its quenching"
- A. Brandenburg, K.-H. Rädler
- Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., submitted
Items for Nordita News
If you have information about meetings or other items that would be useful to include in Nordita News, please send it to Anne Jifält, Nordita, email:
For back issues of the Nordita newsletter, see