Denmark: | J. Ferkinghoff-Borg (bio), J. M. Grimstrup (sa), K. Guldbæk Schmidt (ap). |
Finland: | A. Jokinen (ap/sa). |
Iceland: | K. Kristjansson (sa). |
Sweden: |
T. Ambjörnsson (bio),
L. Freyhult (sa),
A. Isacsson (cm),
T. Karlsson (ap), T. Månsson (sa). M. Olsson (sa/ap). |
(cm) | Prabodh Shukla | (Shillong, India) | until 31.03.06. | |
(ap) | Kirsi Lehto | (Turku) | until 30.06.06. | |
(ap) | Harry J. Lehto | (Turku) | until 30.06.06. | |
(ap) | Natalia Babkovskaia | (St. Petersburg / Oulu) | until 31.07.06 | |
(sa) | Gordon Baym | (Urbana) | from 08.03.06 | |
Paid | from other sources: | |||
(bio) | Michael A. Lomholt | (Copenhagen) | until 14.02.06, | Villum Kann Rasmussen Foundation. |
(ap) | Gentaro Watanabe | (Tokyo) | until 11.04.07, |
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. |
(sa) | Marta Orselli | (Perugia) | until 20.09.07, | EU-Network. |
(ap) astrophysics, (bio) biological physics,
(cm) condensed matter physics, (sa) subatomic physics.
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Date: 18 - 21 April 2006, Copenhagen, Denmark. Cosmology, Strings, and Black Holes. Organizers: A. Mazumdar (, N. Obers ( Supported by: Nordita and the Niels Bohr Institute.
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Date: 8 - 11 May 2006, Copenhagen, Denmark. 3rd Nordic Network Meeting on Statistical Physics, Soft Matter, and Biological Physics. Organizer: R. Metzler (, et al. Supported by: Nordita Nordic Project and BioNET/NBI.
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Date: 8 - 11 May 2006, Stockholm, Sweden. Astrobiology Conference on "Origin and Distribution of Life in the Universe" - a Nordic Perspective. Organizers: N. Holm (Stockholm) et al. and A. Brandenburg (Nordita). Supported by: The Swedish Astrobiology Network and Nordita.
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Date: 17 - 20 May 2006, Copenhagen, Denmark. Nonlinearities - from turbulent to magic. Organizers: A. Brandenburg (Nordita), M.H. Jensen (NBI), B. Lautrup (NBI), et al. Supported by: Nordita, NBI and Complexity Lab.
Solar2006 workshop |
Date: 31 May - 2 June 2006, Copenhagen, Denmark. Torsional oscillations at the bottom of the solar convection zone. Organizer: A. Brandenburg (Nordita). Supported by: Nordita.
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Date: 14 - 16 June 2006, Copenhagen, Denmark. Strong correlations in Fermi systems. Organizers: C.J. Pethick (Nordita) and H. Smith (NBI). Supported by: Nordita and NBI.
2006-001. | Intersecting Connes Noncommutative Geometry with Quantum Gravity. J. Aastrup and J. M. Grimstrup. |
2006-002. | Magnetic helicity in primordial and dynamo scenarios of galaxies. A. Brandenburg. Astron. Nachr. (in press) |
2006-003. | Numerical turbulence forced through localized random expansion waves. A. J. Mee, A. Brandenburg. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. (submitted). |
2006-004. | Primordial Stellar Feedback and the Origin of Hyper Metal-Poor Stars. T. Karlsson. ApJ Letters (accepted). |
2006-005. | |
2006-006. | Disk winds, jets, and outflows: theoretical and computational foundations. R. E. Pudritz, R. Ouyed, C. Fendt, A. Brandenburg. Protostars and Planets, V, B. Reipurth, D. Jewitt, and K. Keil (eds.), University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 2006. |
March 2006
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