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Pavel Št?ch Masters Student

Alexander Balatsky Nordita Professor

Alexander Balatsky's field of research is theoretical condensed matter physics. His recent work has mainly been in strongly correlated materials, unconventional superconductivity, and biomolecular electronics.

Will Benston Masters Student

Marcus Berg Visiting researcher

Kyrylo Bondarenko Nordita Fellow

Caio Botello Naves PhD Student

Adrien Bouhon Nordita Assistant Professor

Axel Brandenburg Nordita Professor, Deputy Director

Professor Axel Brandenburg received his PhD at the University of Helsinki in 1990. After two postdocs at Nordita in Copenhagen and at the High Altitude Observatory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder/Colorado he returned to Nordita as Assistant Professor for just over a year before he went in 1996 as full Professor of Applied Mathematics to the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. In 2000 he moved once again to Nordita, this time as full professor. He became professor at the Department of Astronomy in Stockholm when Nordita moved from Denmark to Sweden in 2007

Axel Brandenburg is working in the field of astrophysical fluid dynamics and has also an interest in selected topics of astrobiology. He is particularly interested in the question of magnetic field generation from turbulent motions with applications to the Sun and stars, accretion discs, galaxies, and the early Universe.

His work on accretion disc turbulence was the first to show that the magneto-rotational and dynamo instabilities lead to a sustained doubly-positive feedback. Recently, he contributed to clarifying the long-standing question of the suppression of the dynamo effect in generating large-scale fields. He is also responsible for the maintenance of the Pencil Code, which is a public domain code ( for astrophysical fluid dynamics that is well suited for large clusters with distributed memory.

In 2009 he received funding from the European Research Council for a project on Astrophysical Dynamos with a volume of 2.22 M € to support 4 PhD students, 4 post-docs, one assistant professor and several senior visitors.

Aleksandr Chatrchyan Nordita Fellow

Ludvig Chen Masters Student

Michael Cifone Guest Researcher

Gabriele Cobucci Visiting PhD Student

Fabio Costa WINQ Assistant Professor

Matthew de Courcy‑Ireland Nordita Assistant Professor

Astrid de Wijn Professor at NTNU, Nordita Corresponding Fellow

Ron Demjaha Masters Student

Paolo Di Vecchia Nordita Professor Emeritus

Paolo Di Vecchia received his degree (Italian Laurea) at the University of Rome in 1966. After a post-doctoral fellowship at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati he was offered a permanent position there. After two-year positions at MIT and CERN he became Assistant Professor at Nordita, 1974-1978. After another year at CERN he became Professor first at the Freie Universität in Berlin in 1979 and then at the University of Wuppertal, 1980 to 1986. He came to Nordita in February 1986.

Paolo has worked and continues to work on the theory of elementary particles by using perturbative and non-perturbative methods both in field and string theories. His recent work has dealt with the extension of the AdS/CFT correspondence to less supersymmetric and non-conformal gauge theories deriving many properties of these theories, as the beta-function and the gaugino condensate of N=1 super Yang-Mills, from the supergravity solution. Another activity has been the construction of the four-dimensional low-energy Lagrangian from toroidal compactifications in magnetized D branes models that have the important property of generating chiral matter necessary for describing quarks and leptons. In this framework, he has computed the moduli dependence of the Kaehler metrics and of the Yukawa couplings using both stringy instantons and field theoretical methods. Most recently, he has studied high-energy scattering of closed strings on a stack of D branes in various regimes of impact parameter and 't Hooft coupling.

Since 1994, he has coordinated the organization of Nordic meetings in string theory bringing together Nordic researchers and students twice a year to learn about recent developments in the field. He has organized summer schools in field and string theory for Nordic students and supervised Nordic students. He was elected in 2003 member of the Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab.

Ralf Eichhorn Nordita Assistant Professor

Ralf Eichhorn received his PhD from the University of Augsburg in 2000. After postdoctorial work in Augsburg and Bielefeld, he joined Nordita in January 2009. His general research interest is on the statistical mechanics of complex systems with application to biophysical problems.

Ralf's current research activities are centered around the theory of transport processes in non-equilibrium systems, where thermal noise typically plays a dominant role. Apart from studying idealized stochastic models, Ralf is also interested in developing concrete realizations of such transport phenomena, aiming at biophysical applications in microfluidic devices (lab-on-a-chip) for the separation, purification or mixing of colloidal particles and complex biomolecules like DNA or proteins. This is motivated by the vision of a lab-on-a-chip, which combines all preparational and analytical steps of a diagnostic device in a single microfluidic system. A further direction in Ralf's research covers the dynamic aspects of molecular recognition. Molecular recognition of two biomolecules occurs due to (non-specific) interactions between complementary regions on their surfaces. Within the framework of coarse-grained models for the molecules, the dynamic aspects of the recognition process in the crowded environment of a cell are studied. More recently, Ralf became interested in stochastic thermodynamics, a new field in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics addressing the problem of generalizing and extending concepts from equilibrium statistical physics to the non-equilibrium realm.

Ralf has intense collaborations with scientists at KTH and has established contacts to several groups in the Nordic countries (e.g., Aarhus, Lund, Gothenburg). He organized two "Nordic Workshops on Statistical Physics" (March 2010 and Feb 2011), is co-organizer of a workshop on DNA self-assembly (May 2011) and of two four-week scientific programs at Nordita (fall 2011 and spring 2012). Moreover, Ralf co-organizes an international seminar series on "Complex systems and biological physics".

Jimmie Evenholt Administrator

Oskar Fallgren Masters Student

Fabiano Feleppa Visiting PhD Student, Visiting PhD Student

Alessia Ferraro Nordita Fellow

Alexander Flink Masters Student

Mikael Fogelström Nordita Director, Nordita Professor

My education in physics, both undergraduate and graduate, was at Åbo Akademi and I received my PhD in 1995 under the supervision of Prof. Juhani Kurkijärvi. The topic of my PhD dissertation was theoretical and numerical studies of superfluid 3He. After postdoctoral research at Northwestern University and at Karlsruhe University of Technology, I have been working at Chalmers, first at the department of physics and form 2003 at the department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2). Since January 2024 I am the Director of Nordita.

Main topics of my research is condensed matter theory with focus on mesoscopic superconductivity and quantum transport theory in strongly correlated electron systems. This involves development of efficient numerical studies of charge and energy transport in spatially inhomogeneous systems based on non-equilibrium many-body theory.

Guilherme Franzmann Guest Researcher

Katherine Freese Nordita Affiliate Professor

Frederick Gent Nordita Postdoc

Maximilian Goll Masters Student

Bengt Gustafsson Nordita Affiliate Professor

Joshuah Heath Nordita Postdoc

Johan Hellsvik Guest Researcher

John Hertz Nordita Professor Emeritus

John Hertz received his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in 1970. After a postdoc at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, he joined the faculty of the James Franck Institute, University of Chicago as an Assistant Professor. He became Professor at Nordita in Copenhagen in 1980. Since 2007 he has also been Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute and, since 2014, visiting Professor in the Department of Neuroscience, Faculty of Health Sciences at Copenhagen University. He divides his time between Copenhagen and Stockholm.

Early in his career, John worked in condensed matter theory, particularly on magnetism in systems with highly correlated electrons and on phase transitions, which led to his well-known work on quantum critical phenomena. He then turned to the statistical mechanics of disordered systems, particularly spin glasses. This, in turn, led him to develop an interest in neural networks. With Anders Krogh and Richard Palmer, he wrote what is still a standard book on artificial networks. In recent years, working with Yasser Roudi (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Erik Aurell (KTH) and Joanna Tyrcha (Stockholm University) he focused on biological networks, particularly on the dynamics of neural networks in the neocortex, the problem of inferring connectivity (and other network features) from recorded spike trains, and stochastic properties of protein and gene networks in cells. His current work, in collaboration with Joanna Tyrcha, is on training neural networks to compose music.

His collaborative activity in the Nordic region includes organizing two Nordic networks on neural computation, teaching and collaboration with groups in Norway and Sweden, numerous summer schools and conferences, and supervision of MS and PhD students.

Marie Hjeltman Administrator

Marie Hjeltman has a Masters degree in Journalism from Uppsala University and a degree in Social Science from University of Amsterdam. At Nordita Marie is among others responsible for the work environment and equal treatment management and archiving. She also assists with the administration of programs and conferences.

Marie speaks Swedish, English, Dutch and Spanish.

Johannes Hofmann Associate Professor at U. of Gothenburg, Nordita Corresponding Fellow

Patric Holmvall Guest researcher

Oksana Iarygina Nordita Postdoc

Pauli Jokinen PhD Student

Robert Jonsson WINQ Fellow

Sreenath K. Manikandan WINQ Fellow

Sreenath K. Manikandan is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Wallenberg Initiative on Networks and Quantum Information (WINQ) at Nordita. He received his PhD degree from the University of Rochester in 2021.

Sreenath works mostly in quantum/condensed matter physics, with an emphasis on quantum thermodynamic device applications. He is also interested in exploring the thermodynamic aspects of quantum measurements, the nature of time in quantum mechanics, condensed matter analogies and low energy signatures of gravity in the quantum regime.

Ivan Khaymovich Nordita Assistant Professor

Ivan Khaymovich is Nordita Assistant professor in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics since May 2022, with focus on Ergodicity Breaking and Localization.

Ivan's main research areas are:

  • Non-ergodic phases of matter, their applications to machine learning and quantum memory
  • Relations between entanglement and multifractality
  • Deviations from ergodicity in quantum many-body systems
  • Interplay of correlations and localization in long-range disordered systems
  • Quantum dynamics of superconducting topological systems: Higgs modes and braiding of Majorana modes
  • Correlation-induced localization in long-range disordered systems
  • Non-ergodic phases of matter
  • Relations between entanglement and multifractality
  • Correlation-induced localization in long-range disordered systems
  • Deviations from ergodicity in quantum many-body systems

Some additional keywords: Many-body localization, Anderson localization, multifractality, eigenstate thermalization hypothesis, entanglement entropy, fractal dimensions, weak ergodicity, induced superconductivity, Majorana fermions, Maxwell's Demon, Higgs modes, matrix-inversion trick, correlation-induced localization, translation-invariant hopping, Euclidean random matrices, Hilbert space blockade, super-ETH scaling, large deviation principle.

Dushko Kuzmanovski Guest Researcher

Matthew Lawson Guest Researcher

Olga Lekka Event organiser, web

Olga Lekka has been with the Nordita administration since 2018, and is event coordinator, graphical designer and web developer.

Michael Liberman Professor, Guest researcher

Michael (Mikhail - Misha) Liberman received his Ph.D. degree from the P. Lebedev Institute of General Physics in 1971 for (Symmetry groups in quantum theory) and his Dr. Sc. in theoretical physics from the A. Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics in 1981. In 1970 he joined the theoretical department at the P. Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems, Moscow. His many years association with Ya. B. Zeldovich during his life in Moscow was of particular importance. In has become a professor at the University of Uppsala. Misha Liberman made fundamental contributions to diverse fields of physic, including physics of shock wave (Physics of Shock Waves in Gases and Plasmas, Springer-Verlag, 1985 (with A. Velikovich), plasma physics (Physics of High-Density Z-pinch Plasmas, Springer-Verlag, 1998 (with J.DeGroot, A.Toor, R.Spielman), combustion theory including thermonuclear supernovae combustion, and Bose-Einstein condensate of excitons. He is best known as one of the world's leading scientists in combustion theory. Liberman's major contributions in combustion theory include a comprehensive theory of dynamics and stability of laminar flame and fractal structure of spherically expanding flames; interaction of flames with acoustic and shock waves, a nonlinear equation for a nonperturbative description of curved premixed flame. He is a fellow of American Physical Society: "For outstanding contributions ranging from laboratory plasma experiments to astrophysical phenomena, particularly in the areas of shock waves, Z-pinches, flame stability, and laser produced plasmas" and a honorary professor at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

In the last years his main current research interests are the origin and mechanisms of dust explosions and deflagration-to-detonation transition, clustering of particles in a turbulent flow, coherent 2D electron-hole systems and Bose-Einstein condensation of 2D excitons.

Soon Hoe Lim WINQ Assistant Professor

Nelson Loyola Web

Alan Luther Nordita Professor Emeritus

Andrea Maiani Nordita Postdoc

Jakob Mannstadt Masters Student

Olli Mansikkamäki Nordita Postdoc

Lars Mattsson Assistant Professor

Lars Mattsson received his PhD in 2009 from Uppsala University, under the supervision of Susanne Höfner, and later (in 2010) he joined the Dark Cosmology Centre at the Niels Bohr Institute, where he stayed for three years working in close collaboration with Anja C. Andersen.

His main scientific interest is cosmic dust and his previous research has largely been about simulating dust formation together with dust-driven winds from carbon stars, and various aspects of the build-up of dust and related key-elements in galaxies. He joined the astrophysics group at Nordita in November 2013 as a postdoctoral fellow (Nordita fellow) and will work on physical modelling of cosmic-dust processing.

Anastasios Mentesidis Event manager, web

Anastasios Mentesidis received his Masters degree in Civil Engineering from KTH – Royal Institute of Technology in 2015 and has been working at Nordita since then as a conference and workshop coordinator.

Anastasios speaks English and Greek.

Victor Mishnyakov Nordita Fellow

Dhrubaditya Mitra Nordita Assistant Professor

Dhrubaditya Mitra received his PhD from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore India in the year 2005. He spent two years in Observatoire de Nice and three more years in Queen Mary College, University of London as postdoc. He started as an assistant professor at Nordita in 2010.

His principal field of research is astrophysics with particular interest in astrophysical dynamos, but his research interests are widespread. He is interested in the general field of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and turbulence including magneto-hydrodynamic turbulence and complex fluids.

In Nordita he works in the group of Axel Brandenburg. He also collaborates with groups in Linné Flow Center in KTH. Outside sweden, he has collaborations with Observatoire de Nice and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

Hans v. Zur‑Mühlen Web and computing

Hans von Zur-Mühlen received his Masters degree in Physics from Stockholm University in 1985 and was employed as a teacher at the Physics Department until 2008. Between 2001 and 2008 he also worked in the AlbaNova administration. He has been with Nordita since 2007, working mainly as technical support and webmaster but earlier also with event management.

Hans speaks Swedish, English and German.

Emina Muratspahic Financial Officer

Florian Niedermann Nordita Assistant Professor

Florian Niedermann received his PhD from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in 2016. He then held a postdoc position at the University of Nottingham until 2018 and one at the Centre for Cosmology and Particle Physics Phenomenology in Denmark until 2020. He joined Nordita in the same year as a fellow in cosmology before he became a Nordita Assistant Professor in 2022 after winning a starting grant from the Swedish Research Council.

Florian’s research interest sits at the crossroads between particle physics and cosmology. In his past research, he explored the phenomenology and theoretical consistency of braneworld models, which describe our Universe as a hypersurface in a higher dimensional spacetime. He also worked on gravitational approaches to address the cosmological constant or electroweak hierarchy problem and employed effective field theories for dark energy model building. Most recently, he has been interested in low-energy phase transitions that take place in the dark sector during the CMB epoch. They constitute a phenomenologically promising framework to address recently found tensions in cosmological data sets while providing a theoretically consistent playground to address particle physics challenges such as the neutrino mass generation or the origin of the dark sector. At the same time, their unique signatures can be searched for in collider experiments, the CMB power spectra, the large-scale structure of our Universe and gravitational waves.

Currently, Florian has active collaborations with scientists in Stockholm, Denmark (Odense and Aarhus), Nottingham, and Munich.

Antti Niemi Nordita Professor

Antti Niemi received his PhD from MIT in 1983. He then moved to the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and in 1985 he became Assistant Professor at the Ohio State University and Visiting Professor at UC Berkeley. In 1988 he moved to CERN Theory Division. In 1989 he started as Group Leader at Research Institute for Theoretical Physics at Helsinki University, and in 1990 as the Founding Director of Institute of Particle Physics at Aalto University; both are now part of Helsinki Institute of Physics. Since 1992 he has been Chaired Professor of theoretical physics at Uppsala University, since 2005 he has been Directeur de Recherche (DR1) at CNRS, and since 2017 he has been at Nordita. He has also held several visiting professorships including Brazil, Canada, Finland, Russia and China, where he advises PhD students in Tianjin and Beijing, and in Shanghai he is a Founding Member of the Wilczek Quantum Center.

Antti worked several years on quantum field and string theory. He extended the Parisi-Sourlas supersymmetry, invented the parity anomaly, applied topological techniques to fermion fractionization, developed diagrammatic rules for relativistic finite temperature quantum field theories and pioneered the use of path integral localization in quantum field theory. In a long and extended collaboration with Ludvig Faddeev he introduced the concept of knotted solitons, and field decomposition techniques in Yang-Mills theories. Subsequently his interests moved to biological physics where he develops geometrical and topological methods with applications to protein folding and dynamics. His present interests include also time crystals and their potential use from magnetic materials and cold atom Bose-Einstein condensates to models of molecular motors.

Antti coordinates the activities of Frank Wilczek's research group at Stockholm University, including the organization of the Quantum Connections series of workshops and summer schools. Antti has received the Outstanding Junior Investigator grant of DOE, the Goran Gustafsson Prize of KVA, and both the Changjiang and Thousand Talent awards in China. He is a Managing Editor of Reviews in Mathematical Physics, a Director of the Brahe Foundation, and a foreign member of the Kungliga Vetenskapssocieten in Sweden and Finska Vetenskaps-Societen.

Niels Obers Professor, Guest Researcher

Vikash Pandey Nordita Postdoc

Avinash Pathapati Computer Scientist, PhD Student

Pijush Patra Nordita Postdoc

Rick Perche Nordita Postdoc

Christopher Pethick Nordita Professor emeritus

Christopher Pethick was brought up in England, and was educated at the University of Oxford, where he received his B.A. degree in 1962, and his D.Phil. degree in 1965 for work on liquid helium 4 under the supervision of Dirk ter Haar. In 1965 he became a Fellow by Examination (research fellow) at Magdalen College, Oxford. In 1966, he became a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Illinois, and after spending the academic year 1969-1970 in Oxford and at Nordita, he joined the faculty at Illinois as an associate professor, becoming full professor there in 1973. Also in 1973 he became Professor of Physics at Nordita, while maintaining his strong connections with the University of Illinois. During the academic year 1973-1974 he was a visiting professor at the Landau Institute in Moscow and at Nordita, and for the calendar year 1995 he was a visiting professor at the Institute for Nuclear Theory in Seattle. He was director of Nordita from 1989-1994.

He was a founding Board member of ECT* (the European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas in Trento) (1992-1997), a member of the National Advisory Committee of the Institute for Nuclear Theory and Seattle (1997-1999), an Associate Editor of Reviews of Modern Physics (1997-1999), and a member of the Editorial Board of Physical Review A (2004-2010).

He has contributed to diverse fields of physics, especially the properties of quantum liquids, both normal and superfluid, and the properties of dense matter and neutron stars. In 2008 he, together with Gordon Baym and Jason Ho, received the Lars Onsager Prize of the American Physical Society for his work on quantum liquids and in 2011 he received the Society's Hans Bethe Prize for work in nuclear physics and astrophysics. He is a foreign member of the The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters and of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, a Foreign Honorary Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a member of the American Philosophical Society, and a Fellow of the American Physical Society.

His main current research interests are in ultracold atomic gases and in dense matter in collapsing stars and in neutron stars.

Alexandre Petrov Guest Researcher

Judit Prat Martí Nordita Fellow

Jason Pye Nordita Postdoc

Sofia Qvarfort Nordita Assistant Professor

Henri Riihimäki WINQ Fellow

Milton Rios Gramdez Building Caretaker

Ronnie Rodgers Nordita Postdoc

Ronnie Rodgers received his PhD from the University of Southampton in 2019. He was then a postdoctoral researcher at Utrecht University for two years. Since 2021 he has been a postdoc at Nordita.

Ronnie is interested in the AdS/CFT correspondence, also known as holography, and its applications to strongly-correlated condensed matter systems and quantum field theories with defects. He has particular interests in the holographic modelling of topological materials such as Weyl semimetals.

Igor Rogachevskii Professor, Guest researcher

Michael Sannerstedt Master's Student

Sebastian Schlösser PhD Student

Jacopo Sisti Guest Researcher

Martin Sloth Professor at U. of Southern Denmark, Nordita Corresponding fellow

Isak Stomberg Visiting PhD Student

Hanlin Sun WINQ Fellow

Watse Sybesma Nordita Assistant Professor

Poula Tadros Visiting PhD Student

Patrik Tengnér Masters student intern

Alexander Tyner Nordita Fellow

Roope Uola WINQ Assistant Professor

Ingrid Vazquez‑Holm Guest researcher

Alexandra Veledina Assistant Professor at U. of Turku, Nordita Corresponding Fellow

Alexandra Veledina got her PhD from the University of Oulu, Finland, in 2014. She made a short postdoc at the University of Turku before moving to Stockholm as Nordita fellow in 2016. Since September 2017, she is Nordic assistant professor on a joint appointment with the University of Turku, Finland.

Her research is in the field of radiative processes in nearly-Maxwellian relativistic plasmas. In particular, her works are concentrated on modeling spectral and temporal characteristics of accreting compact objects such as black holes and neutron stars. She developed an accretion flow model capable of explaining many enigmatic multiwavelength observations obtained recently: correlated fast optical and X-ray variability, quasi-periodic oscillations and strong non-thermal infrared/optical flares. Her works raised attention to the importance of combining spectral and timing techniques.

Alexandra continues to work with astrophysical accretion flows, now paying more attention to the flow microphysics, rather than the observed characteristics. She plans to develop an MHD code capable of describing dynamics of accretion flow with non-Maxwellian electrons, relevant to black hole accretion environment.

Beatriz Villarroel Nordita Assistant Professor

Dmytro Volin Nordic Assistant Professor

Dmytro Volin received his PhD from the Université Paris-Sud XI in September 2009. His thesis was conducted and supervised at the Institut de Physique Théorique, Saclay. From October 2009 till October 2011 he had a postdoctoral position at the Pennsylvania State Univeristy, then he moved to Sweden to join Nordita for his second postdoc.

Dmytro's main interests are strongly interacting field theories and integrable systems, with emphasis on the integrability in AdS/CFT. In his works, he contributed to the solution of the AdS/CFT spectral problem, in particular to the solution of crossing equations and to a pioneer derivation of an AdS/CFT analog of Destri-de Vega equations. At present he is working on the bootstrap program for integrable systems at finite volume. This is in line with one of his long-term goals: to understand microscopic mechanisms behind the AdS/CFT duality, in N=4 SYM and beyond, without direct appeal to string theory.

Currently he has several active collaborations with scientists from France, Belgium, UK and USA. Dmytro is teaching an advanced online course on quantum integrability.

Moritz Walden Guest PhD Student

Benjamin Wallisch Guest Researcher

John Wettlaufer Nordita Professor

John S. Wettlaufer is the A.M. Bateman Professor of Geophysics, Physics and Applied Mathematics at Yale University. His training is in the statistical physics of phase transitions but over the years it has branched out substantially across many disciplines in soft condensed matter physics and applied mathematics with impinging upon biophysics, geophysics and most recently, due to his time here previously, astrophysics.

His stay at Nordita in the fall of 2011 is supported by the Wenner-Gren Foundation, and he has been awarded the Tage Erlander Guest Professorship for 2012. The holder of this chair is appointed by invitation from the Swedish Research Council.

John will be working on the stochastic dynamics generally with applications to abrupt changes in Arctic climate and in fluid dynamics generally. In the former case, the basic problem is one of predicting the future using imperfect and highly variable global climate computer models versus the questionable activity of extrapolating to the future using a 31 year time series of high resolution satellite data. This leaves a spate of possibilities for "simple" mathematical models, rigorous studies of the origin and nature of variability and periodicity, and a focus on the multiplicity of time scales embedded in the data, examined in the context of the singularity spectrum of multifractals. These approaches have an origin in the statistical mechanics of fluctuating systems with major insights originating in stochastic and numerical models of turbulence, dynamos and a wide variety of other systems. He hopes also to begin the process of incorporating the microphysical conditions for planetary accretion studied during his previous visit into the pencil code.

Sam Wikeley Guest Researcher

Frank Wilczek Nordita Affiliate Professor

Patrick Wong Nordita Postdoc

Ziqi Yan Nordita Assistant Professor

Ziqi Yan received his PhD from the University of California at Berkeley in 2017. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in 2017-2020 and then a Nordita Fellow in 2020-2022. Now, he is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellow at Nordita.

Ziqi is interested in quantum field theory and string theory. His recent research focuses on alternative nonrelativistic approaches to M-theory that unifies different string theories.

Elizabeth Yang Head of Administration

Elizabeth Yang has the overall responsibility for the daily operations, personnel management, coordination and division of labor. Member of the management team, participant at the board as well as any other decision-making bodies. She is also the main responsible for Human Resources at Nordita and takes care of everything that is related to employments.

Elizabeth is Nordita's liaison officer with the T. D. Lee Institute in Shanghai, China.

Elizabeth speaks Swedish, English and Mandarin.

Jing Yang WINQ Fellow

Tien‑Tien Yeh Nordita Postdoc

Hennadii Yerzhakov Nordita Fellow

Niccolò Zagli WINQ Fellow

Konstantin Zarembo Nordita Professor

Konstantin Zarembo received his PhD from the Steklov Mathematical Institute in Moscow in 1997. After postdoctoral position at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver in 2001 he moved to the Uppsala University as Assistant Professor. In 2008-2010 he hwas Directeur de Recherche de 2ème classe of CNRS at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. He became Professor at Nordita in 2010.

Konstantin's field of research is theoretical high-energy physics, with main interests in quantum field theory, string theory and integrable systems. During the last few years he has been working on the AdS/CFT correspondence, mainly on non-perturbative aspects of the relationship between gauge fields and strings, and on exact results in quantum field theory that can be obtained with the help of integrability. He pioneered the use of integrability and the Bethe ansatz in the AdS/CFT correspondence, which has led to new non-perturbative results in quantum field theory. He has also worked on various aspects of string theory, on statistical application of field theory, on color superconductivity and on matrix models.

Aleksandr Zheltukhin Professor, Guest researcher

Aleksandr Zheltukhin received his PhD in 1977 and his DSc in 1992 both at the Joint Institite for Nuclear Physcics in Dubna. In 1992-1994 he was Professor of Mathematics in Kharkov Technical University of Radioelectronics. He has a permanent position in Kharkov Institute for Physics and Technology of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, where he worked during 25 years in close collaboration with Prof. Dmitry Volkov in studying the theory of quantum fields and their symmetries.

The scientific activity of Aleksandr is in theory strings and branes, supersymmetry, gauge theory and general relativity. He contributed to solving the problem of spontaneous vacuum transitions in the Veneziano and Neveu-Schwartz dual models, hydrodynamical theory of spin waves in space-disordered media, high dimensional generalization of the Regge-Lund approach in string theory, constructing quantum theory of tensionless superstrings and supermembranes, dynamics of superparticles, solution of the problem of covariant division of constraints in the Hamiltonain mechanics of the Green-Schwartz superstring, supersymmetrization of the Feynman-Wheeler action-at-a-distance theory, development of twistor formulation of supersymmetric dynamics of particles and strings which explained mystery of the kappa-symmetry.

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