11 March - September 2024
University of Toulouse III, France
(Bachelor's student intern)
Supervisor: Fabio Costa
11 March - September 2024
University of Toulouse III, France
(Bachelor's student intern)
Supervisor: Jonas Larson
From 1 December 2023
Stockholm University, Sweden
(Bachelor's student intern)
Supervisor: Gui Franzmann
Spring - September 2023
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Supervisors: Konstantin Zarembo, Edwin Langmann
Master's thesis: Integrability and Thermodynamics of the Gross-Neveu Model [DiVA] (2023-09-29)
1 March 2023 - 16 June 2023
Stockholm University, Sweden
(Bachelor's student intern)
Supervisor: Axel Brandenburg
Bachelor's thesis: Turbulence and Shell Models of Helical and Non-Helical Chiral MHD (2023-06-16)
20 February 2023 -
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Supervisor: Benjamin Knorr
30 January 2023 - October 2023
Stockholm University, Sweden
Supervisor: Axel Brandenburg
Master's thesis: Electric energy during magnetogenesis from reheating (2023-10-13)
31 October 2022 - 15 June 2023
Stockholm University, Sweden
Supervisors: Francesco Coghi, Supriya Krishnamurti
Master's thesis: Adaptive random walks on graphs to sample rare events [DiVA] (2023-06-15)
1 October 2022 -
Stockholm University, Sweden
Supervisors: Ariel Goobar, Lars Mattsson
30 August 2022 - 19 June 2023
Stockholm University, Sweden
Supervisor: Guilherme Franzmann
Master's thesis: On quantum systems and the measurement problem [DiVA] (2023-06-19)
1 Februari 2022 - 15 June 2022
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Supervisors: Konstantin Zarembo, Edwin Langman
Master's thesis: Crosscap states in integrable spin chains [DiVA] (2022-06-15)
January 2022 - August 2022
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Supervisor: Guilherme Franzmann
Master's thesis: On the emergent relative distance between quantum systems [DiVA] (2022)
September 2021 - August 2022
Stockholm University, Sweden
Supervisor: Guilherme Franzmann
1 September 2021 - 9 June 2022
Stockholm University, Sweden
Supervisors: Konstantin Zarembo, Fawad Hassan
Master's thesis: Higgs Boson Decay to Two Photons: Probing the Standard Model [DiVA] (2022-06-09)
25 August 2020 - 1 October 2021
Stockholm University, Sweden
Supervisor: Dhrubaditya Mitra
17 February - 7 August 2020
University of Trieste
Supervisors: Erik Aurell, Hongli Zeng
Master's thesis: Statistical Genetics and DCA Inference Beyond the Quasi-Linkage Equilibrium (2020-09-21)
1 January - 30 June 2020
Stockholm University, Sweden
(Bachelor's student intern)
Supervisors: Woosok Moon, John Wettlaufer
1 October 2019 - 15 July 2020
ENS, France
Supervisor: Mattia Bulla
Master's thesis: Ratiative Transfer Code for Kilonova Modelling (2020-07-15)
23 September - 20 December 2019, and 26 February - 31 May 2020
University of Barcelona, Spain
Supervisor: Dhruba Mitra
2 September 2019 -
Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Kosice, Slovakia
Supervisor: Axel Brandenburg
Master's thesis: The effect of a dynamo-generated field on the Parker wind [DiVA]
1 August - 30 September 2019
Bielefeld University, Germany
Supervisor: Ralf Eichhorn
10 June - 9 August 2019
Yale University, USA
(Bachelor's student intern)
Supervisor: John Wettlaufer
20 March - 15 June 2019
Stockholm University, Sweden
(Bachelor's student intern)
Supervisors: Guðlaugur Jóhannesson, Axel Brandenburg
Bachelor's thesis: No sign of a left-handedness in GeV photon arrival directions [DiVA]
6 February - 5 May 2019
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
(Bachelor's student intern)
Supervisor: Dhrubadithya Mitra
25 April - 25 June 2018
University of Paris Saclay
Supervisor: Dhrubaditya Mitra
Master's thesis: Study of clustering of grains in inter-stellar dust cloud
12 February 2018 - 19 January 2019
Stockholm University, Sweden
Supervisor: Dhrubaditya Mitra
Master's thesis: Gone With the Headwind. Characterizing Erosion Using Lattice-Boltzmann Method, and its Implications in planet formation [DiVA]
7 January - 11 May 2018
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Supervisor: Johan Hellsvik
Master's thesis: Quantum Criticality in the Transverse Field Random Ising Model [DiVA]
1 November 2017 - 1 October 2018
Stockholm University, Sweden
Supervisor: Dhrubaditya Mitra
Master's thesis: A parallel framework for calculating 3D differential operations on CUDA GPUs in the context of computational fluid mechanics (2018-10-01)
1 October 2017 - 19 August 2019
Stockholm University, Sweden
Supervisors: Alexander Balatsky, Matthias Geilhufe, Johan Hellsvik, Eva Lindroth
Master's thesis: Machine Learning in Matter at Different Scales [[not in Diva DiVA]] (2019-08-19)
1 September 2017 - 24 May 2018
Stockholm University, Sweden
Supervisor: Alexander Balatsky
Master's thesis: Machine learning-guided design of electronic band structures for organic materials
1 September - 15 October 2017
Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences, India
Supervisor: Dhrubaditya Mitra
Stockholm University, Sweden
Supervisor: Ralf Eichhorn, Juha Honkonen, Thors Hans Hansson
Master's thesis: Critical behaviour of directed percolation process in the presence of compressible velocity field [DiVA]
4 October 2016 - 2 February 2018
Stockholm University, Sweden
Supervisor: Ralf Eichhorn
Master's thesis: Studies of Confined Brownian Motion using the Finite Difference Method
25 April - 29 July 2016
Université Paris-Sud, France
Supervisors: Ralf Eichhorn, Dhrubaditya Mitra, John Wettlaufer
Internship report: Application of Casimir Effect to Active Matter
12 April - 27 September 2017
Stockholm University, Sweden
Supervisors: Ralf Eichhorn, Dhrubaditya Mitra, John Wettlaufer
Master's thesis: Confined Brownian Motion. Fick-Jacobs Equation and Stochastic Thermodynamics [DiVA]
4 April - 11 November 2016
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Supervisors: Ralf Eichhorn, Dhrubaditya Mitra, John Wettlaufer
Internship report: Efficiency Fluctuations of the Gaussian Gyrator
27 April - 31 July 2015
ENSTA ParisTech, France
Supervisor: Axel Brandenburg
Internship report: Spontaneous magnetic flux concentrations beneath a radiative stellar surface
Supervisor: Michael Schliephake
Master's thesis: Turbulence on GPUs: a modular 3D finite-difference approach
until June 2015
Theoretical Physics Department, KTH
Supervisor: Edwin Langamann, Pawel Caputa
Master's thesis: Covariant Prescription of Holographic Entanglement Entropy in AdS3 and BTZ Black Hole [DiVA]
November 2012 - 27 May 2013
Stockholm University, Sweden
Supervisor: Axel Brandenburg
Master's thesis: Hydrodynamic simulations with a radiative surface [DiVA]
1 September 2013 - 20 May 2014
Stockholm University, Sweden
Supervisor: Ralf Eichhorn
Master's thesis: Partcile Diffusion in Periodic Obstacle Arrays
23 October - 31 December 2011
Stockholm University, Sweden
Supervisor: Erik Aurell, Ralf Eichhorn
Internship report: Optimal Stochastic Transport
22 August 2011 - 16 January 2012
University of Utrecht, the Netherlands
Supervisor: Eddy Ardonne
31 July 2011 - 15 January 2012
Bielefeld University, Germany
Supervisor: Ralf Eichhorn
Internship report: [no title]
2 February - 31 July 2010
École Polytechnique, France
Supervisor: Axel Brandenburg
Internship report: Magneto-rotational instability and accretion discs: Numerical study of the turbulence and influence of the boundary conditions
28 May - 13 June 2009
École Polytechnique, France
Supervisor: Axel Brandenburg
Internship report: Shear-driven long-lived turbulence from magnetic buoyancy
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