See photos from Nordita



Caio Botello Naves

Caio Botello Naves

October 2023 --

Stockholm University, Sweden

Supervisors: Jonas Larson, Sofia Qvarfort


Joris Schaltegger

Joris Schaltegger

Fall 2020 -

KTH Royal Insitute of Technology, Sweden

Supervisors: Alexander Balatsky, Oscar Tjernberg

Yutong He

Yutong He

September 2020 - June 2024

Stockholm University, Sweden

Supervisors: Axel Brandenburg, Garrelt Mellema, David Marsh

Licentiate thesis: Gravitational Waves from Primordial Magnetic Sources [DiVA] (2022-12-16)

Doctoral thesis: Cosmological gravitational waves and their interaction with large-scale magnetic fields [DiVA] (2024-06-04)

Filip Edström

Filip Edström

March - October 2020

KTH Royal Insitute of Technology, Sweden

Supervisors: Alexander Balatsky, Oscar Tjernberg


Simon Ekhammar

Simon Ekhammar

August 2019 -

Uppsala University, Sweden

Supervisor: Dmytro Volin

Ludovico Giorgini

Ludovico Giorgini

March 2019 - November 2023

Stockholm University, Sweden

Supervisors: John Wettlaufer, Woosok Moon

Licentiate thesis: A Serendipitous Journey through Stochastic Processes (2021-09-21)

Doctoral thesis: A Serendipitous Journey through Stochastic Processes [DiVA] (2023-11-17)

Carlos Ortega Taberner

Carlos Ortega Taberner

January 2019 - January 2023

Stockholm University, Sweden

Supervisor: Maria Hermanns

Licentiate thesis: Entanglement spectrum and the bulk polarization [DiVA] (2020-11-27)

Doctoral thesis: Topology off the beaten path: From critical to non-Hermitian systems [DiVA] (2023-01-25)


Bart Olsthoorn

Bart Olsthoorn

May 2018 - March 2023

KTH Royal Insitute of Technology, Sweden

Supervisors: Alexander Balatsky, Jens H. Bardarson

Doctoral thesis: Homology and Machine Learning for Materials Informatics [DiVA] (2023-03-24)

Vipin Agrawal

Vipin Agrawal

January 2018 - December 2022

Stockholm University, Sweden

Supervisors: Dhrubaditya Mitra, Supriya Krishnamurthy

Licentiate thesis: Chaotic dynamics of an elastic filament in periodically driven Stokes flow (2021-12-07)

Doctoral thesis: Shells and filament in flows [DiVA] (2022-12-02)


Anthony Bonfils

Anthony Bonfils

August 2017 - May 2023

Stockholm University, Sweden

Supervisor: John Wettlaufer, Woosok Moon, Dhruba Mitra

Licentiate thesis: The Growth of Waves by Wind as a Problem in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics [DiVA] (2020-03-17)

Doctoral thesis: Waves and instabilities through the lens of asymptotic analysis [DiVA] (2023-05-26)


Severin Sjømark

Severin Sjømark

September 2016 - January 2017

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Supervisor: Alexander Balatsky


Erik Widén

Erik Widén

March 2015 - April 2019

Uppsala University, Sweden

Supervisor: Konstantin Zarembo

Licentiate thesis:

Doctoral thesis: Exact Results in Supersymmetric Field Theories. A Dissertation of the Defect and Deformed [DiVA] (2019-04-02)


Xiang-Yu Li

Xiang-Yu Li

September 2014 - September 2018

Stockholm University, Sweden

Supervisor: Axel Brandenburg

Licentiate thesis: Numerical Approaches to Droplet Growth in Atmospheric Turbulence [DiVA] (2016)

Doctoral thesis: Droplet Growth in Atmospheric Turbulence: A direct numerical simulation study [DiVA] (2018-09-21)

Saikat Banerjee

Saikat Banerjee

September 2014 - June 2018

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Supervisor: Alexander Balatsky

Licentiate thesis:

Doctoral thesis: Interacting Dirac Matter [DiVA] (2018-06-13)

Daniel Medina Rincon

Daniel Medina Rincon

October 2014 - June 2018

Uppsala University, Sweden

Supervisor: Konstantin Zarembo

Licentiate thesis:

Doctoral thesis: Holographic Wilson Loops: Quantum String Corrections [DiVA] (2018-06-13)


Illa Rivero Losada

Illa Rivero Losada

January 2013 - January 2019

Stockholm University, Sweden

Supervisor: Axel Brandenburg

Licentiate thesis: Effects of Rotation and Stratification on Magnetic Flux Concentrations [DiVA] (2014-12-05)

Doctoral thesis: Formation of Solar Bipolar Regions. Magnetic Flux Concentrations from Suction of the Negative Effective Magnetic Pressure Instability [DiVA] (2019-01-08)

Raffaele Marino

Raffaele Marino

June 2013 - June 2017

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Supervisor: Erik Aurell, Ralf Eichhorn

Licentiate thesis:

Doctoral thesis: Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Translational and Rotational Diffusion Processes Driven out of Equilibrium [DiVA] (2017-06-15)

Xinyi Chen Lin

Xinyi Chen Lin

September 2013 - September 2017

Uppsala University, Sweden

Supervisor: Konstantin Zarembo

Licentiate thesis:

Doctoral thesis: Non-Conformal Gauge/String Duality: A rigorous case study [DiVA] (2017-09-04)


Sarah Jabbari

Sarah Jabbari

September 2012 - May 2016

Stockholm University, Sweden

Supervisor: Axel Brandenburg

Licentiate thesis: Origin of solar surface activity and sunspots [DiVA] (2014-05-19)

Doctoral thesis: Origin of Solar Surface Activity and Sunspots [DiVA] (2016-05-20)

Babak Majidzadeh Garjani

Babak Majidzadeh Garjani

January 2012 - June 2017

Stockholm University, Sweden

Supervisor: Eddy Ardonne

Licentiate thesis: On the Rank of the Reduced Operator for the Laughlin State and Symmetric Polynomials [DiVA] (2015-05-29)

Doctoral thesis: On Aspects of Anyons and Quantum Graphs [DiVA] (2017-06-13)


Fernanda Pinheiro

Fernanda Pinheiro

2010 - May 2015

Stockholm University, Sweden

Supervisor: Jani-Pettri Martikainen, Jonas Larson

Licentiate thesis: From Weakly to Strongly Correlated Physics of Bosons in the p Band (2013-08)

Doctoral thesis: Multi-Species Systems in Optical Lattices: From orbital physics in excited bands to effects of disorder [DiVA] (2015-05-22)


Jörn Warnecke

Jörn Warnecke

August 2009 - May 2013

Stockholm University, Sweden

Supervisor: Axel Brandenburg

Licentiate thesis: Flux Emergence: Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections Driven by Dynamo Action Underneath the Solar Surface [DiVA] (2011-05-06)

Doctoral thesis: Combining Models of Coronal Mass Ejections and Solar Dynamos [DiVA] (2013-05-31)

Koen Kemel

Koen Kemel

February 2009 - October 2012

Stockholm University, Sweden

Supervisor: Axel Brandenburg

Licentiate thesis: Mean-Field Theory in Magneto-Hydrodynamics and the Generation of Magnetic Flux Connections

Doctoral thesis: From Mean-Field Hydromagnetics to Solar Magnetic Flux Concentrations [DiVA] (2012-10-26)

Fabio Del Sordo

Fabio Del Sordo

February 2009 - November 2012

Stockholm University, Sweden

Supervisor: Axel Brandenburg

Licentiate thesis: Generation of Magnetic Fields on Galactic Scales [DiVA] (2011-02-09)

Doctoral thesis: From Irrotational Flows to Turbulent Dynamos [DiVA] (2012-11-14)

Simon Candelaresi

Simon Candelaresi

February 2009 - December 2012

Stockholm University, Sweden

Supervisor: Axel Brandenburg

Licentiate thesis: Magnetic Helicity Fluxes and their Effects in Dynamo Theory

Doctoral thesis: Magnetic Helicity in Astrophysical Dynamos [DiVA] (2012-12-07)


Tobias Zingg

Tobias Zingg

October 2008 - September 2011

University of Iceland, Iceland

Supervisor: Lárus Thorlacius

Doctoral thesis: Holographic Models for Condensed Matter

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