The visiting PhD student program at Nordita, the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, is open for applications.
The aim of the program is intended to offer selected PhD students the opportunity to spend time at Nordita and take advantage of the research environment and ongoing scientific activities at the institute and the AlbaNova University Center in Stockholm.
This can, in particular, include collaboration on research projects with Nordita academic staff and participation in Nordita Scientific Programs in areas of interest to the students, but should also be viewed as an opportunity to broaden their general knowledge, go beyond the topic of their PhD thesis, and to interact with researchers working in diverse areas of modern theoretical physics.
Visiting PhD fellows may also be interested in taking PhD-level courses offered at the Universities in Stockholm and Uppsala area.
Amount of support
The visiting PhD fellowship covers 1-2 months of the accommodation in Stockholm as well as travel expenses up to 4000 SEK. Salary, fellowship or per diem are not provided. The applicants are encouraged to seek for extra external co-funding in order to extend their visit.
Application deadlines
Applications are evaluated twice a year, with the submission deadlines
- 10th of May for the visits planned for following July – December, with the decisions announced around the 1st of June.
- 10th of November for the visits planned for following January – July, with the decisions announced around the 1st of December.
The applicant must be registered elsewhere as a PhD student in one of the research areas covered by Nordita. The fellowship must be hosted by a Nordita academic staff at faculty or Postdoc level. The topic of the project should be discussed with the tentative host from Nordita and go beyond the current topic of the PhD thesis in order to broaden the scope of the student. The co-hosting by an external faculty from the greater Stockholm area is encouraged but not required.
The application is prepared jointly by the PhD applicant and the Nordita host (external co-host). Please make sure to contact your hosts well in advance and discuss the prospective research plan.
The application should contain the following documents:
Prepared and sent by the applicant:
- CV of the applicant, including
- applicant's name and e-mail
- applicant’s home institute
- start and prospective end dates and topic of applicant’s PhD thesis
- name and e-mail of all applicant’s thesis advisors
- name, institute and e-mail of one referee (if other than the thesis advisor)
- list of publications
- A one-page description of the specific research problem to be addressed during the visit to Nordita, agreed with the host and co-host (reference list is not counted toward the one-page limit).
Prepared and sent by the host at Nordita:
- Motivational letter (preferably based on the following template [Word] [PDF]), including
- name of the Nordita host and, optional, external co-host
- prospective dates of the visit (1-2 months)
- possibility of additional co-funding to extend the duration of the visit
- a brief description of the benefits of the visit, for applicant, and prospective links to other Swedish universities.
Prepared and sent by the applicants' PhD supervisor, or another referee:
- Approval letter for the visit of Nordita (preferably based on the following template).
Prepared and sent by the co-host from the Stockholm and Uppsala area (optional):
- Motivational letter (preferably based on the following template [Word] [PDF]), stating their interest in co-hosting the applicant
All the application materials and the reference letters must be submitted via e-mail to, stating clearly the name of the applicant.
Further Information
If you have any questions, or need help in selecting a Nordita host, please contact the coordinators of the program at
We have two types of postdoc positions at Nordita.
The first kind, "Nordita fellows positions", are announced once a year with a deadline in November-December and start date the following autumn. Nordita fellows can pursue their research quite independently of our existing research groups, even though of course there is a lot of collaboration. There are typically 5-6 positions per year, all for two years.
Then we have "Nordita postdoc positions" announced within a particular project, typically connected with a grant. These postdocs are hired to work on that particular subject together with the other researchers in the corresponding group. The number of announced positions of this type is irregular, and depends on the ability of our senior staff to secure grants. The duration is typically two years but can vary, and start dates may also vary.
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