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Videos from Events

Advances in Theoretical Cosmology in Light of Data


3—28 July 2017

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Dark Matter Distribution in the Era of Gaia


10 October — 4 November 2016

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Amplitudes 2016


4—8 July 2016

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Hawking Radiation


24—28 August 2015

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Extended Theories of Gravity


2—20 March 2015

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The 2nd Nordita Workshop for Science Writers


27—29 August 2014

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Nordita School on Integrability


4—12 August 2014

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The Holographic Way: String Theory, Gauge Theory and Black Holes


1—26 October 2012

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Astrophysics Code Comparision Workshop


6—10 August 2012

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Course in Lattice Boltzmann methods for simulation of complex phenomena across scales


15—18 May 2012

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Geometry of Strings and Fields


1 November — 3 December 2011

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The solar course, the chemic force, and the speeding change of water


17—21 October 2011

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School on Data Assimilation


26 April — 6 May 2011

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RädlerFest: Alpha Effect and Beyond


14—18 February 2011

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Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity


12—16 July 2010

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Origins of Homochirality


1—29 February 2008

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Presentations of Research at Nordita

Presentations of Research at Nordita

These videos either give a general overview of research at Nordita, the Nordic Institute of Theoretical Physics, or focus at the research of one Nordita scientist.

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Videos from Individual Talks

Nordita Seminars

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The AlbaNova and Nordita Colloquium

The AlbaNova and Nordita joint physics colloquium takes place on Thursdays in the Oskar Klein Auditorium at AlbaNova University Center in Stockholm, Sweden. For more recent video recordings of colloquiums, see

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The Oskar Klein Memorial Lectures

In honour of the memory of the Swedish theoretical physicist Oskar Klein, the Organizing Committee of Oskar Klein Memorial Lectures every year invites a distinguished researcher to give a Memorial Lecture and to receive the Klein medal. See for videos from all Klein lecturers and more information.

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