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Nordita services the Nordic and international theoretical physics community by organizing several different scientific events, complementing the in-house research.

Scientific Programs

Since the move to Stockholm in 2007, Nordita has placed increased emphasis on organizing scientific programs, where groups of experts within a specific area of research gather at Nordita to work together for extended periods. The international scientific community is invited to suggest programs. Proposals are evaluated by an external panel and decided on by the Nordita Board.

Workshops and Conferences

In addition to the scientific programs, Nordita runs several shorter workshops, conferences, and symposia each year, often in co-operation with outside organizers.

Advanced Schools

Nordita has a long tradition of organizing advanced level summer and winter schools aimed at graduate students and junior researchers. These schools often cover specialized areas and thus complement graduate courses available at the students' home institutions.


Nordita faculty have no teaching obligations, but several of them choose to give courses on various subjects in theoretical physics in collaboration with a nighbouring university.

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